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Everything posted by Rudynate

  1. Years ago, gay bars used to be very busy on Thanksgiving and Christmas and the bar would usually serve a holiday meal for patrons. Back then, there were so many guys who were alienated from their families and spending holidays alone that the bar owners stepped in to fill the void.
  2. Was it mysogynistic? I thought just the opposite - that he understood that women have challenges that men don't.
  3. Most are interested in meeting - it's how they make their living, after all.
  4. These are competitive bodybuilders - they don't have the baggage around food and eating that some others have. So what it's called isn't that important.
  5. Oh - I'm done. pinching myself with glee tho.
  6. Unicorn is gone!?!? Ding-dong the witch is dead!!!
  7. Who IS that handsome guy with the hairy muscled arms?
  8. I LIKE nice hotels - it's one of my guilty pleasures. I would like to stay at the Savoy, but I haven't romanticized it like I have Claridge's.
  9. Staying at Claridge's is one of my bucket list items.
  10. I used to love those Mossimo t-shrirts that they had at Target. The colors were great, the fit was nice and they only cost $9.00. One time, a woman made a snarky remark about my Target t-shirt, wanting to show me that I wasn' t fooling HER, with my Target T-shirts. I thought it was a kind of a cheap shot, but I didn't really care who knew that I bought t-shirts from Target.
  11. Germans have a corresponding holiday - Erntedankfest - typically in late September or early October. They don't get together and stuff themselves quite the way we do.
  12. We had a great day. Tried something new this year. We were a smaller crowd than usual, so I decided to do a turkey breast rather than a full turkey. I boned the turkey breast, applied a rub of kosher salt, rosemary and sage and roasted it at 400 for a little less than an hour - it was awesome!! I was concerned whether there would be enought drippings for gravy - but there was plenty for a nice rich full-flavored gravy.
  13. People are still complaining about egg shortages. I made a rare trip to the grocery store this afternoon. A dozen and a half Vital Farms pastured eggs was $12.00. Considering that a dozen cost that much a few months ago, it didn't seem horrible. We don't eat that many eggs. That 1.5 dozen would ordinarily last for weeks, but I'm going to make a mess of deviled eggs in a couple of weeks.
  14. Who ever thought she was French? I believe she was a clerical employee in the precursor agency to the CIA, serving in post-war France. Her husband worked for the same agency and that is how they met. Apparently, her government service qualified her for GI educational benefits, which she used to attend the famed French culinary school Le Cordon Bleu - an admirable job of boot-strapping, I would say.
  15. They really make me swoon. One of my gym buddies is a Samoan daddy covered with Samoan tattoos - the genuine article.
  16. I've been asked once. I wanted him to meet me in LV and it involved a longish drive for him so he said I would need to pay a deposit. I said "sure, how do you want to handle payment?" He decided he didn't need the deposit. I was there for a show - normally my husband helps me shave night before a show, but he hasn't been willing to travel since the pandemic, so I hired this muscleman to come and help me shave - It turned into a lot more than helping me shave. Great fun!! Those last couple days before a show, your appearance changes drastically and he said my my vacularity was changing even as he was shaving me.
  17. I have been doing online yoga classes from Lucas Rockwood (http://www.yogabody.com- astonished at what a short yoga session every day does for me.
  18. Yesterday, at Safeway, a 5# bag of red potatoes was 6.99 (bad enough), but loose red potatoes were also 6.99 - for a pound!!
  19. So strange - About a year ago, eggs were absurdly expensive for a brief time and sometimes the store would sell out. But quite a while ago, the prices went back to a little more than they had been and there didn't seem to be any shortage.
  20. Definitely miss Michael Vincenzo. He retired to pursue more conventional employment
  21. No clue what triggered it, but about 20 years ago, I spontaneously developed the ability to control my eating. If I felt like a pigout, I could do it and return to normal eating with no problem. I didn't have any difficulty with over-indulging at holidays. I starting pacing myself at meals so it would take me a half hour or so to eat. I wish I could share with people how I did it, but I really can't - any issues I had with food just sort of resolved.
  22. Sure - "walk away and forget it happened " doesn't mean never see each other again. Dad coming out to his son would ameliorate the whole situation.
  23. Agree completely. Everyone needs to walk away and forget it happened.
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