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Everything posted by Rudynate

  1. Oh come on. When I was a young child, people of my grandparent's generation used all kinds of old-fashioned words and expressions. We all understood them, we just didn't use them ourselves.
  2. Exactly. It also helps if you are "aging gracefully."
  3. Once in a while, but, as I said, I'm not usually actively looking. I don't hook up with them there; I don't go for public/anonymous sex.
  4. I run into them at the gym. I don't get out much, it's about my only venue for meeting new people. Since I'm partnered, I'm not usually actively looking, and, occasionally, surprising things happen. It helps to be approachable. I'm usually in a pretty good mood, and I always enjoy chatting with strangers, so that sort of helps things happen.
  5. I don't particularly look for companionship from an escort.
  6. That doesn't mean I have twenty-five year-olds chasing me non-stop. I am also invisible to most men under 40. It doesn't bother me though, and I don't know why not. I know that it bothers other men my age. Part of it is that I get my validation from other things. I have a fabulous partner who loves me deeply, I'm very skilled in a challenging profession, etc., etc. In my work, I also get to spend a lot of time with cute, smart young MBAs and engineers in the tech industry, and enjoy it thoroughly, but I don't have any desire to chase after them. Also, I've never been that interested in the very young. Most of my hires, for example are in their late 30s or early 40s.
  7. I used to think that younger men being attracted to older men was an urban myth. Now that I'm in my 60's, I can tell you that it is not. I also, in my 20's, used to wonder whether, when I got to be 50 or 60, if I would be attracted to men my own age. I'm very happy to find that I am. I LOVE other old guys, with the one qualification that they have to be fit old guys.
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