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Everything posted by Rudynate

  1. I suspect there's a market for that too.
  2. I love my investment adviser. He is straight but I feel completely comfortable with him. His office is in Millbrae, close to SFO. I will give you his name if you would like. PM me.
  3. A zero-overhead business - nothing better than that.
  4. Why would you adjust your rates for a Canadian market? If you are going there to work, and you lowered your rate to attract Canadians who were used to a lower rate, going to Canada to work wouldn't make much sense business-wise. Better to stay home in a market that will pay the rate you are accustomed to. OTOH if you were going to Canada mostly for pleasure and wanted to see a few clients to defray some of your travel cost, that would make sense.
  5. This probably sounds scandalously shallow, but I like spray tan. I just do it from time to time, mostly for fun. One time, I got a coat of spray tan before my husband and I left for a camping trip in the Sierras. We were getting some groceries in Nevada City and I had a bunch of straight women cruising me in the grocery store.
  6. As above, health care workers can be careless with terminology as well as the lay population.
  7. One time, I hired a guy in Vancouver. I paid in loonies and the exchange rate was extremely favorable to the US dollar. Since I was thinking in terms of exchange rates, it seemed to me like he was working for peanuts and I offered to pay more than his rate in loonies. He said no, that was fine. It didn't occur to me that he could care less about the exchange rate - that a loonie was a loonie and still had the same buying power, whatever the exchange rate was.
  8. I assume that when an escort or a masseur keeps coming back, it's becasue he found it worthwhile. "Worthwhile" can mean a lot of things - maybe he comes back because he "left his heart" in San Francisco. The point is that he said he would probably never come back and now visits regularly, so in one way or another, it seems to be working for him.
  9. I once saw a traveling masseur, I think he was from Florida - it was his first time in San Francisco and he was very disappointed - I was his only client. He said he probably wouldn't be back. Since then, he has started visiting here regularly and he always lets me know that he is coming. I can''t believe he would keep coming back if it wasn't worth his while.
  10. When I was in 11th grade - I had a mad crush on my English teacher. He was very sexy, in an unusual way. The girls swooned over him and I sat in my seat in English class trying to conceal a raging boner nearly every day. They gave the assignment of having to do a project on a 20th century American author - we got to choose the author. Of course, half the kids wanted to do Steinbeck and the other half wanted to do Hemingway. I was going to do Steinbeck, but the teacher said he wanted me to do a particular author - Sherwood Anderson. His best known work is a book of short stories about people in a fictional town called Winesburg, Ohio and that was the book's title. He told me to start with that book. In this book, there was a story about a teacher, who had fluttery, expressive hands that made all the men in town nervous. He ended up getting run out of town after one of his male students developed a mad crush on him. The boy was so lovesick that he began telling people about his fantasies, and, because they were uncomfortable with him anyway, they believed that the teacher was actually doing improper things with his students. I didn't think a thing of it at the time, but many years later, it suddenly dawned on me that he had known how in lust I was with him.
  11. I think people are careless in their use of the term "exposed." To me, "exposed" does not mean "infected." An exposure means you came in contact with someone who was infected, but it doesn't necessarily mean you were infected. I'm sure I was exposed many times, but I don't think I was ever infected.
  12. No, I haven't had it either. In June 2020, when availability of COVID tests was sketchy, I had an antibody test that was negative. I think I have had three COVID tests, all negative and I have had 5 or 6 self-administered antigen tests, all negative. I've had a full complement of vaccinations and boosters, so I imagine an antibody test would be positive.
  13. I had a guy host me once in a seedy travelodge. Just because it was him, I didn’t mind-much.
  14. There are actually a few of these vendors now.
  15. I'm not into overnights and I like afternoon appointments, plus I like nice surroundings. I like to get a day rate at a nice place downtown or in the financial district. I have also noticed that the rates at airport properties are lower so I think the Westin or the Hyatt at the airport would be nice.
  16. I'm wondering what is up with all these gorgeous young guys on hookup sites. I see them all the time on A4A. They are usually Asian, but not always. They always say they are new to the US and working in design and they do investing on the side. Then they ask me what I do for a living. When I tell them what I do, they always want to chat more, and they want to move the chat to google chat or Whatsapp. Ive been experimenting with their reaction when I tell them what I do for a living. One time, when he asked what I did for a living, I answered that I was a gardener, which was met with silence. Another time, I answered that I was a janitor, and he responded that I seemed to be good at guarding the door. Another time, I answered that I was out of a job just now and living in a homeless shelter and could he help me out. He answered "yes, what do you need?" Another time, when he asked if I had any investments, I said that I did but I didn't want to discuss them. Silence. Sometimes they post pictures of these palatial places where they are supposed to live. Are they different guys, all running the same scam, or is it one guy that's responsible for all of them? I get a lot of them. Do I fit some sort of profile or is this random? Are they targeting older guys? It's puzzling.
  17. Right - wait until I'm gone before you eliminate all traces of me.
  18. I like a luggage rack for that. I'm bummed when I stay at a place and they don't have a luggage rack in the room.
  19. Amen. Unless it wasn't a good experience, why wouldn't you want to sleep in sheets that still smelled like your man? When I was a very young man, I went home with an older guy. The next morning, as he was tidying up, he pulled the sheets off the bed. I was a little offended. He asked me over again several times, but the sheet thing bothered me, so I never went back.
  20. That's smart sales - selling them on the benefits rather than the features.
  21. They already know that they want/need it or they wouldn't be calling me. The deliverable is a patent application, one of the most difficult legal instruments there is to draft. I could tell them that it's a long, drawn-out administrative law process, and I could tell them how many degrees I have, how issued many patents I have secured for other clients and so on, but they don't care. They have the idea in their mind that applying for a patent is something like getting a driver's license, and I'm supposed to fix that for them somehow.
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