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Everything posted by Rudynate

  1. That's what trainers cost. Mine charges $100.00/session. You could reduce your outlay by hiring a coach instead of a trainer. With a coach, there isn't any face-to-face interaction. Your coach designs your training regimen and your diet and provides accountability. Coaching might cost you $200 - $300/month.
  2. Are you prepping for a photo shoot? Yessir, I would like to know what you're eating. The info would be much appreciated.
  3. No a re-feed isn't a cheat. A cheat is just that - when your coach tells you "go have a burger and fries tonight." A re-feed is when you increase your carbs 75 or 100 grams for a single day and then you go back to your previous regimen. And the additional carbs are just larger servings of allowed carbs. Cheats are important - they actually aren't "cheats." By taking a break every now and then, you are able to go back to your routine and stay on it. Also, sometimes, before a competition, you need a large infusion of calories to remedy a "flat" look and a burger and fries is just what the doctor ordered.
  4. Sure - during prep complex carbs are limited to oatmeal and jasmine rice and we do carb cycling. I know your diet is spot on - you couldn't look the way you do if it wasn't. I have loads of respect and admiration for you, Danny.
  5. My coach always said absolutely no dairy or sugar. They were the only forbidden items.
  6. Mainstream docs think that hormone replacement is simply measuring a guys total and or free Testosterone and writing a script. You will only get the kind of treatment Benjamin is describing by going to someone who specializes in hormone optimization.
  7. Wow - a no-limits mucscleman! I'd jump on him.
  8. As a matter of fact, I think I remember that there was at least one enormous truck stop.
  9. Guys generally use anavar to get lean and cut. They use other compounds for mass building.
  10. Farmington is at the junction of several major highways so there is an endless stream of tractor trailor trucks driving right through the middle of town at all hours of the day or night - it is hard to sleep because of the noise from the trucks and the odor of diesel fuel just hung in the air. Overnight accomodations were limited to Comfort Inn and such All that could be said about the restaurants is that they served food. We were mystified that a town could be such a wasteland and we drove around looking for a "there" there and could never find it. We loved Chaco Canyon, but we dreaded driving back to Farmington every night.
  11. I think Farmington NM is one of the worst places in the world. Some years ago, we went to Chaco Canyon, which turned out to be very remote. The closest place we found to stay was in Farmington, about 40 miles away. I thought Farmington was so awful that it would be a place to go if you didn't want to be found - nobody would imagine you would go to such an obnoxious place
  12. I had to take a corticosteroid for a full year. When you take them long-term they can cause all sorts of nasty side effects - including with your teeth and gums. Sure enough, about six months in, my gums started to be inflamed and only a few months ago, I developed a periodontal abscess. By the time the abscess developed, I had a already started tapering the steroid. I accelerated the steroid taper and doubled down on my oral hygiene - including the waterpik with warm salt water 2x daily. I finally got off the steroid a month ago and my teeth and gums are getting better gradually. If I have to, I will go to an endodontist, but I hope to avoid it.
  13. In the San Francisco Bay area, the weather is easy to tolerate most of the time - mild winters, cool summers. This summer, probably because of climate change, the weather was even more perfect - not much fog or wind - blue skies and perfect shirtsleeves weather all the time - Mark Twain would have loved it.
  14. "Oh, but it's a dry heat." When I lived in Colorado, it got so tiresome to hear that from tourists. Hot is hot - dry hot feels like you're in a hot oven.
  15. Before the pandemic, I always did self-check, now I order groceries online. I used to actually enjoy bagging my own groceries and I was very systematic about it. One time. one of the employees complimented me - she looked at my bags and said, "That's beautiful!"
  16. A hand on the shoulder or the arm, slight invasion of my body space. A little kiss in the right environment. Nothing more.
  17. Yes. The salmon was frozen, of course, but otherwise was very good. After a couple of orders, I started to feel guilty about all the styrofoam - there was a lot. So I asked them if there was a better alternative and they didn't respond. so I cancelled my subsrcription. As much as possible, I have drawn a line in the sand over single-use plastic.
  18. Alas - he doesn't list his rate. I'm going to ask him - he's a total stud - I'd love to have him massage me.
  19. Aww - poor pubic_assistance - getting grossed out like those nasty-nice gay men.
  20. What Im not understanding is why that's a surprise. After ART became available, there was a lot of speculation that HIV-infected indivinduals would age differently and that the degenerative diseases that people tend to get with aging would be more severe or would run their courses more quickly in people having HIV. AFAIK, this has turned out to be a non-issue. I have a POZ friend who is 92 - he does have severe peripheral neuropathy as a result of the anti-virals, but otherwise about as healthy as any 92-yo has any reason to expect. My husband is POZ and is healthy as an ox. He has been taking atorvastatin for years. Apparently, there is a potential for interaction between anti-virals and Crestor, so he has to take the Lipitor. But otherwise-he is a cornfed midwesterner with health to match.
  21. I use my trusty salad spinner that I have had for twenty years or more. I use a salad set to toss salad, but I wouldn't be grossed out to see someone tossing it with their hands. I would feel safe assuming that my host had washed his hands after taking a dump or any other unsavory activities. Even then - most "sanitary" measures are actually "aesthetic" measures.
  22. I never know what to think in cases like this where a guy's reviews are mostly positive, but one or two forum members report negative experiences with him.
  23. That is a HUGE generalization. I happen to have a thing for Bi and DL guys, but that is more about me than about them. In my mind, their appeal is that they are slightly exotic, but sex with them is no different than with gay guys - some great, some not so great. It is true that DL guys traveling on business with wives at home are extra hungry.
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