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Posts posted by caliguy

  1. Oh really what made you quit and lol I wanna try it just once lol since I Hurd it make ypu feel drunk

    Too hard to get as in safely. Last thing I want to do is buying it from some dealer not knowing what's in it.


    It used to actually be legal believe it or not. I actually would buy GHB at GNC back in the late 90s. They call it liquid ecstasy because it makes you feel like you're on it for a few hours. You could also buy speed there too. All my friends were addicted to that shit too. So you got all your party supplies legally and conveniently. Lol

  2. That’s true, and it’s not just “drug” drugs either. It’s anti depressants, stimulants, and anything else. Being on drugs isn’t just limited to street drugs or illegal narcs.


    I been seeing a guy who I recently found out takes aderall (however it’s spelled). Before that it was anti-depressants. The level of disorder and chaos in his home was so severe, it bordered on unsanitary living conditions. I been helping to get it looking like a home again, but I had a talk with him yesterday and will again later. However I have noticed improvements since he got off the anti-D’s


    And sadly yes, a lot of our men are on drugs or alcoholics. I think instead of saying, “well all my friends are gay and don’t do XYZ”, we all need to look at the issue as truth in the matter. And that’s not being judgemental: I know many successful gay men who PNP every once in awhile. “Weekend warriors” so to speak. But not everybody who does them has it together, or keeps it together. The majority of gay men who are on drugs are caught up in the lifestyle. And they’re so deep in, they can’t function without it.

    Adderall is just another form of meth. Only difference is that one is legal and the other illegal. That and the way you consume them. Yeah, I can always spot a tweakers place.


    I had those same friends that were doing it sparingly here and there. I thought gee there successful and I can do that too. Yeah, pigs flying is more realistic then me doing hard drugs in moderation. Lol

  3. I had an uncle with chronically bad breath. Not a smoker or garlic eater and his teeth seemed clean. My aunt told me he had something called tonsiliths or tonsil stones. Apparently food can get trapped in the tonsils and these chunks of foul smelling bacteria form. Not a pleasant experience I'm sure.



  4. my biggest concern is the EASE at which a guy like Reno claims to make that amount of money. what sort of education did he need to do that? what sort of extraordinary talent did he have to posses to attain that? the people i know that make that sort of money are beyond talented in their professions to make that sort of bank. not that i'm taking anything away from someone who is a go getter yet one more way our society is degrading into an abyss. dont know much, dont get a direct education (ie attorney, doctor, MBA, PhD), dont train hours upon hours and strain blood, sweat and tears as a superior athlete and you too can see how easy it is to make millions. just show up to this thing called life and the gravy train is all yours!

    I've seen his videos and they're boring IMO. All he does it flash his smile and they're eating out of his hand. One of them is trying on clothes. Another pole dancing. Another going to a cosmetic surgeon for botox. The boy just won the genetic lottery is all. There's no secret to his success.

  5. @caliguy what did you find insulting in my post? I had enough of assholes marking everything I post as insulting for no reason.

    "I have been criticised in this forum for saying it. There are not many good looking escorts"


    I don't think I've interacted with you but you seem to be very open to inviting negativity. That was just a gut reaction since I just can't imagine saying things like that. It just comes off as smug. Sorry if it offended you.

  6. https://rentmen.eu/lucaschampagne


    No debate, I find him hot and very attractive. But at his high rate I'd expect clear communication and a phone call. Noooooooo to both.


    In fact the older I'm getting the more I hate texting as my eyes are getting older faster than the rest of me. ??


    Am I unreasonable? Anyone meet him? I wonder if escort guys realize that some of us have vision issues?

    He's 24. Texting is all they know.

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