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Posts posted by caliguy


    You may be right about him possibly being burned out. He once told me he’d have an average of 500 unread messages on his phone.

    Ha. I'd be burned out with 50 of them. They'd have to do it on a assembly line basis. I just think after awhile it would suck the soul right out of you.

  2. Put yourself in his place. Maybe he's doing so well with porno, onlyfans and regulars that he's picky about who hires him. Time is limited in life and is up to him how to use it with certain clients or maybe he just doesn't have the stomach to see guys who are out of shape.


    Who would blame him!


    Don't we all have preferences?



    Oh i know. Supply and demand. More demand = less supply/more picky. Business 101. Nothing complicated about that.

  3. He screens all clients for looks and if he’s not into you he just doesn’t reply again.

    He sounds like a horrible person. Anyone who would just screen someone out over their looks is a very sick person in need of mental help. What's the world coming to.

  4. EDIT: I didn't read your post before commenting. My suggestions might not meet your preference.


    https://rentmen.eu/MichaelM - Very personable and insanely good looking. He has movie star looks and a cute cat. He lists himself as vers, but he's really a bottom.


    https://rentmen.eu/JustJustin - Very nice, and has a fun personality, on top of a sexy accent. He really knows how to build chemistry beforehand and make the session steamy. Again, he lists himself as vers but he's more of a bottom. As for the pictures, yes, they're accurate. That's him. Just note the height and weight. The pics make him seem like an adonis, but he's actually smaller in person. I also don't like the language in the profile because it makes him sound like a jerk, when he's a sweet person.


    https://rentmen.eu/Fitness/#platinum - I would recommend him if you're looking for a specific experience. He is a dominant top and likes to be in charge. However, he reciprocates and will start the session with a hot make-out session, then make you perform oral before dominating you. If that sounds agreeable to you, then look no further. The pics are real and his body is amazing.


    Finally, I don't like to stereotype or base things on anecdotal experiences, but remember that this is Los Angeles. LA is known for having a disproportionately high number of bottoms. If you see someone listed as "vers," they could be primarily a bottom. They'll top you, but it might not be smooth. It's not really an LA problem. This happens elsewhere. But I felt like LA in particular had a strange deficit in tops.

    I think he did star in some movies.


    Admin Note: No personal information.

  5. "Taking steroids made me do it" defense?


    The reviewer https://rentmen.eu/rgsmith created his profile in August of 2018 and right after being attacked by Russ he hired someone with very similar stats and looks. I'm not taking sides but even in this post #metoo era that wouldn't sell to most jurors.

    They're not muscular freaky but that kind of build is usually helped. Yes. Anyone who chases roid build is like the battered women that goes back to their abusing boyfriends. Spare me the outrage.


    I'm more concerned about his vanity moment of licking of the arm pitts (pic 28) in front of the freshly slaughtered pigs or lambs. It just seems weird and creepy. Lol

  6. I wonder how many of us were good looking at that age or at his current age?


    Considering he's 6'5 maybe some folks like me and taller would consider hiring him to feel short next to him. He's a tall cub and there's a market for that too.

    Also "shelf life" is just a meaningless ugly word. I guess if your obsessed with twinks it might but then why would anyone come here and post in the first place? I don't like him. He's just too old. Well, thanks for your input I guess. Lol


    Yes. There certainly is a market for a good looking and tall dominate guy as evidence above. I also think maturity is a preferred trait in this department. With myself included. ;)

  7. I have noticed that kind of attitude too... Some say they don’t fully take advantage of their fame escorting (not even selectively to big spenders or guys they “prescreened”) because of legal issues...

    I don’t buy it!

    I remember this recent thread. Kurtis was swearing up and down his BFF doesn't escort!! This was only promo. Well, guess he did behind his back. At least he's now saying twice a month for big spenders.



    I guess if Topher never had the stomach to escort 10 years he won't do it now but if might change. I don't understand guys who do porno but don't escort, specially considering unfortunately their career will in the future stop them from getting other jobs. I guess not everybody is cut off to escort even if he take Viagra! Just guys can't do it!

    I always get a kick out of the porn stars that look down on escorts. Umm..ok. You both get paid for sex. Yeah, except one has a camera filming it. I guess you could say the same of trophy wives/husbands too.


    Honestly it does seem weird but then why should anyone expect a porn star is going to be great in bed with you and not the hottie that he usually gets paid to be with. I think escorting is more the fall back position after the film work dries up.

  9. Christ. Comprehend. Read slow.

    No one said you said he had a rotten personality. My statement that began “generally speaking” simply posed a question per how “beautiful” one could possibly be if they had a rotten personality.


    But if you couldn’t gather that from a simple sentence then I also wouldn’t expect you to wrap your head around the fact that calling someone “short” in the context that @Poincare did is not an attack. I’m 5’8” (ish), if someone on the forum said I was short I wouldn’t think someone was attacking me. If someone said I was “less attractive in person,” while an opinion, it is not an attack. The person wouldn’t be saying I was ugly, but rather, my photos did not live up to their expectations. Again, an opinion but certainly not an attack. Why I am explaining this to someone likely twice my age, I do not know lol.

    Gee. Aren't you charming... You don't have to attack my intelligence and age to make a point. Btw. I'm not even twice your stated "RM age" so I'm not sure what that's all about. I'm totally fine with saying he has a rotten personality btw. Some commenters here as well. ;)

  10. Pointing out that someone is “short” and saying someone is “much less attractive in person” is HARDLY attacking. No one called the boy a gremlin.


    He is attractive, yes. But generally speaking, as I have not had the “pleasure” of meeting Topher, beauty equates to what when you have a rotten personality? Answer me this.

    I never said he didn't have a "rotten personality". However, pointing out someone is too short and not that attractive sounds like an attack to me.

  11. What has been said about him is not that he's smug, it's that he's self-centered and treats others with disrepect.


    As for your first point, it says more about you than you might intend. Rape is seriously unreported, especially when the rapist has a high profile and perceived influence over the victim's career. Most of the complaints about Topher are from lesser known/lesser established models/porn actors and the rapes are reported to have occurred when Topher was at his peak. Men especially are reluctant to report having been raped. And there is also the sense among many gay rape victims that their sexual identity will subject them to neglect or worse by law enforcement.


    Smug definition: having or showing an excessive pride in oneself or one's achievements. Didn't you just agree with me?


    Second, I've heard the accusers. The first one let him with one condition. Don't cum in me in which Topher went right ahead and did the opposite. At any rate it sounds more like angry regret. Then a few others came forward. Topher made me pull my pants down and show my ass on the dancefloor! It all just became a me too joke.

  12. He is an accused rapist....I saw him in a gay bar in Las Vegas...quite short...and much less attractive in person....a hard “no”.....so much better out there....but to answer you’re question...I’ve never heard that he escorts

    1. "Accused rapist" is meaningless if they didn't report it to the police. 2. Some here are pointing out that he's a smug douchebag. Attacking his looks is making you look like one as well.

  13. he’s also personally told me he doesn’t provide services to the general population ).

    he replied to me within 2 hours.....reply..."high demand plus very selective" it is 600 bucks.

    I guess he means exclusive to the population of high spenders.

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