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Posts posted by caliguy

  1. No one is saying that we shouldn’t support all small businesses.

    The fact remains, that even out of the small businesses, it’s the black small business that get the red tape from banks, bureaucratic BS with SBA set-aside designations and benefits, and even the relief efforts, proclaimed to be available by the govt.

    most small black owned businesses are not just small, but they are also disadvantaged (by regulatory definition) too, which require more patronage and support to survive.


  2. In the past, we've brought up escorts here who clearly state in their copy (or through email) that minorities aren't their thing.


    It's one thing to have a prejudice, but quite another to be stupid enough to not conceal it. There are multitude of ways for a working guy to nicely nix potentials without looking like a complete asshole.


    I support this idea of this thread, especially against those who are open and proud of their 'preferences'

    Once again preference is not racism anymore then me not being into women makes me a mysogonist.

  3. One of my favorite seconds in this clip is when Kramer is talking and he emphasizes that what he is talking about is the same thing that he has been saying about for the past decade. He says that he had said the same things in 1981 and the blond-headed guy flicks his eyes showing that he can't believe that it had been going on for that long. It is about 1:45-50 in the clip.

    Yeah I noticed that too.

  4. I would take that with a grain of salt. That same person using the word psycho, is also the same person who seems to find every 1 of my posts and rate it with a negative or neutral rating. But that same person never gave a good rating to any of the posts that other people have rated positively.



    That sounds familiar. Wklukas has been on a little tirade as of late rating all my posts with a ?. I guess it was payback for my negative rating above.


  5. Nobody is making them do it though. I don’t call them, they call me. If they had any real integrity about guilty feelings and abiding by the rules, they wouldn’t be online cruising for a bruising to begin with.


    But it once again it goes back to the general reason of why I’m tired. I didn't sign up to be a therapist or mental health analyst. They need to get their head straight before they contact me.


    And I wrote a letter to RENTMEN they need to start doing more instead of just collecting our money. Give providers a private portal to review and discuss bad clients, just like clients can do for us. Perhaps if an escort can see that 2 or 3 other providers negatively reviewed a client, they won’t be so quick to give extra “chance”. They get 1 time to do right, one slip up is all you get, if they even get a chance to book PERIOD.

    I would just take everything with a grain of salt till a few hours before. Set up a confirmation point. If the appointment was noon I'd say...lets touch base in the morning and see where were at. It's not foolproof but it makes it harder for them to flake out.


    Obviously if you don't hear anything back then fuck em. They were never serious. to begin with. Catch them before they screw up your day though.

  6. Even though I’ve mentioned about being content with the level of biz even during the times, another part of me is just on the verge of moving on. And now that the pandemic is loosening up, the bored and restless are coming out the woodwork.


    Despite the success of biz, I’m just disappointed at the fact that more and more, it feels like I’m dealing with a lot of unstable people day after day. I don’t know if it’s because I’m located in a hateful “Midwest” town, coupled with being located in a few upsetting towns have proven especially strenuous on my tolerance. It seems there’s only a few select cities in this country that I can say, really have a steady flow. I think that’s the problem, this business just isn’t going to be worth doing in a vastly majority of places. Sure, one can get a client in any city at any time, but what is it to just get booked once a week, and then have to fight to book it because people don’t prioritize their requests.


    To put it frank, I’m just tired of dealing with stupid people ALL WEEK LONG. The constant contacting for a session, and then failing to follow up and respond is beyond exhausting and childish. I’m dealing with grown men, well into their 40s and 50s doing this. It’s no excuse for it. No matter how professional and forgiving I try to be with these people, they have some kind of repression in their minds, which makes them behave that way.


    At this point, I just don’t know. It’s certainly not the frame of mind I want to be in for a holiday...but I’m just in that zone right now.

    You're not in a normal situation though. Just a bunch of last minute horny guys and the guilt of doing it during a pandemic. Flakes are the rule.

  7. I remember an escort who in 2005 posted an ad on the Washington Blade calling himself a Katrina survivor who recently moved from Nola to DC...


    Answering your question, we must assume he did have a regular job and therefore he could claim some form of help because of unemployment.

    Based on that I just find it curious why he feels entitled to donations. Basically it's..sure I have this but look at my life. I need more. Lots more!!


    I'm pretty much in the same boat but would never think of internet begging. Then again I'm not much of a world traveler so maybe my expenses are just much lower.

  8. I don't think it's so easy to just "get a job" right now with millions out of work and a lot of businesses still shuttered or operating on severely restricted staff. That being said, with the federal stimulus package that did pass and get signed into law the guy should at least be able to collect enhanced unemployment benefits at this time. I know he lives in an expensive city, but the maximum unemployment benefit up there is more generous than it is where in California. I am not going to take the time to calculate how one qualifies for the maximum weekly benefit of $790, but assuming he was making (and claiming) a lot of income and he qualifies for that level of payment then in the short term he's getting $1,390/week in unemployment. I know that that still isn't a lot of money in an expensive city and that, at this point, that extra $600/week kicked in by the Feds is time limited, but it doesn't seem like the time to beg for more money.

    That's assuming he's being honest about the "day job".

  9. it ended the way it should have. pointless, baseless attacks on me being racist etc for stating i like blonds and not once stating that it made me dislike something else. i was pushed and i pushed back. more and more of that needed nowadays

    You said the guy would look hot if only he had white face aka blonde to go along with his body. Also, calling people liberals is the go to insult for the Trump loving Republicans. Most are racist as well.


    I get it though. You're not a racist. You had a black friend at one point in your life so that proves it. Lol

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