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Everything posted by Becket

  1. Just from my X-Wife. She'll throw out f****t or make some catty remark, usually when I'm not around but our grown kids are. Nice lady. One of those long ago choices I'd definitely reconsider. I do like having my kids, though......so there's that.
  2. Liked them all. Love some of the music from the Streisand film: Evergreen. Lost inside of you. With one more look at you/Watch closely now. All wonderful tear jerk tunes.
  3. Loved Anne Bancroft in the movie. She was great in everything, really.
  4. This reminds me how self-important and delusional we clients can get sometimes. I once got mad because an escort didn't wear the correct color underwear.
  5. Anyone know where the recent clips of AW and a Delta steward having fun in the lavatory can be found? Apparently they were briefly on Twitter but have since been disabled.
  6. Becket


    So impressed with how you guys meet and travel! I consider it a success if I get to the mall for a foot massage.
  7. Every time I see a thread like this it reminds me that, to some of us, two plus two equals a bag of rocks. ie: I do not understand........
  8. The Stinking Rose. Everything has garlic. Awesome!!!!
  9. Becket

    Newbie question

    Daddy's Reviews are your best bet. Try some of the well reviewed guys here at first. That way you probably won't get your heart and soul crushed the first few times. But lets face it, you're always gonna be taking a leap of faith. And even then, there may be little chemistry between you two. Have a good attitude, allow yourself to be grateful and to be surprised, and don't give up. Who knows, you may even meet someone who will become a friend. Not much better than that.
  10. I have a few good friends. Some I don't like much. But I want and need their company because of our history. We know each other so well. Therefore our conversations are usually deep and significant. Been through all the bullshit, the polite stuff. It's wonderful to have someone who knows you so well. A friend is someone with whom you have a bond. I've never had this bond with anyone else.
  11. Which reminds me: The only part of your reflection that you can lick is your tongue.
  12. Latter Days. I still listen to the music from that film, and have seen the film many times. All time favorite.
  13. This reminds me of all the long distance attempts to diagnose The Donald. Or playing Whack-a-Mole. Can you find a group? Doesn't have to perfectly fit your situation at this point. Just get around others trying to work things out with the help of the group. My group always starts out with: We suggest you give yourself a break. Can you pray/meditate/be silent/ etc? Hope you find some peace.
  14. Comedian Lewis Black has a great bit on colonoscopy. Worth digging up on Youtube. I always ask to be totally knocked out and then the procedure is a piece of cake. Prep day before is tough, as has been said. I guess it's a fetish, but I've never understood medical procedures being an occasion for sex. Different strokes....
  15. The constant rotation of three or four commercials during the World Cup. By now I hate them all.
  16. Hope this doesn't qualify as a review; more of a pleasant memory: In every visit with TB, he has: 1. Always been on time and on point, clean and handsome. 2. Always greeted me with a big smile and a great kiss. 3. Made me feel I was the most important person around. 4. Never overcharged or haggled about money, unless he felt like I paid too much. 5. Been eager and enthusiastic about intimate stuff. 6. Always handled himself with grace and class. For all the newbie providers or guys wanting to get into the business, model yourself after TB and the other guys who have had long careers and great reviews.
  17. Falling down is a well known tactic in world football. It's part of the game that I wish would go away. Refs can "yellow card" the fakers, but they don't usually. Neymar is probably the worst. He falls. He rolls three and four times or more. He screams in agony. Then he hops back up, just fine. It would take a ref with huge cajones to call him out for his antics, as he is such a star on the team of stars, Brazil. I hate it the way he acts.
  18. Was it common to line up the recruits naked, per #16, for physicals or some such during the induction process? Wonder if they were also trying to sort out the gay boys.
  19. Hoping this is probably written tongue firmly planted in cheek. It must be as no one else commented on it. OK, I'll assume it's a joke since NOTHING could be further from the truth. Captain Obvious here, I suppose. Sorry.
  20. Work is work. One expects to get paid. But nothing says one can't enjoy work or have fun with others. Why can't it be a "both, and?"
  21. I smell a rip off. And my nose is pretty accurate, historically.
  22. I think of my x wife. Works every time.
  23. I think of my x wife. Works every time.
  24. To each his own I suppose, but it creeps me out that that film has any place on this site.
  25. Thank you for the redirection. He certainly did stir up a s***storm last year.
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