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Everything posted by poolboy48220

  1. Oh, I don't know, I've been known to be attracted to short skinny furry guys.
  2. I enjoy it but I'm not particular about the "how", as long as it's not too rough. Generally, I've found when masseur gently brushes against your balls while working your inner thighs, it's an indication that he's ready to go further if you give him some sign that you're good with it. There was one guy who asked what I liked while we were well into the happy ending portion of the massage; I asked him to play with my balls a bit and that finished me within seconds.
  3. I've spoken to a couple dancers at the Gold Coast in Detroit who've said they are required to trim their pubic hair pretty close if they're going to dance there. I'm not sure of the reason behind it, although I do remember (from WAY back when) that some laws drew the line at pubic hair showing. Personally, I prefer unshaved / untrimmed. I don't mind the random hair.
  4. @Lee Jamie it's been discussed before, but a quick review (just because I really like wrestling pictures... ). You can't (directly) post pictures that are on your computer. They have to be on the internet someplace. Copy the URL of the picture, then use the "Image" icon in the toolbar above where you type your responses (next to the smiley face, looks like a line graph) and it'll let you post the URL of the picture. If the picture's x-rated, don't use the "Image" icon- use the "link" icon (looks like a chain link) and people will just see the URL of the image, and can click on it to see the picture. Keeps Daddy safe.
  5. the day Benjamin Godfre decided he was doing to do full-frontal was a good day for me.
  6. I've always been partial to guys in t-shirts that are cut so there's barely any material on the sides. I've heard them called something but can't remember the term, and whatever I'm googling isn't working, I haven't found any pictures yet.
  7. Yup, I remember that video - the guy in question had passed out in a rubber dinghy or something, Gordon found him and took him back to his houseboat. The first one I saw was with a young blonde guy who approached him in his convertible while he was stopped, and hopped in and went back to his place. I never realized he escorted, and he probably stopped long before I started hiring (mid-80's), not to mention I doubt he was based in Michigan :-)
  8. Gordon Grant was in one of the first gay videos I ever saw, in a peep-show arcade. I remember being amazed at his muscles. The first real-life guy I'd ever seen who had a body like they drew in the comic books.
  9. One of my favorites. We talk to our dog like this all the time
  10. Nothing relieves a rough day at work to come home & my girl's at the back door, wagging her tail so hard her whole body is involved. Or when my roommate's home, hears my car, and lets her out the back door and she's jumping at the back fence. I know a few people who work at small workplaces that allow dogs, and I envy them. I brought Riley in once (which was against the rules), she was well-received but the facilities manager showed up about 10:30 and told me (reluctantly, it seemed) that I had to take her home.
  11. I have no pics to post right now, but I applaud this. When work gets stressful, I'll occasionally google "Labrador puppies" for a bit of a lift.
  12. I do love the 'sprawled out with it all hanging out, come and get me' pictures.
  13. This steve sterling? http://static.hotgaylist.com/images/pornstars/12031.jpg or is there an older porn star with the same name?
  14. I saw him about a year ago, maybe? Very nice guy, accurate pictures, I had a lot of fun. He's not lying about his measurements :-)
  15. Any thoughts on how many of the guys pictured know what to DO with those instruments?
  16. We forgot that the Brady Bunch had a dog named Tiger.
  17. Anyone recognize #28? Sure would like to see more of him.
  18. I contacted Colby Keller through his blog too, and made a joke about some comment he'd made implying that persistence might wear him down to the point he'd consider escorting. I got a LOL from him too, but that was it. Seems like a nice guy.
  19. I always wanted Wesley Crusher, under the tutelage of the Traveller, to show up on Voyager and offer them a ride home. Then screw up and send them FURTHER away.
  20. Colby Keller has said that escorting is not something he'd do. Shame, he's on my list too.
  21. That reminds me when they started re-running the old "Mickey Mouse Club" in the early 70's. My youngest sister watched and had a huge crush on Cubby. When I told her he was probably close to 30, she didn't talk to me for a week.
  22. I'm curious, I wonder if he'd react negatively to asking about his Sean Cody work, since he doesn't mention it in his ad?
  23. He's got a great happy trail, and I'm totally jealous of any Sean Cody guy who's done a scene with Jess. I've made up whole fantasy scenarios about Jess based on his interview comment that he'd travel a lot with his girlfriend and they'd stay in youth hostels.
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