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Everything posted by poolboy48220

  1. Another upvote for this post, especially the "enjoy the testing of boundaries" bit. It reminds me of a description I wrote in another forum years ago, in response to a guy who wondered if anything ever started in the steamroom of the gym, and how to initiate it. Always very subtle advances and an awareness of how they were being received, and proceeding (or stopping) based on that reception. when I was first coming out, I had a massage from a guy who started with you on your back, then moved to you being face down, opposite of how most massages go. It wasn't until I was face down that he started rubbing his crotch against my hand, and it went where you would expect.
  2. Lots of guys sending me signals back when I was in the closet, and either not understanding them until much later, or being too afraid to act on them. The refrigerator delivery guy sending me lots of signals, and no idea in retrospect why I didn't respond.
  3. A couple of my favorites from movies http://www.muscleclass.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Aaron_Taylor-Johnson_Kick-Ass_2_Workout-241x300.png I had one more in mind but being only on my first cup of coffee, I've already forgotten who
  4. Or the old Sam Kinison routine, "it's a good thing THESE <grabs his crotch> are attached. Because if they weren't, once you got married, <he pops the microphone off its cord>. If you want these, they'll be in my purse or in the refrigerator."
  5. It's usually completely empty once I'm done with it.
  6. oh, I do like #39. And #37, Derek Atlas should never wear a shirt though. :-)
  7. I'm not saying it didn't have a good message, just that it wasn't particularly subtle.
  8. Reminds me of reading "Jonathon Livingston Seagull" in my late teens. I kept looking for the 'subtle message' everyone was talking about, when finally someone explained it, I realized that our definitions of subtle were different. :-)
  9. I read a lot of the Gordon Merrick novels before I came out. I mentioned somewhere else that "An Idol for Others" was in the (small) book section at Hudson's (a somewhat-swanky Detroit department store that's been bought and renamed so many times I don't know what it's called any more), and I'd hang out there & read them while Mom & the sisters were shopping. I bought a few for myself once I had my own place. I read a few of them all the way through, but most, I've just skimmed through and read the sex scenes. Peter & Charlie's first encounter and the "measuring session", and a couple of the scenes in "The Great Urge Downward" are still favorite reads.
  10. On the flip side, there was gay man writing romance fiction for women (the racks and racks of books that featured Fabio or some clone on the cover). One of his editors, reading one of his sex scenes, had to take him aside and tell him women do not have prostates.
  11. I like Spider Robinson, but lately, he exactly matches your description of writing one book over and over. Or maybe just the same ending over and over.
  12. Way way back when I first started hiring, I called the agency I usually used and they had a guy available that they seemed reluctant to send out, something like "He wasn't for beginners". I decided to try him anyway, and apart from more piercings than I'd ever seen before (including my first prince albert), it wasn't all that unusual. The odd thing is that when Terminator 2 came out later that year, I thought that Robert Patrick (the T-1000) was the spitting image of this guy. No information on Robert Patrick's piercing status :-)
  13. My sister just gave/lent me her copy of Octavia Butler's "Lilith's Brood". She said it was very weird but she liked it a lot. Her bar for "weird" is pretty low, though. I considered lending her John Varley's Titan trilogy, where the antagonist in the last book is a 50-foot tall Marilyn Monroe lookalike, and the aliens who are 9-foot tall centaurs with three sets of genitalia (two horse-size, one human), who have 29 ways of procreating.
  14. You may want to try this guy, Alex, that I saw in October... http://rentmen.com/alexkgtu nice guy, very hot, and huge. I couldn't handle the size.
  15. I have some of the Gordon Merrick novels. I used to stealth-read them in the book department of Hudson's when I was younger & waiting for my mother & sisters to finish shopping. There are still parts of them that I read when I'm in a written-porn mood; Charlie & Peter's measuring contest, for example.
  16. I'm a mostly science fiction type. I'm currently on the third Game of Thrones book. I loved "Devil in the White City", but found Larson's next book about the US Ambassador to Germany prior to WWII kind of boring. Fascinating events but that ambassador had SO little participation in any of them. I'm in a couple of book clubs, one a group of friends that seems to have died a slow death (although we still get together regularly, the book aspect has dwindled). Our city's library has a book club that meets at a local bar to discuss the book and that's always fun, we're discussing "Watchmen" in a few weeks. My first pick for the other book club was "The Dark Knight Returns", and a few members said they came away from that with a new respect for the graphic novel medium. Some biographies have been very good reads. Dorothy Parker's biography was a favorite, I'm still trying to finish Ellman's Oscar Wilde biography after many, many years. I bring it every year camping, but never manage to finish it. I'm totally with Kurtis about wanting more time, especially now that I have a dog to take care of - lots of down time is just playing with her, rather than reading. I used to bring a book to the bar Friday afternoons after work & read over several beers, or read over dinner at a restaurant, but I'm much more of a homebody now. If I can tire the puppy out we'll crash on the couch and I can get some reading time in. :-)
  17. something about #2 does it for me. Looks like Josh Long with a shaved chest (heresy, I know). Is he tied to that fence?
  18. I'm curious. I've seen a couple of videos where it's done gently and gradually, and it intrigues me.
  19. skimmed through the saturnalia history lesson, but I like where this thread went :-)
  20. A SQL query walks into a bar, approaches a table, and asks "May I join you?"
  21. I asked a friend who worked in restaurants all his life if he understood "Office Space". He'd done a short stint in an office at a restaurant marketing company and got it completely.
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