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  1. Like
    wearytraveller got a reaction from + bigjoey in Porn stars I wish I could hire   
    Luke Wilder
  2. Like
    wearytraveller got a reaction from cany10011 in Porn stars I wish I could hire   
    Luke Wilder
  3. Like
    wearytraveller reacted to Typical in Masseurs who request pics... ?   
    I think it's unwise to ever send your photo to a stranger under these circumstances.
    Who knows why they want it or how they might use it.
    And the idea they might want to screen their clients in this manner is obnoxious to say the least. When they pay me, I'll send them a picture.
  4. Like
    wearytraveller reacted to coriolis888 in My Appointment vs Your Plans?   
    If we were dealing with a conventional product (or even a personal trainer such as you) versus an escort product that is illegal for both parties, I would somewhat agree with your prepayment requirement.
    However, due to potential problems associated with the escort business, can you tell me how a client can maintain privacy if making a prepayment to an escort and also be assured that the prepayment would be honored by the person requesting the money?
    While many meetings with escorts go well, many do not. Also, when dealing with rentmen advertisements, a huge portion of those ads are bogus. Sending advance money requests to those who advertise escort services is near equivalent to throwing money out the window.
    Most forum members agree on it being a bad idea to make prepayments to escorts unless the escort is a known product.
  5. Like
    wearytraveller reacted to jawjateck in What are your dealbreakers?   
    Cash advances/deposits
    Not into me

  6. Like
    wearytraveller reacted to + purplekow in Happy Birthday ...Mom   
    My mother died about 17 years ago but had she lived, my family would be celebrating her 100th birthday today. During my childhood and through my early teen years, my mother's birthday and the coincident Fourth of July would be a major family occasion, outstripped only by Christmas and possibly Thanksgiving, My mother and father bought a house in the suburbs of NYC, actually in NYC, just in suburban NYC and July Fourth was the day that the house was at its most utile. My father was a man of the times which means I never saw him, wash a dish, clear a table, do laundry, or cook. Except for the Fourth of July. Of course cooking was grilling, as grilling was the only way a man could cook in the fifties and early sixties. So on Independence Day, my immediate family and all of my mother's siblings and their children and assorted others would arrive en mass for barbecue, outdoor fun and family celebration. We had an overground pool, round and about 8 feet in diameter and 4 feet tall. We had an above sized average back yard, well above average for NYC. The house had been built with the back facing abandoned railroad tracks. Across the tracks, identical houses were build facing in the other direction. The tracks were about 10 feet below the grade on which the houses were built and there was about 10 yards of property between the back borders of the houses. There houses were build in a row of 54 houses and basically the "gully" between separated out the neighborhood. When the railroad decided to sell the property, they offered the land to the home owners. In reality, there would not have been another buyer for the land which was surrounded by back yards, with no entry and which was 1/2 mile long and 10 yards wide. So most of the home owners on both side bought half the property, eventually filled it in and extended the back yard. So, my house had the expansive by NYC standards back yard and a pool and about 50 relatives and friends each fourth of July. The youngsters would get in the pool. The adult men would stand around and drink beer and talk and smoke cigarettes and tell bad jokes and the adult women would gather in the kitchen and laugh and exchange the family news of the day.
    All the while my father would get the grill started and throw on some burgers franks, perhaps some Italian sausages and then ribs and corn. My mother of course, would have prepared other food and at least one pasta dish. Of course pasta was not called pasta back then, unless you were speaking Italian, Eventually, we would all stand outside and eat off of paper plates with the juice of the burgers sapping whatever small degree of integrity the dish had. And invariably, soon after most of us had finished eating, one of the men would splash one of the women with the water from the pool. There would be a screech and a retaliation. Soon, fifty people were running around with cups and pots full of pool water and the garden hose would be uncoiled as a major weapon. Again, like Old Faithful, one of the women or perhaps one of the smaller, younger men would be tossed in the pool. Others would follow either voluntarily or involuntarily until only one hold out was dry on the sidelines. Attempts would be made to cajole that person into surrendering voluntarily to the fate that was sure to befall them. There was the perfunctory refusal and then the mass attack of wet Italo Americans bearing down on the outlier and the eventual fall to the ground, the gathering of the limbs and torso and the triumphant splash. There was always laughter and howling and people out of breath. There were threats of revenge and covert alliances between relatives who under other circumstances barely spoke to one another. Every towel In the house would be used and as the sun headed down, most would get back into the house, shivering but mostly dry. Cake was served with coffee and then about eight hours after it began the family would begin to leave. This being an Italian family, everyone had to kiss everyone else. There was no hiding from the aunt who was a sloppy kisser, the uncle with the rough beard or the stray relative who liked garlic just a little too much.
    Many of the people who attended those parties are now celebrating wherever it is that those who pass from this realm party. Each of those of us who remain here probably have some special memories of these parties.
    In celebration of my mother's 100th birthday, I grilled some burgers in the back yard. I turned on the garden hose and sprayed myself. I have to say, that it was an accident that it happened but it did feel totally planned by someone somewhere not here. I enjoyed the sun. I took a dip in my bathtub. (I do not have a pool above ground or otherwise). If I had planned the celebration, /I would have bought a kiddie pool. I ran around the backyard with my dogs. All in all, I had a quarantine party that will be a memory. It will not be as sweet as those parties when I was young, but under the circumstances, I was glad I was able to get out and enjoy the day.
  7. Like
    wearytraveller reacted to MscleLovr in When you are asked for your stats   
    Very much agree with @cany10011 and @Epigonos. When I hired, I described myself fully. I’d rather be rejected than suffer and pay for a bad experience.
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    wearytraveller reacted to + purplekow in The worst has not begun and today, I found it hard to go on.   
    Well I would like to thank those that asked privately how I was doing. I am still in quarantine but will be out on Sunday. I was tested for antibodies and I am negative and my Covid test is negative. In the pursuit of caution, I am completing the full two weeks of quarantine.
    Good news. In addition, it should be stated that the hospital has seen a marked downturn in the number of new cases and the administration has been able to close down floors which were changed to Cover floors during the worst of it.
    At one point, we had three ICUs and most of the patients in those ICU were on ventilators. We had had over `100 patients on ventilators related to CoVid and less than 15% survived. That sounds terrible, and it is, but compared to other facilities, that number of survivors is actually high. We did well in keeping people off vwentilators so compared to the number of cases seen, the number who needed to go on ventilators was low and the overall death rate was low and the ventilator death rate was low. We were lucky to be part of the medical trials with medications that seemed to help.
    So äfter having 3 ICU filled with CoVid, about 28 patients at maximum capacity, we now have one unit and only 5 patients on ventilators. Part of that number now is related to the return of surgeons. They are now willing to come to the hospital and do a tracheostomy on a patient. Those patients can be moved to Long Term Ventilator Hospitals, driving the number toward acute cases with chronic cases moved to essentially a specialized rehab facility.
    We also had three floors filled with CoVid patients and now two of those have been closed. One has reopened as a regular care floor and the other is being sterilized. The one remaining unit is for patients with Covid but not requiring intensive care. Right now there are only 2 patients in that unit.
    So as of today, after having as many as 120 Covid patients in the hospital at the peak with a peak of 30 ventilator patients, we have less than 10 patients and less than 5 on ventilators.
    We now test all patients coming to the ER. We are starting the drugs of Tocilizumab and Remdesivir early in the course and we are using convalescent serum as soon as a patient has e symptom which will allow them to be part of the study, So this is all looking very good, This is where wee should have been a month ago or more, but we are here now. Still, this does no mean this is over. I have had two patients die this week and one newly placed on a ventilator.
    The 19 year to who I had coronavirus exposure tested positive for antibodies and then negative for Covid in a short period of time, so he is back home. It is likely that my exposure was minimal or none. Still the concern I had was real and it remains real.
    Judging by the Influenza pandemic of the last century and the expectations of medical experts, a second wave is likely.
    It is not certain but it is likely. We all hope that the experts are wrong but we are preparing as though they are right.
    My advice to those who ask for it: continue to use social distancing. If you want to limit this, continue to use a mask and encourage others to do so, so as to prevent spread should you be an early symptom patient or an asymptomatic carrier. Take reasonable personal precautions. I can continue to use take out rather than eat in. I limit my elective contacts to people I believe are being judicious about their health. I am hoping my judgement on that is good. I will not be going to the beach, the movies, the dine in restaurants for quite some time. I do not know when I will electively take a plane again, I will be doing masks and frequent hand washing and Purell and I will be doing food shopping at off hours.
    I am at high risk and I have seen what this virus can do to those at high risk and even those who are not. I am not anxious to test its virulence and resilience, I suggest you all take the same precautions. .
    Once again, I encourage you to be vigilant. More than 110000 people have died in the US. More will die. You are your best advocate to prevent your becoming one of them.
    This situation is a lot easier for me as I was always a homebody. But those of you who are social butterflies, consider staying in the cocoon a bit longer.
  9. Like
    wearytraveller reacted to + Gar1eth in Gman Doesn't Want To Brag Or Anything-But He Had A Date!!!??   
    Yes it's true!! I had a date!!! There's been a 3-1/2 month period of getting to know each other by text. But that's normal, right? ??
    Actually what happened was the guy contacted me thru one of the hook-up apps, and left his phone number back on February. I contacted him by text. I think it took a day or so for him to respond. Then I responded back -and there was bubkes for a response until the early part of May. I probably did send an interim text in April because I really wanted to meet the guy. But again, he didn't respond until May. And even now he won't always respond to texts for three or more days. So it's frustrating. ??
    When he did finally respond a week ago, he said he was under a deadline at work. But when it was finished, he wanted to meet. So we set up a day to meet earlier this week. That day he texts me that he's still too busy. But we managed to meet today for a bit. We went to a reopened coffee shop. We also managed to do a bit of necking in the parking lot.
    He said he likes me. And he wants to meet again. I am worried about Corona-especially since I'm in a high risk group due to age and medical conditions. But I, as many of you are, am lonely. I don't even have any friends here to talk to. I think even though it scares me I'm going to have to go for it.
    One thing I'd like to get some viewpoints on from our community here. This guy is bisexual. He says that with woman he has to be attracted to them physically. With men he has to be attracted to more to personality. For those of you who are bisexual or have dated bisexuals, I'm wondering if this is a common preference or idiosyncratic to this guy.
  10. Sad
    wearytraveller reacted to + purplekow in The worst has not begun and today, I found it hard to go on.   
    Well life has a way of surprising you. After four straight months of patient care of Covid patients, I was changed to an educational and administrative rotation for two weeks, When that two week rotation ended on Saturday, I felt pretty good. I had not been exposed to Covid patients for 2 weeks and I was generally feeling well, so I was ready to start my next rotation.
    Saturday and Sunday I was on call for uninsured patients and I had about 12 patients in the hospital. Only two of the patients were known Covid patients. Both of them had come in with other complaints and in the ER, evaluation lead to the patient being tested and found to be positive for Covid. By the time I started, they were well known to be Covid patients with an unusual presentation. What now are routine precautions were in place.
    Then yesterday, one of the patients on my service, a young man with a congenital disease and who was non communicative became sicker than he had been. He had come in from his group home with a single episode of vomiting but because he has had issues related to this in the past and because he had some minimal lab abnormalities, he was admitted. He did fine for the first 48 hours but he then was unable to eat and he needed a CT scan. A tube was placed in his stomach to give him the contrast material as he would not or could not swallow the contrast. Surpisingly, there was blood in his stomach and the tube placement irritated him enough that he reached up and grabbed the tube and pulled it out. This set into motion a vomiting episode which produced about a quart of blood. The bloody vomit coated the room and several people in it.
    I called each of his parents about this and informed them of the events and let them know that he was stable. At that point, one of the parents informed me that they had Covid and that they had likely gotten it after a prolonged stay an ER with the patient two months ago. However, clearing of the virus had been slow. That parent had still been positive last week.
    With this new information and with multiple person exposure from the vomit. I ordered Covid testing on the patient who had no signs of Covid.
    Today the results came back positive for Covid.
    Since masks and hand washing are not enough, the patient was moved to isolation and from now on will be seen with caretakers in personal protective equipment. In addition, all those exposed to him, the vomit and the room, are now being quarantined. So that one patient has exposed approximately 30 people directly just in the hospital and it is unclear how many in his group home and how many more indirectly. That stay in the ER which made his mother positive, probably made him positive. And just his branch has affected 30 more. How many branches are there off that one ER exposure is unclear. How many people will actually get Covid is yet to be determined.
    Fortunately, I have not gone out to a restaurant, to a movie, to the beach that opened here in NJ. I always wear a mask outside of my home. I feel confident that if I was exposed through this, that at least, I have not exposed others, to the best of my ability to limit it.
    So somewhere else, someone is talking about .05% of their local population having tested positive. as an argument to open Well, as in this case, not everyone is tested, not everyone who tests positive tells you they have and not every exposure is limited to the one person who has it.
    It is my sincere hope that I have not been exposed and infected. It is my sincere hope that if I was exposed that I have not exposed others. It is likely that if I was exposed and was infected, that I will be in the group that have mild cases. If I am not, I hope that I am in the group of more severe cases that get better without hospitalization, also likely. If I am in the group that gets hospitalized, I hope I am not one of the ones who goes to the ICU, about 60 60. If I go to the ICU, I hope I am one of the ones who is not placed on a ventilator, 40-60. Should I be on the ventilator, I hope I am the one in five that survives it. If not, this thread will memorialize my passing.
    Now, tell me why you need your haircut. Is it worth it to get a manicure to face a world of so many ifs. Why would you not respect others and yourself more than risking your life because you are bored. Why shouldn't your government to try and protect you?
    I know there is likely exposure to the virus now, even with precautions in place. Why would you want to increase your risk. Why would you want to possibly place yourself in the position in which I find myself.
  11. Like
    wearytraveller reacted to + Keith30309 in Will you raise your donation amount to make up for the pandemic?   
    I’m unsure how can someone “price gouge” for an hourly rate of companionship. I would use that term to describe an increase in price of basic necessities - food staples, gasoline, etc. - during a time of temporary shortage when there is no alternative available. I love... sometimes even crave... intimacy but it’s not like a loaf of bread or gallon of milk I must have.
    My thinking hasn’t changed at all on rates since pre-Covid days: I decide on a case by case basis if the business model someone has chosen is a good match with my interests; I have and will choose alternatives including foregoing meets if there is no good match. same as before.
    Tangentially, I have never seen any correlation between hourly rate and how rewarding I find my time with someone.
  12. Like
    wearytraveller reacted to RealAvalon in A question for our Canadian friends   
    I've written about this in the 'What other countries are doing about COVID' thread. There is large support for keeping the border closed for now - several of the provincial Premiers have made public pleas to the federal government to keep it closed. And for now it is closed until June 21st. I've wondered about how this is going to play out politically between Canada and the USA, and whether it's going to be another awful NAFTA renewal negotiation with the Trump administration. The border will, I expect, become a political issue for the USA administration ('everything is back to normal, nothing to see here folks'), and Trudeau and the Premiers will try and filter the rhetoric and respond as sensibly (science-based) as possible.
    With more extensive testing and follow-up per capita than the USA, the number of cases is about 1/3 of the USA rate, and the number of deaths about 1/2 the USA rate. And as @EZEtoGRU said, more than 60% of that is in Quebec, which has only about 25% of the population. The timing of spring break and proximity to New York, are postulated as explanations for Quebec's unusually high number of cases.
    I don't know what the day to day experience of health case is in the USA. I can tell you that in Canada, I am secure that if I am infected and require medical treatment, I know the response will be prompt and comprehensive, and I will not have to ever waste one moment thinking about what is or isn't covered by insurance, or if I will have a bill to pay after it is all over. There will be no medical bill. Perhaps some prescription costs.
    Canada has lucked out with the timing of this pandemic, in the same way Canada lucked out with the 2008 recession. There is a minority government in Ottawa - which requires the government to work with the other political parties. Minority government has always been the best government in Canada. (National employment insurance and universal health insurance with a 60's minority government, and a national housing program with a 70's minority government.)
    Canada - across all political parties - has had a science based non-politicized approach to the pandemic so far. (In the case of BC, for example, the provincial government has had the opposition health critic hosting some of the on-line town hall meetings about the pandemic.) It's not all sweetness and light of course. The Liberal and Conservative parties have had a few public dust ups. The first was during the passage of the initial legislation to allow for the Canadian Emergency Relief Benefit (CERB), of $500/week, for people not covered by Employment Insurance. The legislation submitted in the House of Commons had a longer period of approval than the draft that had been submitted to the other federal parties - and the Conservatives labelled it as a power grab. And a compromise was worked out.
    Canada and the USA were in different economic/budget situations at the start of this pandemic. Canada's national debt to GDP ratio was around 50% and falling, and the USA was 110% and rising. Many of the provincial governments that were operating with budget surpluses (and paying down debt) are now facing deficits. Canada has been able to afford to prime the pump with stimulus spending to support various sectors in the economy (multiply by nine for approximate USA equivalence). $500 million to the arts, $2.5 billion to oil industry (including money to clean up abandoned oil/gas wells in pursuit of climate goals), $270 million to agriculture (they want a lot more), $200 million to medical research, billions of dollars to provinces to support health care systems, WHO funding for international work. There's almost no sector of society that hasn't received some sort of federal funding: fisheries, mental health, homeless, arts and culture, students, seniors, families, airlines etc. etc.
    As a self-employed person that has had contracts dry up, I have been able to receive the CERB. The program began April 2nd, and was back dated to March 15th. By the middle of April I had received $2,000, to cover the March 15th - April 15th period. By the end of April another $2,000 to cover the April 15th - May 15th period. Beginning of May an additional $2,000 to cover the May 15th - June 15th period. All of this money is taxable. The idea was to get it out the door into people's hands given the emergency situation, and next year when things calm down it can be taxed back from people that didn't need it. I.E. Non-hysterical.
    As with the USA the virus has made obvious the weaknesses within the social fabric of the country. The long-term care system for seniors will be the subject of national debate, whether there needs to be national standards and additional federal dollars committed to improve the system.
  13. Like
    wearytraveller reacted to CuriousByNature in A question for our Canadian friends   
    Hmmm. Good questions. It is likely our numbers would have been considerably lower still if the Quebec school break had been at the same time as the rest of Canada. Unfortunately many Quebec families traveled over their spring break, which was two weeks earlier than the rest of Canada and before heavy travel restrictions were in place.
    In any case, one factor is that COVID hasn't become politicized in Canada to the extent that it has in the USA. Leaders from most parties here generally united their efforts to respond more quickly and more decisively.
    For the most part, I believe, Canadians tend to be less worried about infringement of our individual rights when the health of the nation is at stake. There are those who certainly raise a stink about social distancing, etc, but most people have complied quite well.
    I think BC's response has been the most effective - a population of 5 million people and lots of travel to and from China, with 'only' 141 deaths so far. 49 people in hospital at the moment with about 11 of those in ICU. Washington state reported its 1000th death this weekend, by comparison.
    My heart breaks for those to the south who are struggling with much higher infection, hospitalization and fatality numbers, much less effective leadership in the upper eschalons of power, and much more costly health care. It continues to be an unfolding nightmare for sure.
    Of course things are far from perfect here. I have always found the healthcare system in the USA to be excellent, with much shorter waits for elective surgeries and diagnostic tests. Here in Canada the wait times are horrendous. So there is a trade-off for having universal health care.
    Another shameful aspect to the Canadian experience is the rise of racist acts against Asians. Disgusting.
    Its also hard to compare the two countries because of the population size differences. I don't know how effective our response would be if our population was 350 million.
    As for the borders, I hope Trudeau will not back down under pressure from Trump to reopen. Not until the USA significantly flattens its curve. All of our hard work to contain and manage the crisis could be for nothing if the borders open too soon.
  14. Like
    wearytraveller reacted to + Keith30309 in rentmassuer and rentmen?   
    Legit question from a new member. (Welcome)
    Create a profile there that describes what you have enjoyed doing in the past.
    In a text discussion I wouldn’t say “When we meet I want you to breed me while I wear my mothers wedding gown” but rather ”in the past I have thought about lots of mutual oral and have fantasized about... whatever“. Remember that you’re truly paying for someone’s time and you should ensure in advance that your interests are aligned with those of your companion or you’ll both be unhappy with the outcome.
    I have yet to meet a companion who can read minds and if you don’t commuicate your interests you‘re likely to be disappointed.
  15. Like
    wearytraveller reacted to + Axiom2001 in Disregard topic   
    Men are MASSEURS--pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeZe!;)
  16. Like
    wearytraveller reacted to + azdr0710 in JayBruno NYC 411   
    Hell, if they can't even offer an authenticity check, spelling and grammar must be way down their priority list!
  17. Like
    wearytraveller got a reaction from + mature_guy in Pornstar escorts I have hired   
    Met him once, many years ago (I think it was 5-7 years), the circumstance I met him under was a little weird, it was through a friend/acquaintance of his. Only saw him once and I think the old comment "YMMV" applies.
  18. Like
    wearytraveller reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Is escorting likely to mess you up if you're not ready for the job? Are you already messed up?   
    What's always fascinating about 'Ask An Escort' is that while the questions should be for working guys to answer, it's really just an echo chamber of others wanting to validate (and revalidate) their own opinions.
    Oh... And @orville, please, nix the term 'young boys' in future posts. It's just not a smart idea.
  19. Like
    wearytraveller reacted to + Keith30309 in Anyone you're not going to hire post-Covid because of their actions during Covid?   
    No. Why would I ?
    First, I’m not a huge fan of judging other people. You be you and I’ll be me. If you spin up on meth 10 minutes after I walk out your door I have lots of reactions to that but disdain isn’t one of them.
    Secondly, pragmatically I will hire again when I feel that I am safe. If someone is seeing clients today then what bearing does that have on the risk to me 6 months from now.
  20. Like
    wearytraveller reacted to + purplekow in The worst has not begun and today, I found it hard to go on.   
    This disease is definitely more than a lung disease. The coagulation problems are well known. Patients are having strokes and large emboli to the lungs as well as small emboli. Children have been showing emboli to the toes. Today was a rough day as far as that particular concept goes. A woman I spoke of only days ago, the one who took a deep dive and wound up in the ICU and for whom I made a call to her husband in which they exchanged "te amo mi amor" just prior to ending their conversation. Well soon after that, she was placed on a ventilator and then one day later her kidneys started to fail. She was placed on dialysis which helped initially but the disease was relentless and she died today, 6 days in total in the hospital. It is always difficult when a patient dies, but she was younger, in her 50s, married and a mother of a teenager and on the day she was admitted, I expected her to leave in a day or two. Hers was perhaps the most aggressive course I have seen this disease take and it was horrifying to observe. As she was passing, her son was on the phone asking to speak with her. She was far beyond being able to speak and she was pronounced at about 2:17.
    By 3:17, another patient of mine, a 54 year old, trim very welled tanned man who had been doing well was admitted from the floor to her space in the ICU. Yesterday on morning rounds, I had kidded with him that he looked like he was sunning himself on the beach. He was lying flat on his stomach, the preferred position. He was breathing easily. He was wearing a pair of black bikini underwear and he was able to converse easily. By the afternoon sign out rounds, he was requiring much more oxygen but generally was still comfortable and lying prone. His course proceeded down hill from there. This morning his condition triggered a code sepsis, indicating low blood pressure, high respiratory rate and poor oxygenation. By the time I got to the room, his oxygen had been pushed to the max. He could no longer lie prone due to discomfort and he was breathing at a rate of about 36. Still, when I spoke with him, he told me he was feeling alright and that the increased oxygen had helped. Indeed, his oxygen saturation had gone from 78, precariously low to 96. He did have some chest pain over his lower throat. His pulse was rapid and his cardiogram was slightly abnormal. He had blood tests taken and the ICU team evaluated him but there were no beds available and as he was doing better. he was left on the floor. He received a second dose of Tociliizumab, he had one two days ago. He had received convalescent serum during the night which initially was considered as a possible cause of his worsening but it became clear that this was the disease not a drug reaction. Our new protocol would allow him to start on Remdesivir, the drug in our arm of the trial had shown a major positive effect in 31% of the patients. Not the miracle numbers reported, nor the shut it down ineffective numbers reported elsewhere. But, he needed to be in the ICU by protocol in order to started the ten day course and there was no bed. I suggested that perhaps a 95 year old might be moved out, but there is no way for ventilated patients to be out of the ICU. A new ICU floor would need to be opened and staffed and that would take time. The administration was not leaping obstacles to do it either. He stabilized. The tests for a possible heart attack were suggestive but not definitive. His oxygen demand stayed stable. And then at 2:17 a bed became avialable. And in an hour he was there and she was gone. He has remained stable at this point and so far, no ventilator, no definitive heart aattack but no decrease in oxygen either.
    By 3:17 when he arrived, there were two other empty beds being cleaned. One patient had died unexpectedly. A sudden drop in oxygenation and an arrhythmia that could not be converted. The other had died after being in the ICU for 30 days. He had been given every drug and treatment and he had been watched with utmost care, as you would expect would be the case for any patient, but this was not any patient. He was the only doctor who had been admitted to the ICU since this had started. Sixty eight and a pediatrician he had retired in January and he had gotten sick in April. He lived in a community which is well known not to follow social distancing for religious reasons. He had been a member of the staff of the hospital for more than 35 years but he was not well known there as most of his practice was outpatient and his main office was a 25 minute drive away. Still, his profession, his long stay and his several significant improvements followed by disappointing worsening left the nurses, doctors and the rest of the staff devastated. There was a minute of silence requested from the overhead and the hospital went disconcertingly quiet with only the whirr of ventilators and the beeping of heart monitors merging together to play a dirge for his passing. There were many tear-filled eyes. Most of them were, I suspect, not specifically for him but for each and every one of those who had passed since this started and for each and every one of us still there working. A solemn "Thank You" over the loud speaker system startled us back from whatever place our thoughts had taken us. Back from that place and back to work and hopefully back to save my patient in the black bikini underwear.
  21. Like
    wearytraveller reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Is this true ?!   
    No. Success in this business has little to do with the nuts & bolts of actual sex.
    To be successful, you have to cultivate great clients who look at you as much more than just beauty or a great fuck.
    The smart guys realize the turn and burn life is a short-lived one.
  22. Like
    wearytraveller got a reaction from HoseMaster in Pornstar escorts I have hired   
    Met him once, many years ago (I think it was 5-7 years), the circumstance I met him under was a little weird, it was through a friend/acquaintance of his. Only saw him once and I think the old comment "YMMV" applies.
  23. Like
    wearytraveller reacted to Guy Fawkes in The worst has not begun and today, I found it hard to go on.   
    Never forget that You are one of the Heroes!
    (We all are praying for you whether you need it or not)

  24. Like
    wearytraveller reacted to tsgarp in Communication Challenges   
    Be persistent and continue to ask very clear, easy to answer questions. You'll get there if he's serious.
  25. Like
    wearytraveller got a reaction from Bluefin in Showering with the masseurs   
    Dylan Louis ( https://www.dylanlouis.com/ ) in Vancouver, BC use to provide shower or bath. At on time his website read:
    "After your massage you remain on the table for a few minutes while i run a hot bubble bath for you. I will call you in when its ready and put you in the tub. I use a loofa and soap to sponge and rinse any residual oil off your body. Then, an exfoliate scrub for your face. Followed by a wash and rinse of your hair after a scalp massage. Foot scrub and brushing. Final standing rinse and drying- with the option for some talc on your bottom"
    Not sure if he still provides the service. His review can be seen here: http://daddysreviews.com/venue/canada/bc
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