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Everything posted by Luv2play

  1. I figured that. He was advertising on RM in Montreal a year ago, where he has a boyfriend, and he never responded to my IM’s.
  2. One of the benefits of living in the center of the escort universe! At least in NAmerica. I consider London to be the other.
  3. Another example of Paris living up to its reputation “for lovers”.
  4. I have a similar tale which I dredged up from 1982 YIKES. Anyway, I was in Brussels for business and had only one overnight in a hotel, with two days of meetings. After the first day, I went cruising alone after dinner with my colleagues. I met this wonderful cute guy in a gay club and invited him back to my hotel. It was January and the weather was bitterly cold and snowy. Once back at the hotel we had some great sex and he turned out to be a flight attendant from SF., working on an American airline. We fell asleep in each other’s arms but this was about 4 o’clock and I had to be up at 7. So 3 hours later we got up and given the time no early morning romp, which I regretted but not the fact that I had thoroughly enjoyed our tryst. THe day’s meetings were gruesome though as the room was stuffy and overheated and they were showing a power point type presentation in the semi-dark. It was all I could do to stay awake. I got absolutely nothing out of that day’s so-called work. But I’ll always remember that flight attendant (Except for his name).
  5. Given my age and intelligence level, I am a SENIOROMANIC.
  6. I personally dislike the term carriers wrt this disease. It suggests someone who has a chronic contagious condition like tuberculosis or HepC. They carry around this disease unless treated for years and can infect anyone they come in contact with depending on the disease and nature of the contact. Someone with Covid19 infection can only “carry“ the active disease for a couple of weeks. Then the body naturally overcomes it (unless you die of course) and you are no longer infectious. At least that is what the science is telling us now. You don’t call someone who has the regular flu a carrier. But they are also infectious during the active disease stage. The term vector to me is more accurate wrt all these diseases I have mentioned.
  7. I just read all his reviews on RM and they are unreservedly positive. Some from credible clients whose judgment I trust. One said that he was a great kisser. Another comment was that he holds you tight while fucking you, always a good sign. Another that he enjoyed the dp with him and his bf. So maybe not listing kissing is just his way of leaving it up to personal chemistry and not a requirement on his part. If he were in my neck of the woods, I would give him a try-out.
  8. Like quill pen, standard transmission, wood stove, black and white tv.
  9. He’s not into much. Not even oral.
  10. Cuomo was talking about this the other day. That out of state visitors were not quartering when they arrived in NY. Interesting that at the beginning of the pandemic, when NY had all the cases, Florida moved to restrict NYers from coming to Florida.
  11. All of that being said, as a watersports bottom, I have absolutely nothing against receiving piss from my favourite escorts and have done so during this pandemic, to no ill effects.
  12. I don’t see a big problem with using urinals. First the self flushing kind, which are in most newer establishments or those that have been updated, only activate after you walk away from the urinal. Second, with the old manual flushing type, you can still turn away after you flush and avoid breathing in any aerosol droplets. Generally the water is directed downwards anyway. Third, if I am in a public washroom, which I have been over the last 5 months, I wear a mask as we are required to do here in Canada in public indoor spaces. Even if not required one can always have one to use when needed.
  13. He’s been a member of RM since May but has no reviews yet. That would make me pause in deciding to hire him.
  14. Good question. The government announced today that about 3 million of the 4 million people who are receiving the $2000 per month payments will go onto a new program that will be an adaptation of the employment insurance program that applies to qualified workers. This will leave about 1 million people losing the current payments this month when the program ends. These are mostly gig workers and Certain other self employed people. I am speculating that escorts, if they received these payments which started last March, would fall under this latter category. I don’t know how closely the government looked at the nature of the self employment or gig work but it probably meant they would have to show some evidence of having declared their income to the tax authorities to qualify.
  15. Does this mean there is more cum for bottoms who are still hiring.?
  16. I am not surprised to hear that. I would think that tourists comprise a significant portion of the escorting biz in New York. I know when I visit, which isn’t that often, I line up an escort for every evening. I would have been interested in going this fall but it doesn’t look likely at this point.
  17. This is consistent with what we were being told three months ago. The aerosol-based transmission theory gained some traction later but seems to be still a tentative theory. Certainly if droplets are the main source, then the steps we are all taking are good to minimize the spread of the virus.
  18. I agree that your friends did not show much consideration for you and your health by not cancelling the dinner when it was clear that one of them was quite ill. I would have thought that in the current pandemic, any sign of illness has to be taken seriously and while not jumping to conclusions, the better course is to exercise prudence, particularly when others’ health may become at risk because of proximity to the ill person. Their excuse as to why they did not cancel demonstrates a callous self centredness IMO. At this point all you can do is wait out a possible incubation period of about 2 weeks. Try to occupy yourself with other matters although I realize that may be easier said than done. Good luck.
  19. I should have added that Benjamin had the unconditional support of his parents throughout his ordeal. They are from a Mormon background in Utah, of which I know little except Mitt Romney was one. And the Mormons did practice polygamy at one time and some moved to Mexico to escape the censure. This is besides the point. Calling his mother an angel and father a hero says it all: compassionate folks.
  20. He does have good reviews. And a promising name which you infer he lived up to.
  21. I read his story. What a strong guy to be able to call up the inner resources he had to overcome so much pain and suffering and to emerge whole again.
  22. Hahaha. Well that ass did look a little tired.
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