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Everything posted by Luv2play

  1. Getting back to the OP’s question. Looking at Montreal on RM, I would have a hard time recommending anyone at the moment. Toronto is better, in my recent experience but since I am a bottom, I’m not in a position to recommend a bottom escort since I don’t hire them.
  2. Awe, a matchmaker. I’ve done that too with different escorts, who really seemed to get it on in a threesome I arranged. Or at least, they were good actors. But that moaning...
  3. I would agree with this although I have never met the escort. I did correspond with him last year and he seemed to be just as his ad suggested, laid back and sort of Scandinavian personality. He alternates between NYC and L.A., where his family is from. He’s on my short list if the border ever opens up again.
  4. I worked in Labrador one summer many moons ago. If he is from there, I can see why he would want to get out for a little r&r. Lol.
  5. If you are in a neighbouring province to Quebec and Ontario, you either live in Manitoba or New Brunswick. Several weeks ago New Brunswick had succeeded in reducing their new cases to zero and then a health care worker from there visited Quebec and brought back the virus to New Brunswick, which resulted in a fresh outbreak of the virus. Manitoba as far as I know has no restrictions on interprovincial travel, as the Maritime provinces have, but then Manitoba is a long way away and requires air travel to reach Toronto or Montreal unless you are talking about a lengthy trip of several days by car. In any case by engaging in interprovincial travel, you are going from a low risk area to a higher risk area. And then going back to your home, not knowing until you get there what you might be carrying. Most Canadians are refraining from interprovincial travel, whether there are restrictions in place or not. I know I am.
  6. I was fortunate in that my swimming pool opened at the beginning of July and I have been using it about 5 times a week for doing 45 minutes of laps combined with aqua fit exercises. I am usually all by myself but the odd time with one or two others. When more than one, we keep in separate lanes. The pool is regulated by club staff through making 1 hour appointments 1 day in advance or on same day if spots are still available. It’s an indoor pool so this could conceivably last through the fall and winter, when outdoor pools close here in Canada. The great part is that the club extended our memberships, paid on an annual basis, by the amount of time we lost from March to July, so will only have to pay in the spring of 2021. Other than that I still try to do some exercises in my bedroom like stretching, sit-ups etc. And then, once every three or four weeks I reward myself with an overnight or two with an escort, which is also a good form of exercise. I am now looking forward to this long weekend and another session (or two) with escorts after a 4 week abstinence. A plus is that with this current regime in place, I am keeping my sanity and positive outlook. I should add that I am also doing most of my volunteer work as well, except for one organization that has closed down for the duration of the pandemic. They will still be around at that time because they have a large trust account of investments that pays the bills like rent, insurance, etc even if they are not doing anything.
  7. I saw this query and wondered whether the OP was Canadian or a foreigner visiting Canada at this time. If the latter, he supposedly can visit if he is considered in an essential service industry such as truckers or airline personnel. I don’t believe these people are free to go out in the general population when here in Canada but may be wrong about that. In any event, returning Canadians from abroad are required to quarantine for 14 days upon arrival. Canadians are free to fly to the USA and depending on the state, may have to quarantine upon arrival. Things are in constant flux so regulations may and do change on a daily basis in various countries as the virus situation evolves. I agree visitors to any country should respect the local rules and not flout them at their own discretion.
  8. Imagine marrying someone like this when he was in his prime and this is what became of your dreamboat.
  9. I personally have never been inclined to take a “routine” colonoscopy as I don’t consider myself to be at high risk. Funny since I did have prostate cancer 14 years ago. But like prostate cancer, colon cancer can run in families (like breast cancer for women) and one has to ask if anyone in the family line has ever had it (in my case no) Colonoscopy is an invasive procedure, as is a biopsy of the prostate. A biopsy in the case of prostate is only done after an elevated PSA finding which is done through a simple blood test. I just finished a book written by a famous journalist who just died the other day. He had suffered a botched “routine” colonoscopy which almost killed him and took him several years to recover from. I also recall a well known film maker in British Columbia who died from a botched biopsy of the prostate. He was only 43 and was in good health. Sepsis set in and he died 3 days later. All invasive diagnostic tests should be considered carefully IMO and only taken when the benefits outweigh the risks.
  10. Other than that technicality, did the “rape” at least feel good at the time?
  11. I wish you good luck. I had my surgery done in Ottawa and the level of care was as good as one could find anywhere. My brother had the same doctors perform his operation And his initial results were encouraging Although worrisome too because his cancer had advanced further than mine. I don’t understand your comment on Quebec health coverage as it is the same as across Canada under the Canada Health Act. And Montreal at least has some of the best doctors in the world and the best medical school in Canada, rivalling those in the USA. I grew up in Montreal at a time when Americans came to Montreal to be treated for difficult conditions like brain disorders where the Montreal Neurological Institute was tops in the world under Dr. Wilder Penfield and Dr. Cone. I have personal experience as they saved my father’s life in 1949, two years after I was born.
  12. I am a Canadian and was diagnosed with prostate cancer 14 years ago following a biopsy which found cancerous tumours in my prostate. I had had no symptoms and only started the process of testing after my oldest brother had been diagnosed. I was the second And youngest sibling to get a positive biopsy test and then my second older brother the next year after me. Our father had had it and it does run in families, trust me. So I didn’t hesitate and had a prostectomy which removed the prostate. No regrets here as I have been cancer free since then, after annual testing for ten years (more frequently in the first 3 years and then stepped down). My second brother has had less luck as he ignored the symptoms he was experiencing before my diagnosis and had his operation a year after mine. In his case the cancer had pierced the walls of the prostate and while the doctors tried to remove the surrounding tissue, he refused followup radiation therapy. That was a poor decision as the cancer came back after 8 years and now he has had radiation and hormone therapy. He’s suffered complications with the hormone therapy and had to discontinue it. But this will have consequences in the longer term, however long that is. You made a comment of the Canadian healthcare system which, in our experience, has been wonderful. Not a single penny did I have to pay, nor my brother. My oldest brother was extremely fortunate as his cancer was almost benign, and has not progressed at all with just annual monitoring. Just like my father.
  13. Whatever the laws are in a particular jurisdiction, I just think it is good policy and the right thing to do for anyone, including the escort, who has HIV, to disclose the fact in advance of setting up an appointment. With Prep and HIV medications that keep the virus undetectable and therefore highly unlikely to be contagious, the risks of being rejected are less than what they were in the past. It is everyone’s right to choose though, and informed consent is the way to go in my book.
  14. He’s got a gorgeous backside.
  15. If you can complement rather than compliment him on his good looks, you’re more than halfway there!
  16. I do the opposite by doing intensive cardio 4 or 5 times a week to improve my sexual performance and endurance. Sets me up for my overnight marathons with escorts which I enjoy.
  17. If the 40 minutes was on your dime maybe he was sitting on the crapper with the shower running and looking at his i-phone to amuse himself. Just saying.
  18. Given that you did try a compromise by suggesting a four hour appointment instead of a full night and morning session including lunch, I think it was incumbent on the escort to try to arrive at a fee something less than the original amount agreed. Maybe the extra time in the morning was a complicating factor. You said that was a deal which I take it was not anywhere near what one would pay for a 4/5 hour session if taken by itself. A 4 hour session rather than an overnight of 8 hours would be more than half the fee for the ON but somewhat less than the ON fee. You had already paid half of the total fee, so agreeing to your proposal would have meant you would not be paying him anything more. I guess he thought since he already had his fee even if he didn”t show up for work, that was a god deal for him. It was not a good deal though if he wanted to have you hire him again.
  19. This has worked out every time. I credit this to the fact the escort wants to earn the big fee an overnight entails. He would have to see 5 or 6 clients for 1 hours to make the same amount. One time the escort missed his train and texted me right away, I was free the next night so we rescheduled and everything worked out fine.
  20. I do a lot of overnights and have never made a deposit against the fee. I do send money for the travel when the escort is travelling to me. Th
  21. This is definitely a cultural thing. Americans generally have been indoctrinated with Madison Avenue advertising and the squeeky clean thing About personal hygiene. $$ Billions are spent for productS to disguise human scents. It’s basically unhealthy. All these anti-biotic products and perfumes are unhealthy in themselves. Too much cleaning destroys the bodies natural oils and protective bacteria. I say learn to appreciate what nature gave us, not Madison Ave.
  22. That’s the Amsterdam I remember. Went through there at least 60 times from 1986 t0 1998. Always had a blast. Never paid for it then, always on the house!
  23. Why don’t you post it here so we can all judge its appropriateness?
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