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Everything posted by Luv2play

  1. I contacted him a year ago or so. After discussing various things in several texts, it became clear to me that hard chems were high on the list of sex assists in any encounter. I passed.
  2. As a bottom, I would have a hell of a lot of cum left in me after this overnight.
  3. That is an interesting viewpoint. I usually do overnights in a hotel of my choosing but is sort of neutral ground to both myself and the escort. I discuss the hotel with him before booking to make sure it is ok with him. I would be happy to stay in the escort’s hotel room if I approved of the hotel. It sounds like you stay in nice hotels. One question. do you assume the cost of the room or add it to your fee? I pay for the room, dinners, breakfasts etc and the escort charges me a flat fee.
  4. Reality check. Didn,t Peru go into complete shutdown a few months ago. I remember some pitiful stories of Canadians and others caught up in the instant closure of the borders and being stuck in quarantine facilities. Don.t know if they ever got out.
  5. I’ve been to Rio and São Paulo and agree it is a paradise for clients. But that was quite a few years ago. I wouldn’t consider going there now under the current political and economic conditions. I think that’s why there are so many hot Brazilian men in NAmerica and Europe who have concluded the same thing as I have.
  6. You neglect to say everyone should be practicing social distancIng when out in public, mask wearing indoors and in spaces where social distancing is not possible, and frequent hand washing. If you live with others close to you you should probably not be seeing someone outside that bubble. Also staying at home if you feel the least bit ill. Even if you choose to be intimate with someone on a one on one basis during this pandemic, there are ways to help prevent the spread of the disease. Cutting yourself off from all human intercourse is detrimental to your emotional health which will end up affecting your physical and mental health. The virus is going to be with us a long time and we better learn how to live with it and not be destroyed by it in ways we don’t anticipate.
  7. As someone who does a lot of overnights I’ve sometimes considered this. What you would lose is getting some action in the middle of the night. I am a light sleeper so 3 o’clock diversions beat staring at the ceiling!. Also, I have never been woken by an escort snoring. If anything, it’s sometimes me and maybe they wake me up and stuff something nice in my mouth to stifle the noise. And thirdly, waking up with a hot man with morning wood takes me back to my youth when I had the same ”affliction”. I would much rather take care of the problem with my partner myself on the spot!
  8. Yeah really. Brazil is not too far behind the US in Covid19
  9. Compare him to Serf_gay, the next thread. He is 6’ and 165 pounds, the same weight as Lejis, but 7 inches taller.
  10. Does his weight of 165 pounds align with his height of 5’5”. The pi’s show a slim guy with nice definition but...
  11. Sounds pretty ideal. The escort to my mind more than made up for the delay in his arrival. Things happen to cause a delay but when they keep you in the loop during that period it eases any anxiety you are feeling. I’ve been in that position more than once and I know they are doing their best by keeping me advised. I think they appreciate the fact that I don’t make a fuss about it and show their appreciation in other ways to my benefit.
  12. Is it because there tends to be more wear and tear on a bottom?
  13. Luv2play


    These are wise words.
  14. This is bang on, excuse the pun. Make clear your expectations but also respect the fact that most people like to get some rest during the night, particularly if they are not engaging in drugs, which I wouldn’t tolerate (sorry). Nothing is more exciting in an overnight than waking up to a hard dick pressing against your butthole. Seeking shelter in the night?
  15. That is true about some guys getting sensitive right after they cum. Best to ask before if you are planning on a long oral session.
  16. He’s coming from a Covid19 hotspot. I would avoid him unless he quarantines after arriving, which he obviously doesn’t intend to do given his dates of visit.
  17. The great thing about oral sex is that it can be done just about anywhere. Some of my best experiences were sucking dancers at Campus in Montreal. Not just the physical sensations ending in a great gushing of cum at the back of my mouth but the apprehension we might get caught. We did once too and the dancer was immediately suspended for 2 weeks. As a consolation I took him home and we finished the job in my bed. But I digress. Deepthroating is always best for me done in a bed. I prefer the top to be over me, or standing on the floor with my head hanging over the side. What works best for me is for the top to take it slowly, long deep strokes and holding his dick fully inserted for as long as I can hold my breath. When fully engulfed, there is no breathing possible through the nose; there is only one air passage to your lungs and it is via your throat. One great way to end the session is to have him start to cum in my mouth and then take his dick fully into my throat to finish there. Yummy.
  18. Was this fetish of yours something you had discussed before setting up the date? I always think it’s best to do that so if it elicits a negative response you an avoid an Embarrassing situation or worse as you discovered. Btw did you pay him in advance or are you just upset he didn’t lived up to the 2 hour ommitment?
  19. Luv2play


    It might have Ben the same fee. You,ll never know if you don’t ask.
  20. Luv2play


    I would have paid it. After seeing the video below.
  21. I always try to be considerate of the bed linens in hotels. If I know we will be getting into watersports I bring extra towels and even a plastic sheet to put under the towels. If sheets get wet I throw them in the bath tub like soiled towels. The chamber maids know what to do with them.
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