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    Mocha reacted to TruthBTold in How OnlyFans Changed Sex Work Forever...   
    I don't think that OnlyFans or its companion JustFor.Fans fight against escorting (as I understand it as I do not engage in it). I might go to the sites to see how a particular escort might perform with me and if it seems we might get along together then I might give him a call to talk. Of course, I still have to discuss the various things we might do together because I still have to make sure that he will do with me what I see him doing online. A lot of times it goes like this: someone is mentioned here (along with a Twitter/ Instagram link), I go there and see more of the person, the person may put in his OnlyFans/JustFor.Fans link, and then I might go there and be tempted to join. If I join and I like what I see then I might be tempted to see the escort in person because of the sex he has with the online guys. But he really has to keep up the number of scenes he tempts everyone with and the attractiveness of the people he has on line. So, life is a circle. I think in the end it could work out in your favor if you let it.
  2. Sad
    Mocha reacted to liubit in Beware. Border Patrol Searching Phones.   
    I haven’t visited the US since 2010, and in the current atmosphere, I don’t think I want to.
  3. Like
    Mocha reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Beware. Border Patrol Searching Phones.   
    I love visiting Canada, but their border and customs people can be real assholes.
    Theirs is the only country I've had a blip getting into.
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    Mocha got a reaction from + GregM in Beware. Border Patrol Searching Phones.   
    It’s not just the USA, ?? Canada does it too. Matter of fact, Canada is just as strict if not moreso than the US. They’ve not had “open borders” either since 9/11 (by the way, 9/11 is how the initial hostage type border patrol policies came into fashion).
    I told a story years ago before anyone started talking about it, how Canadian immigration just ransacked all of my personal Information. Laptop, phones, held me up for 3 hours. In the end, they said, “we have to deny your entry, we believe you’re coming to commit criminal activity”. And at that time...escorting was considered legal in the province.
    They made a big scary deal about it, and definitely had me paranoid for a few months. But in the end, they had nothing to charge me with, and there really wasn’t anything “criminal” going on. They just want to pick and choose who they want to let it.
    And like I’ve said before, “they” always try to single out single men traveling alone. Like there’s always some kind of suspicious reason behind it. My response nowadays will always be: “I don’t consent to searches”, and “do you have a warrant for searching my belongings?” Everytime I’ve not said that, I’ve been tricked into letting them snoop around. However it may be different when crossing over into the border...but at the same time, I don’t see how. What are they going to do, arrest you for not providing the information?
    At the same time, I’m not an immigration lawyer so don’t take my word for it. The US could have all sorts of bullshit tactics if you don’t comply. There may be some, “give us your phone or we will detain you for 72 hours”, and when you have Trump talking about holding people indefinitely...I wouldn’t even see why anyone would want to come to the US. Which I still just find fucked up considering his wife is Eastern European. When have we EVER had an Eastern European 1st lady lol.
  5. Like
    Mocha got a reaction from + MakeMeCowboy in .   
    I agree with the 1st half and overall jist of your statement. I do need to moreso focus on the positive transactions, considering majority of them are. If porn were to be outlawed tomorrow, I’d still have a lifetime of visuals to jerk off to from all the hot experiences I’ve had with clients.
    I hardly ever have any “bad” in person meetings. I can still literally say my last actual “bad” in person meeting was like 2 or 3 years ago. And even then, there was only 1 other that was similar in magnitude of being safety compromised. However since then, I keep a security assistant to lessen and avoid such altercations.
    The only part I kinda ? at was the 1 or 2 bad reviews from being out of business. I recently had some lunatic contact me from RentMasseur and completely flake on me. Things got nasty when I gave him my standard cancellation policy. He says, “thanks for trying to rob me”, and then later follows up and says he’s going to cross post on all the masseur sites saying my pictures are fake (despite him never getting off his ass to actually meet me). He got down to saying “you’re also a whore on rentmen, how legal are you?” By that point my assistant went ahead and dealt with him. Turns out, he regularly belittles/is demeaning towards sex workers on social media.
    But like you said, we get the whole melting pot of mixed nuts. And I’ll say again for the 1,000th time, not having Craigslist and backpage around anymore means the filters are gone...and they’re coming straight to us. Not that we needed those sites to thrive, but they had their place in the overall online gay/sex work community. If someone didn’t want to spend a penny and wanted to waste an afternoon exchanging pics and talking about sex without meeting, Craigslist was the place for that.
  6. Like
    Mocha got a reaction from + IronMaus in How OnlyFans Changed Sex Work Forever...   
    I was doing some browsing and came across this article. What are people’s opinion of this? I don’t have anything to say 1 way or another about onlyfans, but I feel like this article is trying to insinuate that regular in person escorting is a thing of the past, and I just don’t feel onlyfans is really as staple as its being portrayed.
    I still meet a lot of clients who don’t do anything with their credit cards on websites. I’m still kind of new to this whole onlyfans discovery. I’ve considered getting up on it, but it just seems like a lot of upkeep to be consistent with (as I know has already been discussed by @TylerandAce previously) My hands are already full answering all the texts and emails I get (not bragging nor complaining, just saying).
    I still feel there’s room for “traditional” escort work. One of my friends made a statement saying that guys aren’t even escorting anymore, they’re just on onlyfans. Which I understood what he was trying to say, but I think it’s a bit of a stretch to say sex work has ditched real life fucking, and subscribing to virtual voyeurism instead.
  7. Like
    Mocha got a reaction from marylander1940 in Beware. Border Patrol Searching Phones.   
    It’s not just the USA, ?? Canada does it too. Matter of fact, Canada is just as strict if not moreso than the US. They’ve not had “open borders” either since 9/11 (by the way, 9/11 is how the initial hostage type border patrol policies came into fashion).
    I told a story years ago before anyone started talking about it, how Canadian immigration just ransacked all of my personal Information. Laptop, phones, held me up for 3 hours. In the end, they said, “we have to deny your entry, we believe you’re coming to commit criminal activity”. And at that time...escorting was considered legal in the province.
    They made a big scary deal about it, and definitely had me paranoid for a few months. But in the end, they had nothing to charge me with, and there really wasn’t anything “criminal” going on. They just want to pick and choose who they want to let it.
    And like I’ve said before, “they” always try to single out single men traveling alone. Like there’s always some kind of suspicious reason behind it. My response nowadays will always be: “I don’t consent to searches”, and “do you have a warrant for searching my belongings?” Everytime I’ve not said that, I’ve been tricked into letting them snoop around. However it may be different when crossing over into the border...but at the same time, I don’t see how. What are they going to do, arrest you for not providing the information?
    At the same time, I’m not an immigration lawyer so don’t take my word for it. The US could have all sorts of bullshit tactics if you don’t comply. There may be some, “give us your phone or we will detain you for 72 hours”, and when you have Trump talking about holding people indefinitely...I wouldn’t even see why anyone would want to come to the US. Which I still just find fucked up considering his wife is Eastern European. When have we EVER had an Eastern European 1st lady lol.
  8. Like
    Mocha reacted to cany10011 in Beware. Border Patrol Searching Phones.   
    I was in secondary inspection at Newark coming back from Europe. I was there only for a short period and only questioned about my visa status. However, there were several men ahead of me who were either Indian or middle eastern who were being grilled about their phones. Some were taken into the interrogation rooms with the officer holding the phone. So, this does happen. I always get nervous and delete or hide some pictures. Perhaps I should get an alternate phone just for border purposes and place the primary phone in my check in luggage.
  9. Like
    Mocha reacted to Milo Farnsworth in A potential recession   
    If there's a Repugnican in office there will certainly be a recession.
  10. Like
    Mocha reacted to + MakeMeCowboy in .   
    The cauldron of personalities, mental illnesses, testosterone, levels of education, degrees of ethics, social mores, financial stresses (on and on) are the baseline dynamics of this business and for all involved. When I hear the rants and raves of bad behavior I think ‘Yeah, so?!’ The chances of a smooth transaction are stacked against you. Take a breath… forgive and forget the perps. Focus on the positive transactions and bring that positive energy to your next gig. You’re only one or two bad reviews from being out of business.
  11. Like
    Mocha got a reaction from marylander1940 in A potential recession   
    I started in 2008. Things were better then, than they are now (in the big scheme of things). My very 1st client on Rentboy in Dallas offered me 220 (I didn’t know how much charge back then, so would occasionally ask clients how much they wanted to give me). And he was actually serious, unlike nowadays where someone says they will pay 250, and then the very next day claim they never made an appointment ??‍♂️
    As far as I’m concerned: the industry is in a recession already. Between FOSTA and everyone with an iPhone becoming an escort, what’s a recession going to do that’s not already being done?
    Then again, when you talk recession...that doesn’t mean all industries and all states will be affected equally. The 2008 recession hit tourist/housing destinations like Florida, Arizona and Nevada harder than others. But places like Texas, Denver, and others reliant on oil, tech and natural resources not so much.
  12. Like
    Mocha got a reaction from + 7829V in A potential recession   
    I started in 2008. Things were better then, than they are now (in the big scheme of things). My very 1st client on Rentboy in Dallas offered me 220 (I didn’t know how much charge back then, so would occasionally ask clients how much they wanted to give me). And he was actually serious, unlike nowadays where someone says they will pay 250, and then the very next day claim they never made an appointment ??‍♂️
    As far as I’m concerned: the industry is in a recession already. Between FOSTA and everyone with an iPhone becoming an escort, what’s a recession going to do that’s not already being done?
    Then again, when you talk recession...that doesn’t mean all industries and all states will be affected equally. The 2008 recession hit tourist/housing destinations like Florida, Arizona and Nevada harder than others. But places like Texas, Denver, and others reliant on oil, tech and natural resources not so much.
  13. Like
    Mocha got a reaction from Monarchy79 in .   
    Thanks for the tips.
    As for vacations: back in June I did a hike a day for 3 days in Montana. Most of the hike involved having 0 cell phone or internet connection. I was only able to go online and use the phone in the evenings. That had really helped clear my mind and refresh, but it was still with a client-friend of mine...so it wasn’t completely on “me time”.
    I also meet with friends throughout the year and tune out for a night or 2...but I’m usually out of town when that happens, which means I’m focusing on money.
    Some days I feel like doing what Andrew Luck of the Indy Colts did last night, which had the hotel I was at in Indianapolis in tears: RETIRE lol. The only difference with him, I don’t get that 50 million dollar severance, so retiring just ain’t an option right now. Plus, I’m at the prime where I want to be. Age 30 to 40 I feel can be the most profitable years of an escort’s career. You get the guys in their 20s and 30s who need daddies, but can still roll with the guys who want a younger guy. I’m convinced if things weren’t so FOSTA’ed down, I’d be doing much better.

  14. Like
    Mocha reacted to + smara in Is There Discrimination Against Clients?   
    To the original question : Yes, there are many escorts who do discriminate against clients and their race/ethnic/continent origin.
    I had set up an appointment with a Las Vegas escort and based on past experiences, had clearly mentioned my ethnic and my Asian origin in texts. On the day of appointment, about 20 min before the appointment time, after he gave me his address etc., when I mentioned that he should look for an Asian guy with the specific ethnic origin, he says "I do not see Asians". The funny thing was he too is of Asian origin!!
  15. Like
    Mocha reacted to Aaron_Bauder in .   
    It is refreshing to hear you talk about what you like.

    Interior design sounds great! It's demanding I hear, but in the fun way, according to those who love it.
  16. Like
    Mocha reacted to Monarchy79 in .   
    A few things:
    1.) If your car is ever in the DC area, takenit to Passport Infiniti of Alexandria... they do great work, won’t try to empty your pockets and are honest mechanics. They’ve made me a loyal long term Infiniti owner too ☺️??
    2. The idea of having a job with no “health” issues is somewhat of a unicorn.
    I say this to say, that working a career in both govt consulting and then in local govt, I’ve seen more workplace health hazards, than in jobs that are supposed to have occupational health hazards. I’ve seen more people die of cancer in the past five years from one organization, and I truly attest this to stress and a toxic work environment.
    3. The factors of your job that are annoying you won’t change, just like the annoyances of any of our jobs won’t change. The only thing we can do is asses how we react to those annoyances, and how we adapt to those situations when they occur. Ones attitude and adjustment are the only solutions. This is why two people can have the same job with the same bullshit and one person will be miserable, and the other will be happy and succeed. I had to learn this myself a long time ago.
    4. When was the last time you had a real vacation? No work.. just lounging around on a beach, or backpacking around town as a tourist? Or even a weekend soaking in mud and getting massages? Sounds like you’re longnoverdue for some “me time”.....
    Just remember that the only variable that you can change and control is YOU....
  17. Like
    Mocha reacted to Aaron_Bauder in .   
    Thanks for the luck and prayers lol
    People are different. I once told a friend who kept demanding another friend come out to certain people to please stop it. I explained why it was not safe (physically, financially, and socially) for said friend to come out yet, or maybe ever depending on certain variables. I counseled him to have the maturity to know that not every gay man enjoys the exact same privileges as he and I did, to live openly.
    I have made the choices on what's best and what's right for me and my background and circumstances, with relative success -- recognizing that there are gray areas and no perfect choices. I'm talented, smart, and blessed to be good at many things and great with people. I'm excited to be old enough now to trust my decision-making ability, and I am fully confident that I will thrive. Thank you for the well wishes.
  18. Like
    Mocha reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in .   
    As a career escort, I have found that concealing what I do from people is the exact opposite way to a healthy, normal life.
    People will either accept you or they won't... And to me, it's better knowing up-front who's the asshole. I have no room in my life for friends who can't deal with who I am and what I do. Stigma is best left for people who have shame about what they're doing.
    Dating: I don't see why escorting should be an issue. Again, it just takes honesty and maturity. It's more than possible.
    I truly hope you find what you're looking for. Good luck out there
  19. Like
    Mocha got a reaction from Aaron_Bauder in .   
    I wish I could put double-emojis. It is sad that it’s come to that, but I like how you said it otherwise.
  20. Sad
    Mocha reacted to Aaron_Bauder in .   
    Yeah, the flakes and fakes and timewasters are getting worse, exponentially so. The landscape for certain escort demographics has never been great relative to others, and it's getting worse. I've decided it's time to prepare to move on from this industry, and I'm taking steps in that direction. I'll miss meeting people but otherwise not too sad about it, though I have regulars who will be. Not having to deal with stigma, not having to lie to people about what I do, being able to date "civilians"...I feel good about it.
    Maybe that's a potential course of action for the OP.
  21. Like
    Mocha got a reaction from + WilliamM in The Washington, DC market always surprises me...   
    This is just a random thread, but I feel compelled to discuss the nation’s Capitol of DC. I feel it’s probably the most popular market for traveling providers, next to SF, NYC, LA and Chicago. I’m just always amazed at the vibe and outcome I get when I’m there.
    Last time I was in DC was in May 2018. This time, I was there from August 9th thru the 21st. Ended up staying a little over a week planned. It was also interesting to be there for the 1st time since the post-FOSTA era with Craigslist and backpage gone.
    DC has always been a favorite market of mine (in moderation...how often depends on whether I’m living in the east or west), but it just seemed on this latest trip, people booked differently than before. In the 2.5 weeks I was there, all but 1 client were incalls coming to my place. On previous trips, it seemed that I was doing all outcalls to people’s place or hotels in the city.
    I also noticed I used to hardly ever get any Black clients in the city, which is surprising considering the DMV area is one of the “Black meccas” of the country. But on this latest trip, I had more black clients than anyone else. Which was good, it’s good to see similar ethnicity supporting the business for similar providers. I find in cities like Kansas City, Orlando, Denver, San Francisco...it doesn’t seem to be as many supporting the business.
    Nevertheless, I was steadily booked each day in Washington DC while I was there...but at the same time, I still felt it was a little slow. Even though it was August which I hear is slow, the highway traffic is still heavy and there’s still people in/out the city. So I don’t want to focus too much on the season.
    If it were up to me, I would consider moving to the area...but despite business being steady, there’s still a lot of flakes in the area. I pretty much had to not answer any adam4adam messages, unless they phoned me directly. I also find, it always seems each trip has a fresh set of clients, versus regulars from before looking to meet. I guess that’s not a bad thing, but I just feel the market is so large, a provider is dealing with a lot of competition, but also a lot of correspondence.
    Regardless, I was able to make some connections...and if it were up to me I’d love to home base myself in the DC area. However, there’s some things to take into consideration before I could make that move.
  22. Like
    Mocha got a reaction from Pulgasari1991 in .   
    Well that’s your opinion, but that’s not the facts. It’s not about someone not being “into me”. I’ll prove my case in point:
    I had a client contact me in DC last week, whom previously contacted me from the same number in Phoenix like 2 years ago. The only conversation we had, was him asking me to come to where he was...me getting some info to come out, and then no response, and then the next day, “hey I’m sorry, I fell asleep”. All this within 20 minutes.
    Now...I don’t know why I didn’t block him after that, but I musta brushed it off and didn’t even bother thinking twice about it. When he contacted me again 2 years later in DC, I was able to see the previous conversation. But this time, we actually ended up meeting up. Not only was he sexy as fuck, but he couldn’t stay off of me either...and afterwards he texted me again to say how hot I was and how fun we had. And I got my $300.
    So...it wouldn’t make sense to say these people contacting me aren’t into me. They are into me, otherwise they wouldn’t be reaching out to me. And who are you to say this line of work isn’t for me? Are you the sex worker auditor or governor?
    If you aren’t doing it, if people aren’t paying you money for what your body and sexual talents have to offer, you have no place to come and tell me that I’m not cut out for this business. It has nothing to do with not being cut out for the business. It has everything to do with getting people to be more proactive in their decisions to contact providers.
    If someone is going to contact a sex worker, be prepared to make concessions in order to make that contact turn into an appointment. You don’t call Pizza Hut and talk about how much you love pizza, how good the pizza looks, how you would love to taste the pizza and have the sauce roll down your chin...only to say, “sorry, my wife is cooking dinner today. How long are you open?” That’s bullshit. It’s inappropriate. It’s childish. It’s ignorant. It’s rude. It’s inconsiderate. It’s wasteful. So why do I need to sit around and put up with it?
    If someone has 100 excuses of how busy they are before they even meet, then perhaps THEY’RE not cut out to contact escorts. Ya think?
  23. Like
    Mocha got a reaction from marylander1940 in .   
    Well that’s your opinion, but that’s not the facts. It’s not about someone not being “into me”. I’ll prove my case in point:
    I had a client contact me in DC last week, whom previously contacted me from the same number in Phoenix like 2 years ago. The only conversation we had, was him asking me to come to where he was...me getting some info to come out, and then no response, and then the next day, “hey I’m sorry, I fell asleep”. All this within 20 minutes.
    Now...I don’t know why I didn’t block him after that, but I musta brushed it off and didn’t even bother thinking twice about it. When he contacted me again 2 years later in DC, I was able to see the previous conversation. But this time, we actually ended up meeting up. Not only was he sexy as fuck, but he couldn’t stay off of me either...and afterwards he texted me again to say how hot I was and how fun we had. And I got my $300.
    So...it wouldn’t make sense to say these people contacting me aren’t into me. They are into me, otherwise they wouldn’t be reaching out to me. And who are you to say this line of work isn’t for me? Are you the sex worker auditor or governor?
    If you aren’t doing it, if people aren’t paying you money for what your body and sexual talents have to offer, you have no place to come and tell me that I’m not cut out for this business. It has nothing to do with not being cut out for the business. It has everything to do with getting people to be more proactive in their decisions to contact providers.
    If someone is going to contact a sex worker, be prepared to make concessions in order to make that contact turn into an appointment. You don’t call Pizza Hut and talk about how much you love pizza, how good the pizza looks, how you would love to taste the pizza and have the sauce roll down your chin...only to say, “sorry, my wife is cooking dinner today. How long are you open?” That’s bullshit. It’s inappropriate. It’s childish. It’s ignorant. It’s rude. It’s inconsiderate. It’s wasteful. So why do I need to sit around and put up with it?
    If someone has 100 excuses of how busy they are before they even meet, then perhaps THEY’RE not cut out to contact escorts. Ya think?
  24. Like
    Mocha got a reaction from + IronMaus in Late night appointments. Okay? Not okay? Why?   
    Sounds like we’re contending with the same dilemmas, but different reasons.
    Me personally: I have done appointments at every hour of the day. However, for me it really varies. I will do a late night call if the client is lucky enough to call me when I am leaving a nightclub, and haven’t found anyone to go/bring back home. That’s happened many times and was most common for me in places like Dallas. To me, a lot of late night callers are people who aren’t compelled to meet an escort in broad daylight.
    However nowadays, between traveling when in tour and being 60 miles from town when I’m at home, I generally don’t take late night calls anymore. I don’t find it to affect income, but like some have said, it may vary based on where you live. If you’re in a small market town where everything closes at 9 pm, you’re likely never to get late night calls...they’re usually in bed by 8 or 9 pm. But in big market/late night cities, where people are up late, it’s not uncommon.
    My do not disturb has actually been turned on from 2:30 am to 9 am. But I usually call it quits at 1 am and I don’t like to take clients much before 9:30 am.
    My most recent latest night call was in a small Midwest town. He wanted to meet at 1 am, which worked out for me because I was arriving late anyway. When I got there, i started feeling a sudden bout of fear because this was a dark neighborhood house in the city, and I could hardly see the dude standing there (I already knew what he looked like though, based on my client screening procedure)
    Fortunently, all was well and he was hot as fuck. The evidence of that was left on his pillows and headboard. I was not lying when I said he actually did remind me of the guy from the “Boo’d up” video that was played 100 million times on the radio:

  25. Like
    Mocha got a reaction from marylander1940 in What's the beef about VoIP numbers, like Google Voice?   
    For me, it’s not so much that it’s a scammer or cop. For me, it’s more of the fact that people who tend to use them, tend to use them as a way to be unaccountable. Whenever my caller ID shows no verifiable info, it’s usually one of those “burner” numbers. And those tend to be an issue with reliability from the “client” (who does often end up usually a fake or scammer).
    I personally don’t have beef with them, but if something doesn’t add up and I call and the voicemail says, “the text mail subscriber you called...” or “the google voice number you dialed”...I forward it to my assistant for verification.
    If you want to sound atleast half way legit, try adding a personal voicemail to your number, and include your name.
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