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Posts posted by cany10011

  1. Besides Cafe Sabarsky, the chef also has a place in the West Village, Wallse. Enjoyed a lovely NYE dinner right before the pandemic. There's a lovely painting by the chef's friend, Julian Schnabel. 

    There is also a new Viennese modern restaurant (unrelated to Sabarsky and Wallse) at the ACE hotel in NoMad, Koloman, named after the artist (Koloman Moser) who was part of the group involved in the Viennese Secessionist movement. His works are also in the Neue Gallerie. The restaurant just got 3 stars from the NYT. 

  2. On 10/16/2022 at 12:45 AM, JTtorretto said:

    One of my pet peeves with clients is the assumption that if I'm running late it's due to another appt "running late". 

    This is never the reason I'm running late as I rarely ever decide to have more then one appt a day.   




    That is great to know :) As a client, my first assumption would be that he is busy with another client and that might diminish my enjoyment with him. Especially knowing that I’m getting sloppy seconds. 

  3. 20 minutes ago, caliguy said:

    Wow. Not even a sophisticated scam. I always wonder why they keep bothering me. I mean who could be so stupid to fall for such obvious scams. I guess all it takes is one success out of hundreds of tries. 

    My thoughts exactly.

  4. 39 minutes ago, maninsoma said:

    I hate to "blame the victim," but how naive does someone have to be to start sending money -- especially significant amounts of money -- to someone he's never met?

    I get lots of bogus messages on A4A.  My rules are basically this: a) not much info in profile? delete. b) not in my area and no indication they plan to be in my area? delete. c) say they are somewhere near me but the location indicates they are thousands of miles away. delete. d) nothing very personal in first message that would indicate why they liked my profile and decided to message me. delete. e) a photo or two of someone young enough to be my grandson who gushes over my attractiveness. delete.  Maybe I accidentally delete a sincere message by having these standards, but I doubt it.

    I feel the same. Without any tangible interaction, I’m loathe to even spend a dime on any form of virtual exchange/entertainment. If they were to start asking for $, I delete the message immediately. 

  5. There is no “safe” way to do this, but if you know the other guy and he seems to be a good egg, then perhaps you can wire him the money to purchase the ticket himself. That way, he’s buying his own ticket and controlling his own schedule. Delete all messages about compensation. 

    I think it’s still better to travel to the location that way you can get a trip out of it as well as meet other hot foreign talent… but if it’s someone you have met and have good chemistry, then perhaps maybe it would be something to consider…

  6. 1 minute ago, rvwnsd said:

    Romance scams have been a thing for a few years. So much so that my previous employer (west coast regional bank) provided training to its front-line employees on how to recognize suspicious transactions and how to report. However, all the training in the world can't prevent an insistent customer from executing transactions. The fraudsters know how to groom their victims and provide instructions on how to structure transactions in a way that avoids detection. 

    And the bank employees can't prevent the customer from making transactions at an ATM. God knows we tried, but at the end of the day the money belongs to the customer, and they can do with it as they please.

    It's good we are talking about it so that others are warned. 

  7. 23 minutes ago, MikeBiDude said:

    Yes, I’ve also had a flurry of Asians reaching out. Yes, they’re looking for a relationship. I never got as far as crypto investing….they felt phony to me early on in the convo and were blocked.

    They are so sophisticated that they even identified the location of the closest cryptocurrency ATM. Also, they provided scripts for you to know what to say at the bank..... and it appears very kosher. They use real names or real bank individuals (with phone numbers that apparently go to real voicemails that are never answered)....

  8. My friend lost 325K in such a scam. The guy was a "hot" Asian model who was living with his uncle on the Upper West Side and he claimed that he couldn't meet because he had covid. My gullible friend kept on sending him money to invest as they were supposed to meet and get married. When it came time to withdraw his money, the model disappeared along with his money. Unfortunately that money is long gone. My friend only confessed to me as he needed to borrow 100K to redeem the lost the money.  I asked him to contact the FBI, which he did, but the FBI stated that this happens a lot and that there is really no way to recover the lost funds. 

    Yeah, it's incredulous but these things happen... Another 2 friends of mine got duped one lost 75K and another 100K... and these only happened in a time span of a few months. 

    I'm sorry it happened to them... but if i were to depart with any money it better be for a few months of debauchery on a Greek island with the cast of Belami.


  9. 31 minutes ago, Unicorn said:

    The only thing I read is that the NY County DA won't prosecute prostitution charges. Each DA makes his own decisions, so I would definitely not assume that if you bring someone to Brooklyn, that you'd be safe from prosecution. Men who are well-vetted online (reviews, for example) are probably safe. I don't leave hard evidence that I'm doing anything other than hiring an escort. For example, I wouldn't send a text or e-mail saying "Can I top you for $250?". Even phone conversations can be recorded in sting operations, although in that case the escort would probably be a cop, so be wary of any fresh meat. It's safer to say "I like to top," than something specific like "Will you bottom for $250?". For a prostitution case to stick, there has to be some evidence of a sexual act being proposed in exchange for a monetary amount, from what I understand (but I'm not a lawyer). 

    Does exchange of $ need to occur for a conviction? Or is just talk or email sufficient? Because, I’m sure most of us have done that.


  10. 2 hours ago, slvkguy said:

    some really great restaurants over there - Greenpoint Fish & Lobster Co is one of them. A very cool neighborhood for sure 

    Oh, I have to try that!!! Was at the polish restaurant Karczma… pretty good. Not sure if it’s worth the trip there alone as we have Veselka in the East Village that will satiate my perogi and kielbasa fix. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Pensant said:

    I used to post on the old site frequently and vaguely recall some posters calling out this site for its then (supposedly) conservative posters. What is that site now called? I fondly recall Adam Smith and Suckrates.

    I loved Suckrates - reminded me of a friendly curmudgeon neighbor of mine. 

  12. 10 hours ago, slvkguy said:

    New Yorkers loathe the tourists - a necessary evil for the worst parts of the city.
    in an ideal situation, we take their money and they leave quickly….. just like an escort working over a foolish client.  
    I’m endlessly entertained by the tourists pov on the city tho ….always some good laughs 

    I’ve lived here since 1996 and had never been to Greenpoint. Last week I played tourist and ventured for polish food in Greenpoint. Was fun navigating the G train and I felt like a silly tourist and messed up following google directions..lol. Sometimes, it’s nice to look through the daily mundane things with a different lens. 

  13. 4 hours ago, kjb176 said:

    Careful guys!

    The US Department of Homeland Security monitors Rentmen for out of country visitors into US. Had a recent experience where a European visitor posted on Rentmen visiting US and was stopped at airport immigrations for further questioning. Four hours later he was on the next flight back to Europe. He was charged with generating income in the US without a work visa and prostitution. He text me their affidavit and it's evident Rentmen is monitored. We had met on several prior occasions before in the US and also Europe - but not this recent trip. In the future if he wants to return to US he must wait 6 months and apply directly to his country consulate. His passport was also stamped in red "entry refused"

    The one i met online said his was revoked as he overstayed his visa last time as well as misrepresenting some travel dates in his application. No mention of prostitution (at least that is what he told me)…

  14. 2 hours ago, kjb176 said:

    Careful guys!

    The US Department of Homeland Security monitors Rentmen for out of country visitors into US. Had a recent experience where a European visitor posted on Rentmen visiting US and was stopped at airport immigrations for further questioning. Four hours later he was on the next flight back to Europe. He was charged with generating income in the US without a work visa and prostitution. He text me their affidavit and it's evident Rentmen is monitored. We had met on several prior occasions before in the US and also Europe - but not this recent trip. In the future if he wants to return to US he must wait 6 months and apply directly to his country consulate. His passport was also stamped in red "entry refused"

    Yet, how many Brazilian hookers in NYC are here on “student visas”? How did they escape the scrutiny? 

  15. Yikes… i don’t know if it is the same provider… but the one i was planning to engage was turned around recently and is banned from using ESTA. He mentioned his “friend” was banned for 5 years from entering. So, yeah… it’s happening. I did tell him to remove my text messages prior to boarding though. 

    Now i have cash for his 2 overnights’ burning a hole in my pocket… time to visit Adonis



  16. On 2/28/2022 at 10:46 AM, MassageAdam said:

    The places I went to, "hardly anyone" took it... so that has been my experience..... does that mean its a fact, no... but I'm literally just stating my experience.. chill

    Most hotels in Europe take Amex. At least in my limited experience. 


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