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Posts posted by cany10011

  1. 45 minutes ago, SirBillybob said:

    Details sometimes get buried as threads get longer, but I posted here in this thread, on June 16th, that anybody, Québecois or not, Canadian or not, could get Imvamune in the walk-in Gay Village vaccination clinic in Montreal. Since then, booking-based clinics have emerged throughout the city and the walk-in clinic has the online bookability as well (though no real point as walk-in option is easy). Again, the product is MVA-BN … trade name Jynneos USA, Imvamune Canada, Imnavex EU, in case visitors wonder why their certificate is labelled Imvamune when accessed in Canada.

    Thanks. I'll just get it when I go home next time. 

  2. On 7/6/2022 at 8:28 PM, Yoyotonodo said:

    Very few escorts can survive without a day job. In big cities like NYC or LA, there are just too many escorts and not enough clients willing to pay. Many good ones ended up quitting because it is hard to survive being escort alone. There are a lot of costs to live in big city: rent, gym membership, transportation, food, phone and internet bill, advertising cost etc all going up to the roof and with cancellations, no show and faked clients, many escorts ended up in poverty. It is a cut throat, dangerous and emotional wreaking kind of job if one just relying on being an escort as a sole source of living. 

    Also, the shelf life is probably not very long. The handful of escorts who are good with their finances and can endure the ravages of time, are the exception. 

  3. 17 minutes ago, keroscenefire said:

    I live in Denver, but I'm weirdly going to NYC next week so maybe I'll see if I can find it. It might be at specialty stores here too.

    The link also has a mail order option :) Enjoy your trip to NYC :)

  4. I love the Spanish brand, Torres, of potatoe chips - they make delicious sea salt, black truffle and fried egg flavors. I can eat an entire bag in one sitting…lol. It‘s a small bag..

    Also love cheetos… eat them with chopsticks to prevent orange fingers


  5. 6 hours ago, guru68 said:

    I'd have liked to meet him when the ass pic was new. :)

    He was one of my regulars when he lived in NYC. Nice tight firm bubble butt. Looked awesome in speedos. Great guy. 

  6. 42 minutes ago, maninsoma said:

    I would change that to "Don't talk to the police if there is a chance you broke the law."  Getting paid by someone and having sex at the same time is illegal most everywhere in the USA, so it's obviously good advice for an escort or masseur to not discuss their work with the police.

    Tangential story: A couple of years ago, I was a "suspect" in the police's eyes because some delusional woman accused me of stealing a change purse from her.  The situation was actually very odd.  I had just stepped off a bus and suddenly this crazy woman confronted me, saying I had bent over and taken the change purse she had just dropped.  I assured her that I didn't bend over, didn't pick up anything, and had no idea what she was talking about.  I went to dinner with a friend, and then to a bookstore.  In the bookstore, my friend said to me: "Isn't that the woman who accused you of stealing her purse?"  I looked over and, sure enough, it was her and she was on the phone with the police giving a description of me.  We left the store and a police car pulled up with their lights flashing.  I knew what was going on, so I stopped and just told the cop exactly what happened.  It was odd to be put in a position to be frisked on a busy public street, but I understood they were just doing their job.  They took my driver's license and discovered I had no record.  When they decided to let me go, I told the policeman that I wanted to make sure that they let my friend and I get far enough away before they let the crazy woman go as it creeped me out that she had managed to follow us for over an hour while we walked around a neighborhood with neither my friend nor me noticing her.  I think the cop was a little surprised by my request, but I explained that I didn't want to leave the theater my friend and I were on our way to in a couple of hours only to find her again.  Who knew that what lengths this crazy person would go to retrieve her change purse from me that I didn't have?

    Can crazy woman be given a restraining order? 

  7. 4 hours ago, manmed said:

    The guy who shows up is not the same guy in the pics.  He is nevertheless handsome. Spaniard from Madrid.  Smooth, not as muscular, but has a sweet bubble ass.  He is not as endowed though.  Our chemistry makes me want to eat him out and top him.  Having said that, I think I have better and less expensive options for a handsome, bubble butt bottom.

    Thank you for sharing. We chatted and I wanted to firm things up but he blocked me. Good to know. 


  8. 14 minutes ago, KensingtonHomo said:

    The minute I read he was "exclusive" I knew his rates were going to be exorbitant. Plus if you look at his video, his features are not as flattering as in his pro pics. 

    One video was cute, the other was less so. Sometimes the thrill of hooking up with a hot "stranger" makes me do stupid things like agreeing to the high rates. Glad he ghosted me for whatever reason. Saved me the extra cash for someone else. It's also weird that the texting was so nice and charming and for whatever reason, he decided not to show up. Even when I offered to pay extra for his uber (which i never do!). 

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