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former lurker

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Posts posted by former lurker

  1. Becaus we had no chemistry, you ignored that and still kept on being pushy and demanding, you sounded very impatient and acted disrespectful, so yes i did just go through the motions at that point, lucky for you i didn’t end the season early and as you to please leave. I sure did sound self absorbed because I don’t try hard for your low class type, little boy clientele. I intentionally put on an arrogant facade. I learned it’s the best (and most fun) way to handle that type of asshole


    What do you think your responses are signalling to potential clients who read them? Sometimes responding defensively is counterproductive -- you end up making yourself look worse.

  2. glad to see I’m not the only one. I hit up an escort that I had been with previously and as we were setting up the appointment I chickened out and changed my mind. He seemed a bit annoyed on why I even initiated reaching out to him. I told him I thought I could go through with it but reality set in. So I’ve given up even considering hiring for the foreseeable future not to bother any other escort knowing I probably will just change my mind again. Honestly the only thing that would even get me to hire at this point are rapid Covid tests in person the day of the appointment. LOL.


    Good thinking. Especially as we head into flu season and winter months, the risks grow and the stress on our healthcare system grows substantially. And it's also a good thought to not potentially lead an escort to think a meeting will occur if it's not close to certain.

  3. Next several years? That’s debatable & unrealistic!


    It's debatable but not unrealistic for the same reason: we haven't learned enough yet to know what will work to make it safe to mingle. Careful not to substitute what you want for what you know. That's an all too common practice, but can have deadly consequences in the context of this pandemic.

  4. I have been burnt with deposit. Badly burnt. I will still do it, but I’m not giving a deposit to continue communication. Part of the point of communication up front is to determine if you want to deposit and lock in or not.


    I agree, but in his case the deposit is to confirm a date/meeting. It's not to continue communicating. If you're not prepared to commit, you move on. If you are, you set the date. I get that a lot of clients find that a bridge too far. On the other hand, I've encountered quite a few escorts who tell me they get strung along, show up and get ghosted, etc. I understand why an escort wants proof that the meeting is going to happen before having a lot of conversations. In ILH's case, the posts he sends contain a lot of information about what he's into/good at so you can get a good idea of what you'd be getting. But in the end, it takes two to tango. If you're not comfortable proceeding the way that he is comfortable proceeding, you can/should/will look elsewhere.


    I'm not suggesting anyone should do what they aren't comfortable doing. What I do find unpersuasive is the certainty expressed by people who opt not to pursue the guy about what he's actually like. They don't know. What they do know is the entry barriers for knowing are too steep for their tastes. I don't see the value in reaching conclusions about attitude, intellect, etc., based on a lack of information about anything other than his prices and his methods of communicating. Your comments have been mostly about those things, and those are reasonable things for you to comment about as you have, indeed, knowledge about them. It's the inferences drawn from them that I find unfounded and that's not what you've done.

  5. Well, for me, that and that he was very unpleasant and difficult to communicate with. He acted like it was beneath him to communicate and if there’s one thing I can’t stand it’s the feeling of being treated unworthy. Who the hell do you think you are?!


    If you liked him, more power to you. Not many guys here have had an encounter with him, to my knowledge. A few, sure. And as you say, some less-than-fabulous followup with Joe M.


    As far as the communication difficulties go, I think a lot is that he tries to do a lot of initial communicating via sending links to his tumblr posts that outline rates, his skill set, etc. If you follow up after reviewing that, he sends another post with the deposit request and info. I'm aware that most clients expect and are used to more individualized responses from the outset. I found it awkward initially, but I was intrigued enough to get past that. Once you get past all of that, he's a pretty interesting guy. He's definitely asking for a premium fee and that will deter a lot of people from hiring him. Others will opt out once the subject of a deposit is raised. Some of us treat those as bright line rules. Others of us are less inflexible on those scores.

  6. It's funny how much we've talked and talked about this guy who seems to be bad news by most accounts so far. But then again,. that's one reason this forum exists.


    Not all readers are swayed by the opinions of posters who haven't met the escort. The ones who have met him have good things to say, although Joe M has a mixed response based on post meeting requests for a review that suggested an overnight when he didn't do an overnight with him.


    Let's face it, much of the shade thrown at the guy is based on his rates. For that reason, most of the negative comments are from people who didn't see him because they consider him overpriced. None of the people who have seen him say he's misrepresented himself or failed to deliver what he agreed to do.

  7. Wants 500 and all his answers are canned and pre made not for me thank you


    I assume part of the reason these exceptional bodybuilder models work with the "handler" is that he does a lot of the spade work at least until meetings are set or occur. That's why you're getting canned responses. He (the handler) filters out the "potential" clients so that the guys don't have to spend their time/effort on dealing with people who, however sincere their interest, may not end up meeting (and with a high price point, that's probably not a small number of the inquiries).

  8. Since when do we need an “invitation” to reply to posts?


    You're right, of course.


    But in reading back through the thread I'm struck by how differently I think than either of the posters involved in this spat. Both seem to be instinctively suspicious of their counterparts (the client is suspicious of escorts' motives, the escort of clients' motives). I see the competing views as an opportunity to gain some insight into the way others think, even if the particular posters seem not so interested in that but in taking a side and defending it.

  9. I wonder how much he thought about what that name means within American judicial history before he picked that stage name.


    Something tells me he probably didn't even know.


    The name has a complex historical meaning. From the standpoint of racial justice, Dred Scott was a hero who represented the the despicable and deceitful legal construct of "separate but equal" that was used to justify segregation for a century after the adoption of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. It has been used as a coded reference among the anti-choice crowd to suggest that like Dred, the unborn child/fetus is denied Constitutional rights and personhood.

  10. I’d love a clarification from someone above that said ‘he pissed a lot of people off‘. Now, if he was out burning clients for money, taking their stuff for travel then not showing, it’d be one thing. However, I think he may have had some struggles / demons while in NYC, maybe even some cancelations....but I think there’s also people on here that would vouch for him and say that when he was on, he was ON- full of piss and vinegar, exuberance, and energy. I always found him to be brazen, cocky, and unfiltered...and I embrace those types of HONEST characters. He never deceived or tried to play another character, he was himself, love him or hate him.


    Furthermore, the ‘other’ type of person that he ‘pissed off’ was none other than race-baiting JD Daniels, who tried to make it sound like this kid was a racist. Killian did scenes with all types, had clients of All types(I know them PERSONALLY, I play with them too), and if you spent 20 minutes in a room with him you‘d see that he was educated, unbiased, and decent...he just operates his engine at 8000 RPM with NO Filter.


    Can’t wait to see a Killian 2.0 and back on course.


    It's great that you have challenged what was, I'm sure, a damaging comment based on a rough impression that was not carefully thought through.


    I believe Killian has discussed openly the factors that affected him in the past, too. It was more about getting control over his own life and use of substances, not about having mistreated anyone. The rest was noise about personalities.



    In most of those other professions, the provider is not out any money for a missed or cancelled appointment (at least not directly or fully). Lawyer's and doctors will still bill for the appointment in some cases, and get paid by the client's employer or insurer. Doctor's offices always overbook to make sure a missed appointment doesn't mean time is lost seeing paying patients. Generally, those appointments are rescheduled, too, so it's not a loss but a shift in timing. In addition, unless you're a solo practitioner, you get paid by your employer or share in the profits of the practice such that any single cancellation has no effect on your income. With escorts, it's a different matter.

  12. so many in prison, so many dead, so many have huge drug problems.... i wonder how much we as horny gay men are contributing to their problems and issues by watching the movies and lusting after these straight men? if there wasnt an industry for straight guys to do this maybe a few more would still be alive today? i really have no answer for that question.



    please discuss


    Some guys (gay as well as straight) get into porn because it is a quick way to make money, especially if they find themselves with unexpected expenses (an unplanned child, legal costs due to an arrest, loss of a job). Those with ongoing legal problems then face the difficulty of supporting themselves after prison and porn is what they know and where they have connections so they return to it.


    Some of the guys who get into porn have or develop drug dependency, which further adds to the need for the quick money and reduces other job prospects.


    It can be a vicious cycle.


    On the other hand, there are guys who choose to do porn for other reasons. Some because they enjoy sex and figure they might as well get paid to do what they enjoy. Some see it as a means of affirmation of their attractiveness. Some see it as a means to an end, to support themselves while pursuing either an education of saving money to start a business or invest.

  13. Oh hell - obviously I had no idea. He was completely strung out and/or straight up wanted to die. Sounds like his porn career was truly dead already, from his various crimes. At least he didn't take anyone else down with him.


    His crimes didn't end his porn career. He was hired after having been imprisoned for drug trafficking, domestic abuse, assault, etc. I don't know whether he did porn after the conviction for raping his own toddler daughter. His death came in a shootout with police when he was on parole (and in violation of that parole if he had the weapon he used to shoot at the police).

  14. My peeve is with guys who either cover everywhere with tattoos or have them on their faces. Some tattoos on some guys work, some don't. As far as being in public, I don't think tattoos are a red flag that the guy is an escort, and certainly not more than an older man dining with a man three or more decades his junior (although some will assume the younger man is a nephew, son or grandson). Mostly, I suspect, unless your dinner companion is making a scene, no one is really paying attention to you other than your server(s).

  15. I doubt VEGAS producers would care...


    Perhaps. "Morality" clauses are often interpreted in light of "community standards" the way that porn used to be evaluated for determining if it was obscene and thus outside of First Amendment protection. Vegas is, however, not straightforward because while it's "sin city" in some respects, and Nevada has brothels in some counties, Vegas also has a host of "family oriented" entertainment and attracts plenty of people who are religiously conservative.

  16. im not an attorney but if condition of employment is you sign an employer policy document and you breach that policy you can get canned. as long as the policy within the document isnt discriminatory then the employee would have too hard a stretch to fight. attorneys arent dumb. they will only take cases that they think they can win or if big enough give them free publicity within the media realm.


    remember the case of the gay flight attendant that got caught on film in a bathroom on a plane with the gay porn performer (his name evades me right now). i dont think that was contested and he was canned. breach of policy.


    maybe right now during covid and layoffs a person can use the "im not working at this time for the company and i need money". that may be enough of a leg to stand on that the company wont fight a termination. again im not an attorney to know. i just think most of law is about being impartial and using common sense.


    The porn star in the airplane bathroom was Austin Wolf.


    As far as the legal stuff goes, it depends on a few factors not least of which is whether the provisions are consistently enforced. It is much more of an issue for performers who are names and draws such as lead actors/actresses.

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