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Posts posted by BasketBaller

  1. I think it would be better to let nature take its course rather than force the pace. But it's not my family so what I think is unimportant.

    That is indeed my plan. I honestly have no fear of rejection or disapproval, but given that two are starting at new schools it might be a distraction. When I'm on my own I'll start dipping my toe in the waters, probably joining DC's gay basketball league or some such thing. When I actually am socializing again, I'll let them know. I'd prefer it to be when we're all together but when it feels right for them to know, they'll know. Having said that, if one of them asks me anything I won't lie.

  2. Wait, your boys are into theater?


    I'm now revising sharply upwards my estimate of P(they've figured out you're gay). We have rocketed past the 50% threshold and will soon be approaching 95% confidence. You simply don't do theater for four years in this day and age without developing some gaydar. ;)

    LOL. yes. all of my boys did high school plays when it didn't conflict with their basketball. So did I, in my most closeted period! In an all-boys school, the only activity that involved girls was the drama club. My folks loved theatre and took us all the time. If it makes a difference, (and it might not) they didn't do it all four years , just a few times. as did I. Their school has a very strong drama program with a lot of respect, so it wasn't a stretch.

  3. What course of study is your soon-to-be DePaulian undertaking?

    Computer Science, with some interest in the 5 year BS/MS program, but that's pretty far ahead. And the theatre program was an appeal, he doesn't want to major in it but hopes he can take part. All of the boys did high school plays and loved them, as did I.

  4. @BasketBaller, I've enjoyed following the serial of your boys' journey toward first-time separation and your journey toward having an empty nest. Until @WmClarke posted this picture, it hadn't completely registered that one of your sons is attending DePaul. I started my college career at DePaul. It is a very good school, particularly in the areas of Business, Computer Science, and Theatre. For me, Loyola was a better fit and so in my junior year, I transferred there. Nonetheless, he made an excellent choice. DePaul has done a very good job of integrating itself into the greater Chicagoland community. Unlike other urban universities that built walled-off islands, DePaul has built campuses that blend into the neighborhood. To me, it makes for a rich experience. I hope he enjoys this new chapter. I also hope you take advantage of the opportunity to visit him and experience what a beautiful city Chicago is.


    EDIT: The building depicted in @WmClarke's picture was a neglected former department store before DePaul renovated it into classrooms and a bookstore. They've done an excellent job of re-purposing existing buildings while expanding their Loop campus. When I attended Loyola, the joke was that DePaul was known for its basketball team, but we were known for our transplant programs. (LU has a medical school and at the time ran a hospital) Now, DePaul's preservation of historic and meaningful architecture is as well-known as its sports team.

    I am very, very happy with his choice of DePaul. I occasionally go to Chicago on business anyway, and love the city. Every communication we've had with the university has been reassuring and promising. He's excited and so am I. I'll be in Chicago more often during the next four years and I know that will be a good thing.

  5. Later on you will find you can begin to enjoy the "other" benefits of this site!;):p

    Well. I have enjoyed some of the other benefits already, having taken advantage of feedback and reviews! But that may be a more frequent enjoyment in future. In anay case, thank you!

  6. I can scarcely imagine how hard it must have been to begin this conversation in the forum, with no idea whether the response would be positive, negative or 'meh'.

    Well, I kind of eased into it unexpectedly, by posting I had seen one of my sons' teachers in a RentMen ad, escorting. That thread got moved to the Politics and Religion forum because of comments made about their school, but the topic of being a single father exploring my sexuality had been brought up with some very kind and supportive comments. It felt good to talk about it, although cautiously at first for the very reason you mention, I wasn't sure what the reactions would be.


    I don't know what MIDN Basketballer meant when he said 'Be Happy', but the implicit love in that murmured statement was clear. Don't presume that he has seen through you, neither assume that he hasn't. That will become clear. Just let things play out as they will. Hugs, big time!

    I will, and thank you.

  7. I would like to very humbly state, with tears in my eyes, what a joy, and an honor it is to be an active member of this site. When I read some of the loving responses on this thread I realize what a great bunch of guys many of your are and what a great thing it is to be a part of this family. My heartfelt love to you all.

    I can't agree more. When I started sharing this part of my life here I had no idea I would get such reactions, and they have been so helpful and even important to me. As I said earlier in the thread, I have been able to post things here I've never shared with anyone, written things I've never verbalized, and that's kind of amazing. I'm not sure what this adventure would be like without having this outlet.

  8. @BasketBaller -my fraternal twin nephews are 6 years old. They just completed their 1st year of public schooling (kindergarten). As I mentioned in an earlier post, their parents put them in different classes this year, so this was their 1st minor separation. You make me wonder what the future holds in store for them.



    Parents of twins are encouraged to give them separate activities, but mine wouldn't have it. Their grade school was small so they were in the same class, and if we tried doing separate activities they'd dig in their heels. We, or I, relaxed about it and let them find their separate interests, which they did. But as I said earlier, I don't think they've spent more than a week apart before.

  9. You do not mention if you were shedding tears but perhaps that is part of the reason your older son drove home.

    I never truly shed tears but I misted up a number of times-- seeing him in the uniform the first time, "Be happy," watching him walk back to his platoon without a backward look. I was grateful the oldest offered to drive so I could just sit and ponder. Truthfully, the most emotional thing of the day was seeing that his twin had gone to sleep in his brother's bed, a complete surprise. More to come, I imagine.

  10. I wasn't sure whether to start a new thread or continue this one, but I figured anyone uninterested in my saga would know to avoid this one.


    I am sitting here late at night with a Scotch and a full heart after a long day full of pride and emotion. Today was Induction Day, or "I Day" at the US Naval Academy in Annapolis MD. At the crack of dawn we took my son, one of the twins, to start his Plebe Summer, essentially boot camp, where the young men and women admitted to the Academy are trained to be members of the Brigade of Midshipmen. It's a day of head shaving and uniform issue, yelling and pageantry, and the first day of a seven week isolation meant to transform them into members of the military.


    As the day approached the boys, both the twins and their older brother, got quiet and serious. I offered to bring the Plebe's girlfriend today, but they decided that would be too hard and said their goodbyes during the day Wednesday, leaving us to have a dinner alone. Thursday morning before dawn we headed to Annapolis. The twins had been talking in their room before I went to bed and were doing the same when I got us up, so I'm not sure they slept at all. My dad, an Academy alum, was going to come too, but was under the weather, so it was the four of us alone. The twins had decided long ago to shave their heads yesterday, and that saved the Plebe a few minutes to rest and breathe, and made them impossible to tell apart. Once he entered the building for in-processing we had a number of family events that were probably more helpful for people who lived at a distance, but it was all good to hear.


    In the evening there was a ceremony with pageantry, and a jet fly-over, and the oath to support and defend the Constitution. Followed by about 40 minutes to mingle and say good-bye before they embark on a summer-long adventure where we'll have almost no contact. The Yard (there's tons of jargon, it's not a campus it's a Yard. They

    are not freshmen, they're Plebes.) is surprisingly beautiful if you've never been there. So we met up and sat on a blanket, with snacks and drinks, before we said goodbye for the summer. Around us were sad families, happy families, laughing families and silent families, all dealing with what their sons and daughters were taking on.


    My twins sat close to each other and didn't talk much, but Plebe twin was dealing with it fine. He has a cousin who is a Firstie (they're not seniors, they're 1st Class Midshipmen or Firsties.) He knew what to expect and had handled it well. Older brother was great, very proud, very good at asking questions about the day, Plebe twin has two roommates, neither of whom has ever shared a room with anyone, so that will be an adjustment he won't need to make. When it came time for him to join the formation and march into Bancroft Hall, the largest dormitory in the world, he hugged older brother first, and they both laughed. Then he hugged me and did something he hasn't done since babyhood-- he kissed me on the cheek. We are inveterate huggers, but none of the boys has kissed me since they were tiny. He murmured, "Be happy" to me and that's a conversation to come. Then, as I might have guessed, his twin and he hugged each other tightly and long, and both whispered something to the other-- maybe in their twin language? And then he joined his company in formation, and we lined up to watch them march into the hall, as the last Plebes entered, the huge doors slammed shut, and Plebe Summer had begun. If you want o see what his day was like, watch 1:55 to 8:07 of this, last year's I Day--


    We had intended to have dinner in Annapolis, but twin brother asked if we could just go home and get pizza, so we headed back to DC. Older brother drove, and on the way he nudged me and looked into the mirror. I turned and saw twin brother with his eyes closed, silently weeping with tears running down his cheeks. By the time we got home he was composed, we got pizza, and he went to bed early. When I came up to say good night to him, I found him asleep in his brother's bed.


    This is all good, it's a necessary part of them all growing up. But the two moments of Plebe twin kissing me and saying "Be happy" and his brother quietly crying in the back seat are things I'll never forget. Over the summer we get three short phone calls from the Plebe, and in August there is a parents' weekend when we can spend some time with him. Then, almost immediately, older brother and I will drive twin brother to Chicago to start his freshman year at DePaul, and I'll drive older brother to NYC to start his junior year at Fordham. And then I'll drive home to DC alone and we'll see what that's like.

  11. He does the escort thing part time when he has availability has a full work and social life so just be patient and respectful

    Unfortunately I'll only be in SF a couple of days so I would like to set something up. After trying twice I have to assume he's not going to be available. I understand the part-time thing and real life conflicts.

  12. I have a work trip to SF coming up so I thought I'd try to contact Liam. You need to request his private photos to be unlocked, but when you do, you are told "email is not available," so there's no way to make the request. The only contact method mentioned is phone-- I suppose you could try texting, but the ad implies you should call and ask for Liam. I did google his photos and whoa-- the social media footprint is enormous, you can even find video interviews with him as a college student/model. He seems like a nice guy, and he's hot as hell, but I think there's some ambivalence about escorting that makes it hard to set things up. I called, got voice mail left a brief message, and we'll see if I hear back.

  13. Many boys in Prague are real bisexuals. They love to kiss men, suck dick, get fucked hard, and, after they do, they go out to dinner with their girlfriend du jour and maybe even fuck her. In my experience, they prefer to bottom with men and rarely top. They just love sex, that's it, no labels or guilt attached.

    There's been no overlap in my sexual experiences with men and women (that is, I haven't pursued men and women at the same time), but that's not far from my situation. I dated and slept with women, married and had a great, satisfying sex life, and was a pretty good lover if I do say so myself. With men I only want to play the bottom role, and I love to kiss whomever I'm making love to, male or female.. I don't "like" one sexual contact more than the other although my leanings and attractions these days are more towards men. But if a woman sparked an interest in me I wouldn't hesitate to go for it. I have no idea how to label myself except as bisexual, and even if I end up in a relationship with a man it doesn't change the fact that I had good relationships with the women I've known, and that I had a happy marriage that I never thought of straying from.

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