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Posts posted by soloyo215

  1. On 6/6/2024 at 2:36 PM, Muscleking said:

    So I was curious, if reaching climax is important to you when you’re with an escort or a masseur? Do you have to cum and do you want the escort or masseur to cum also?

    I find that most escorts or masseurs don’t cum. I asked a few of my guys why they don’t cum even when they have a full erection and seemingly into it, And they all kinda gave the same answer, either they have other clients and need to be able to maintain an erection for them or they save it for their personal lives partner etc.

    For me it’s not that big of a deal if the escort or masseur doesn’t cum but i definitely like and need to cum In all my appointments.  

    I'm not a provider, so I am not going to comment on anything regarding their side of the event. I have had excellent experiences with providers and non-providers, where I didn't cum and I was perfectly fine with it. Of course, the climax part is good, but not necessary.

    I don't think I care much for the provider coming.

    Just my reality

  2. 17 hours ago, ICTJOCK said:

    Greetings all!     Haven't been on a lot over the last couple of months  with work and demands on time,  but certainly miss and appreciate the site when I'm not here.

    So I had a perspective client as me if I would pose as his boyfriend in a social setting.    I ask him to explain and it was more than just a "date for the evening"  (which would be fine),  rather  to go with him and give the impression that we were a couple  and I was his boyfriend in a serious relationship.   I declined.    I am not going to deceive people with my work as an escort.   


    Trust your inctinct. If it doesn't feel right, don't do it.

    There are some escorts who offer the "boyfriend experience", which I've never personally have had, so I am not going to comment on what that feels. However, based on what I have heard from others, seems like to some escorts, that situation is exactly what the boyfriend experience is supposed to be. To others is more intimate, meaning that the escort treats the client as his boyfriend in an intimate, not social, setting.

    My only concern is that I find hard to believe that the request is going to be a one-time thing. High chances are that lies have to be maintained, especially those presented in social settings where people are constrantly judging and inquiring. That might mean that, though on your end that might become a good cash cow, it will also mean getting sucked into somebody's deceitful social practices, which might involve escalation of what he might expect of you as his "date/boyfriend". On the client end, I have witnessed clients getting sucked into that boyfriend fantasy to the point that they have themselves and a lot of money, not ending well for either party.

    You (or your financial needs) decide your level of comfort with that, and you decide if that works for you short and long term. Based on how you seem to be doing, seems like you can afford the luxury of choosing your clients.

    Be well, and welcome back.

  3. I see that it's in the best interest of both to have flexibility within reason, especially due to last-minute unforeseen events. Sometimes one of the parties can't be flexible, but when it's possible, I have no problem rescheduling or seeing the provider at a later time.

    I figure that forcing the provider to be on time when he has an emergency will harm the overall experience. Again, within reason, and what that means is up to each person to define. If it's a habitual thing, then it's a problem.

    However, I think that there shouldn't be any difference between any of the parties. The provider risks losing money, so I imagine if he has to cancel for a legitimate reason (not because he can book a more expensive client at that time), then it's reasonable to understand that things can happen that can affect the schedule.

  4. On 6/2/2024 at 2:34 PM, OneTaoBoy said:

    I hired a guy through RM who, because we missed a first meeting through travel complications, I ended up chatting with several days about eventually meeting.  During this time, he flirted in a sweet enough way, and asked me details about what I would really like. Pretty new to me. His response was great, and included a snap of his hard dick through sweatpants after reading what I wrote.  All good. 

    We met for most of a day. His body was amazing and he had lots of top-in-his-young-prime energy. What he really wanted [needed?] to do was cram his good-sized dick down to my softpalate, and plow butt hard til he was finished. After having told him eariler, explicitly, the kind of touch I wanted, he ended up demanding [not in a scary way, for me: I am a good-sized older man] to know "why you no touch yourself?" "how come you no come?"  As if we hadn't exchanged intimate preferences. He had said earlier something about how the 'language of love' takes care of things. If guess, if you speak it....

    How do you know if someone who sounds like they're speaking the language of love actually can feel and perform it in his body? Are there little signs of openness one can look for?

    I know--a leading and stupid question in a marketplace experience business.

    I'm much the novice [not the first time hiring, though] and though I did get fucked, it wasn't enough. Certainly not for the money spent.

    Friendly advice for a future hire?



    I'm not completely sure what you or him mean by "the language of love". Sounds like an euphemism for horniness taking over, which might mean that certain previously established boundaries might be crossed out of excitement. At least that's how I interpret it. Hence, the questions.

    Just my thoughts.

  5. 7 hours ago, viewing ownly said:

    By ripped off, do you mean that they take your money without doing business with you, or just give a terribly sub-par experience? Big difference. 

    As a first time client, I feel it's nothing short of unconscionable to NOT donate for their time right off the bat, regardless of whether they require that or not in order to show them I AM legit and won't stiff them. Far too many people get victimized, which is awful. I don't feel a need to do that if I'm a return client unless that is what they prefer, as I've established trust, regardless of how much time may have gone by between visits. I don't forget someone worth seeing again!


    I agree that there are differences, but at the end, even with those differences, bottom line the client does not get what he expected was paying for. I think that the most important thing is the unsatisfactory experience. I do not pay up-front, period, even when I'm a return client.

    So far, it has worked for me, and yes, the one or two times I paid up-front I got ripped off.

  6. On 6/3/2024 at 5:48 PM, 12is12 said:

    If I'm in the wrong forum, pls direct me to the right one.

    All the GREAT nude erotic porn photos in the "members only" gallery - where do the come from?

    R they cut from porn vids, or r they published on the net by the proud exhibitionist hunks starring in them? 

    R there SOOO many guys who dont care that the whole world knows about them (fortunately for us).....   ?

    They come from a camera, or Photoshop (or similar) software, or AI-generated.

    Smart remarks aside, I think they are combination of all. I once worked creating websites for dominatrices, and I did some of the photoshoots myself. Some were screenshots from recordings, and some were a combination, enhanced in Photoshop.

    Yes, there are guys who don't seem to care, and in my opinion, that's how it should be. Besides, it's no different than people who voluntariliy post their nude pics online, and they do it for free and for fun.

    Some people are the ones who make a big deal out of displaying our bodies, which is how we are in nature.

    About pornographic, sexual images depicting sexual acts, same thing. Sex is as part of the human experience as everything else.

  7. On 5/28/2024 at 10:25 AM, tuxedomasc said:

    I recently had an experience where a masseur wiped up my precum. Not sure what to make of it. 

    During the massage, he stopped twice to “clean me up.” The massage was therapeutic with some light sensual elements but no expectation of extras - this spa in NYC is known to be strictly legit.

    I don’t know if I should be embarrassed or maybe see as a sign that more might be on offer?


    You should not be embarsassed, IMO. Did you display any discomfort? If yes, then the masseur should have asked the second time if it's ok. I look at it this way: Precum is as natural of a body process as it is farting, and I'm sure that the masseur might prefer wiping precum than smelling farts.

    I had a masseur who did that, but in his case, I think he did it because he wanted to touch my penis. The reason why I can confidently state that is that I don't precum; there was nothing threre to wipe. I didn't feel violated, and I actually felt good to be liked, and he didn't try anything else after. I wanted a therapeutic-only massage that day, and in all honesty, he looked good, but I wasn't attracted or interested in him.

    So yes, it can be a hint to let you know that he's willing to offer more, but it can also be just part of the process. If you want to see him again, will you feel comfortable inquiring about it, maybe expressing how you felt? I don't see much wrong with talking about it in a provate session.

  8. 4 hours ago, Jamie21 said:

    Seriously though! …no such site exists. No one is interested in rating clients, there’s no practical way to organise it since there’s no register or website of clients advertising their potential custom.

    I agree with this. Especially this being an unrecognized (legally speaking) profession.

    I've heard of Mr. Number that uses the phone number that the client uses as the means for client identification. I believe that the proper use of that type of communication can be useful for providers in terms of personal safety. That is, if/when used ethically. One of my providers mentioned that he knows of more than one provider who have posted negative information about a client in an attempt at keeping them, so they don't go to other providers (shady bitch!). So the same issue that we have with review of providers might exist in review sites for clients.

    All we all can do (IMO) is reduce risk as much as possible. No tool is going to be immune to being misused and exploited. Just my thoughts.

  9. On 5/30/2024 at 4:33 PM, Bokomaru said:

    Pride month is almost upon us. I’m curious how this forum feels about the evolution of the Pride flag. First it had 2 stripes added for people of color. Then the triangle with three more stripes to add transgender support. Then a circle added for intersex. Wasn’t the point of the first flag that it has all the colors of the rainbow, in an attempt at inclusiveness? How do you feel when you see the newer pride flags? 

    It's not an evolution. I reject the new flag altogether. It's company and marketing based, doesn't make sense at all, and above everything, it does not represent me. End of the story for me.

  10. Thank you for your replies. Didn't know. I'll try the suggestions. The masseur was great in every aspect of the event and he deserves a stellar review.

    That policy makes it difficult for the provider to receive a review, and especially makes it difficult for the client to give a bad review since trying to contact the bad masseur after the fact might not be an easy task.

  11. Is there a new policy from the rentmasseur website that one has to communicate with the provider via their site in order for them to accept a review? I reviewed a masseur I hired last night and my review was rejected, and the reason it stated is "No communication between masseur and client via RentMasseur".

    First time I see this.

    Did I miss a change in policy? I haven't used that website in a while.

  12. On 5/17/2024 at 5:23 AM, Just Chuck said:

    See the FBI and DHS Warning here.


    The FBI and DHS are issuing this Public Service Announcement to provide awareness to the public of foreign terrorist organizations (FTOS) or their supporters potential targeting of LGBTQIA+-related events and venues. Foreign terrorist organizations or supporters may seek to exploit increased gatherings associated with the upcoming June 2024 Pride Month.

    I'm not going to avoid doing anything that I want to do.  But, I'm going to keep my eyes open.

    Foreign Terrorist Organizations? Well, I'm glad for the warning, but let's not forget that in the USA we now have this history of Americans opening fire in public, shooting strangers. It's a little bit of a presumptuous assumption to issue a warning only around foreign threats.

    Gay Pride in my town got disbanded and since then there have been attempts at re-defining and redesigning it, and the result has been having a bunch of kids walking around like an unattended kindergarten. So I have no interest in attending "Pride", the new version of what used to be "Gay Pride", as it's not compelling at all.

    The larger picture, IMO, is that historically Gay Pride has always come with a high risk of attacks. It's 2024 now and we are not supposed to expect it, but risk has always come with marching, at least that's how it was back then. The commercialized, Disney-fied version of the march that we have today might not make the connection with the risk that involves marching to celebrate us, but those who remember history do know well that risk and threats have always been present. Or have people already forgotten how the whole thing came about in the first place?

  13. On 5/30/2024 at 10:34 PM, Jarrod_Uncut said:

    Trying hard not to sound political by any means: But I do wonder. I know sometimes, people’s fears and concerns about stuff tends to be rather broad when it comes down to things…and I feel sometimes people don’t always put 2 and 2 together.

    All they may see is “paid a porn star”, and with RentMen being considered “porn star performers”, maybe there will be those who assume paying ANY porn star is somehow “bad”, versus seeing it for the fact that it’s bigger picture than that.

    That said, I’ve noticed ever since this has started, biz has just been very slow in many cities for the past few months from RentMen. Just recently I’ve got a couple bookings but lately there’s been long stretches in between. 


    I tend to think that not really. The reason for that is that at this point in the political environment where we are, people are just polarized, and what happens is being used to just reinforce what they have already chosen to believe, and act accordingly. So people who hire will continue hiring, people who judge and don't hire out of their beliefs of morality will continue reaffirming their preference in their beliefs and actions.

    As a client, lately I have been watching what I spend, and that includes hiring, due to inflation. I believe that is a more influential factor that might or might not be related to the current political climate. All business are influenced by the overall economy, some for better, some for worse. Just my thoughts, not law.

  14. On 5/31/2024 at 12:23 PM, Thomas_Belgium said:

    Because this topic is closed:


    & I don't want to go too much off topic in this topic:



    Yes, indeed, I'm looking for a guy (to hire) for years. My search started befor covid, I always write in de first message I'm in a wheelchair because I have a muscle disease. All guys I contacted didn't reply or didn't want to meet. Last year a guy replied "I don't do diseases"....



    I'm so sorry that you have gotten such horrible responses or no responses. Some people are just cruel.

    Other than that I'm afraid I don't have much more to suggest. I wish I could.


  15. On 5/16/2024 at 5:26 AM, APPLE1 said:

    What is your "vetting" process before meeting up with a guy?  When I read comments here, I get the impression some guys go through a labored scrutiny, and I am unclear what exactly is being scrutinized. I certainly understand that if someone is being paid, there is obviously the question of "am I really getting what I paid for, " or "am I actually going to get paid" but beyond that, I am a bit mystified.

    Is there something inherently dangerous that I am missing about an introduction via a hiring website, or grindr, or any other app?

    Reliability, veracity of what he puts in his profile around his description, his pictures and the type of things that he offers, location, availability in space and time, a general sense of personality and attitude.

    Sometimes the provider offer additional information (i.e. additional services for additional charges).

    No different than when you hire other people for other type of work. I inquire things that pertain to the expected service.

    There are the universal precautiuons to take in terms of personal safety, but there's the possible added risk to this being an arena that is not necessarily regulated or legal (in some instances, some places, and certain things). Websites, profiles and forums like this have made it a little less risky because of the access to information about providers that we can have available.

  16. 2 hours ago, Akhaten said:

    Massage therapists can potentially spread skin diseases or infections through skin-to-skin contact. Some examples include:

    1. Fungal infections (e.g., athlete's foot, ringworm)
    2. Bacterial infections (e.g., MRSA, impetigo)
    3. Viral infections (e.g., herpes simplex, HPV)
    4. Scabies
    5. Lice or pediculosis

    It's essential for massage therapists to follow proper hygiene and sanitation procedures to protect both themselves and their clients from potential skin diseases or infections. If you have concerns, always discuss them with your massage therapist.   
    Have you ever had a bad experience?

    In that respect, no. The setup and the behavior of the masseurs I've hired have always followed good hygiene and safety measures.

    There was only one time when the masseur recommended for me to proceed with the massage even when I mentioned that I was feeling sick, and later here in this forum I learned that it's not recommended to get a massage when you're sick. That has been the only less-than-ideal experience I've had. I never hired that masseur again.

    Besides, the same applies to pretty much every event where you are in contact with other people's bodies, a great example is dance clubs and bath houses.

  17. 21 hours ago, DynamicUno said:

    I went to a brunch place near my house this weekend that I hadn't been to in a while.  It's a local chain, a normal table-service type place with a brunch type menu priced a bit upmarket for my area.  I was dining solo, just coffee and an entree.  The service was excellent, food was served  lightning fast, the portions are generous (if a bit mediocre tasting), and the server was attentive.  The place was lively, but not packed.

    When the check arrived, I thought the total was a bit high, then I noticed the tip line said "Additional gratuity".  Then I noticed that 18% gratuity has already been calculated in.  Seeing that, I added a small amount to approximate my normal 20% tip and left.  

    This "little thing" has me never wanting to go back again.  I'm accustomed to (and expect) gratiutiy being added for large parties or certain special events, but don't think it should be done for normal size parties and especially not solo diners.  Also, there's was no signage (that I saw) or note on the menu about the gratuity policy. 

    It feels dishonest, almost like they're expecting that many of their customers won't notice and calculate their tip as they normally would.  It also feels like it puts me in a weird spot where the pre-calculated gratity is a little lower than I would normally add, but adding a small makeup amount feels just as bad as leaving nothing.  

    I won't be back because of this tip policy.  Am I being unreasonable, and this is just the way things are going with our tipping culture?


    I don't think that you are being unreasonable. That policy is. I have seen suggested gratuities, and now those suggestions are starting at 20% (I saw a place suggesting a 30% tip!), as if we are mandated to tip people and they are entitled to demand tips. That's not what tips are for or about. Tips are optional, period. Just because servers depend on tips to make a living doesn't mean that we are obligated to tip. It's not a requirement.

    I would have placed in a review mentioning that bad policy, or contacted the restaurant directly to complain about that distasteful and pushy policy of trying to force people to tip. Probably you might not be the first person to complain about it.

  18. On 5/20/2024 at 4:55 PM, Typical said:

    It’s alarming that masseurfinder allows this ad to continue. The photos are completely unrelated to the person you will encounter. And the person you will encounter is a total scam. This is a fake ad that fronts for criminal activity.  IMG_1043.thumb.png.e22b24d593cf67033f1bd2d7b56017f3.png



    Looks AI-generated, especially the top right one. Never seen that ad, but thanks for sharing. I'll know if I come across it.

  19. 16 hours ago, NYC Curious said:

    So I finally got up the courage to contact a masseur I've had my eye on for some time.

    We exchanged a couple messages on the website and he said he needed to see a photo for his protection since I was going to his home. He'd already given me his address but hadn't discussed price.

    I reluctantly sent him a face pic and then asked about price, saying for his time.

    I never heard from him again.

    Thoughts? Am I hideous? Did I do something to spook him? Honestly it left me feeling... not great after how much courage I had to work up. I still see him online on that website. I had never hired a masseur before and still haven't. NYC here.

    You're not hideous (as far as I know 🙂 ). The masseur is an asshole in the way he handled that. I don't believe something spooked him, he might just be the kind of asshole who caters only his own preference instead of being professional and cater the intended public (within  reason). If things were the way you posted them, I don't see any bad action on your part.

    I have known and met many gay men who are that self-centered and careless about what other fellow gay men feel or have to go through, and are quite dismissive in that way. Fortunately, that's not represenatative of the larger provider community. Unfortunately, in the recent years the field has gotten saturated with many people wanting to make money or just have fun and get paid for it, hence, a growth in unprofessional behavior from many providers.

    Additionally, the concept of "ghosting" has become a thing in recent areas. The same is happening with people looking for work, getting interviews, and at the time of the offer they get ghosted. That seems to be a thing that is common to see in many other industries too.

    I encourage you to look for another provider. Also, this is the perfect place for you to mention that provider by name and share your bad experience, so others don't have to go through the same unprofessional event.

    Sorry that happened to you.

  20. On 5/17/2024 at 9:59 AM, viewing ownly said:

    I didn't want to get too graphic in the subject header. Something I find weird that I see frequently are men who are quite willing and eager to suck cock who are exclusive tops, but completely refuse to perform oral on the anus. 

    It's rather common to see tops never suck cock, but get the client's nether region good and ready with their talented tongue. I just wonder why so many hires as far as the ass will only go into the rear with their (frequently unprotected) penis?

    A theory I have on this is that when a cock has been expelled of semen, it's easier for the anal canal to relax, which makes entry much easier. Personally, I like to be rimmed and sucked with the sex simply being a bonus.  

    The way I see it, it's a combination of chemistry, hygiene and preference. Personally I don't do the exact same thing with different people because of those things. I care about those things and will not do what doesn't feel right, even if in other instances I've enjoyed it. That doesn't mean that I am willing to do everything there is to do out there, but when it comes to certain practices I consider what I crave at the moment in combination with the above-mentioned.

  21. On 5/20/2024 at 12:08 AM, Boaxxx said:

    I'm wondering if others share unsolicited pictures and stats with their provider prior to meeting. I always do and I do it out of common courtesy, thinking it is only fair that if I know what the provider looks like along with their stats, then they should know what I look like and my stats.  

    I have never had a provider ask for pictures/stats yet I always provide prior to meeting. 

    Only if requested, and rarely they have requested a picture. I was requested a picture of my face "for safety reasons". I agreed, but I have never volunteered my info prior to the encounter and never had a problem (on my side, at least, can't speak for the provider's side).

    I like reading the providers' perspective. It's always good to listen their side.

  22. On 5/23/2024 at 10:32 AM, FaustOust said:

    Should I be concerned about a provider who has lied about his reason for being late,  shaved a few years off his age, or modified some details about his background, but otherwise provided a good experience?  While I think that each of us is entitled to a little bit of reinvention as life progresses, and in this case I assume the lies were designed to help build my positive impression of him, I am more concerned about the untruths around the delay/logistics of our meeting. In other aspects of my life, I have followed the principle that if someone is deceptive about small things, chances are they will be deceptive about the big or important things, too.  Should that standard apply here when, if you actually think about it, the whole transaction is based upon a sort of deception? Nonetheless, I think that I have to be able to trust a provider, a stranger whom I have literally invited into an intimate space of my life,  and the little white lies worry me, even when the overall experience was good.  How should I respond?

    I have asked a provider to wear a mini skirt and call himself "Anna". Clients pay for making some fantasies that they have, to come to live, and that involves all kinds of simple or complex background stories that may or may not be based on reality. So half truths, and no truths are quite common when it comes to the "content" of the experience.

    When it comes to the logistics around the experience, I figure that some lies are just a way of letting me know that I shouldn't care for details or for things that don;t concern me, so I accept some lies out of respect for privacy or only who knows what. When there's a pattern of lying, when the provider is always late and with a different story every time, or when there are inaccuracies in what he says he provides versus what he's willing to do, then those lies are addresed.

    I personally don't think that the "if someone is deceptive about small things, chances are they will be deceptive about the big or important things, too" applies to everything and everyone, I remember when I was young I used to lie a lot, out of inexperience in how to handle certain things and people, and it was to keep people away from my personal life and business. I was also protecting myself from people who never gave me a good vibe, or didn't look right to me. I also have a good BS detector, and depending on the circumstances, I might show or directly communicate that I am having a hard time believing what I'm hearing. However, for as long as I get what I need/paid for, I don't dig too much into what I am told, unless I feel that there migh be a threat. Important lies that I address are more around my personal safety, drug use, agreed-upon amount , agreed-upon service, or hygiene. Other than that, if I like the guy why should I care if he lied about why he was late once or his real age? I tend to look at the overall experience and the context.

    Just my thoughts, not law.

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