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  1. Like
    HoseMaster reacted to RexB in Blessed boy NYC ... anyone?   
    I'm completely puzzled right now. A few months ago I sent BlessedBoy a private gallery request and it was rejected, but yesterday I saw there was the option to request it again, so I sent it and he opened it for me and from what I saw I decided I would proceed in trying to meet him. This morning when I looked at his ad it said the private gallery was closed. I sent a request again, thinking that it might be some glitch, and he blocked me. 
    As far as I know he never read my initial message on RM Messenger which said what I was looking for with him, nor did he check my profile, unless they have the option to hide looking at client profiles and messages, so it's like he knows nothing about me and just blocked me randomly out of the blue.  
  2. Like
    HoseMaster reacted to + BOZO T CLOWN in 411: Boltond & Juliog (Toronto)   
    I had the same issue with Bolton.
    I had many lap dances with him years ago when he did the strip club circuit in Toronto. Always had fun. He was blonde, well-built, and no stupid tattoos. A little on the short side, but tall enough. I spent a lot of $$ on those lap dances. 
    Since I hadn't seen Bolton since pre-COVID days, I sent him a PM thru Rentmen asking if he was working at Flash/Cockbar. He said he wasn't. I then asked him about posting updated photos. His RM photos are all 4 and 5 years old. His response was that I should read his RM reviews. I responded that RM reviews are useless since the "model" has the right to remove negative ones. Also, as a US resident, I don't have access to his reviews.
    He told me to get a VPN. Then, he blocked me.  
    Poor Bozo 😑.
    He could use a good publicity agent..
  3. Like
    HoseMaster reacted to + Pensant in SMALL ISSUES WITH PROVIDERS THAT GIVE A BAD RAP   
    This has only happened to me once with a provider. We established a nice rapport via SMS. Then, as the day approached, he said that he was worth more than he quoted. I told him that I wasn’t comfortable with the new rates and he proceeded to lose it, accusing me of being cheap and telling me that he would blacklist me in his town. I simply cut him off after he tried to call me twice. Silly drama.
  4. Like
    HoseMaster reacted to Ali Gator in SMALL ISSUES WITH PROVIDERS THAT GIVE A BAD RAP   
    Lately, I have had many providers (both escorts and masseurs) with very bad breath. When questioning them in a friendly manner (not bringing up the subject of their breath) I find out they have been eating at local Asian restaurants (Thai, Korean, Vietnamese) and the odors stay on their breath and on their bodies. (One guy stunk of garlic and lemongrass). They are not scents which I find sexy nor appealing in any way. Please brush your teeth and use mouthwash ! 
  5. Like
    HoseMaster reacted to + Coolwave35 in SMALL ISSUES WITH PROVIDERS THAT GIVE A BAD RAP   
    I hate being interviewed by a provider. Keep the chit chat light and simple and then let’s get it on. 
  6. Like
    HoseMaster reacted to + jeezopete in 411 Thanergomez visiting Tampa (Houston area code)   
    Any experience with or info on this guy?
    Thanergomez - Male Escort, Gay massage - Tampa | Rent.Men
    RENT.MEN Thanergomez Gay Escort in Tampa, Florida, available for Gay Escorting,Modeling,Erotic Massage. | Find all the best Male Escorts at Rent.Men  
  7. Like
    HoseMaster reacted to Peter Eater in Michael M in LA is back   
    As they say, you don’t hire an escort so they’ll stay, you hire an escort so they’ll leave. 😎
  8. Eye Roll
    HoseMaster got a reaction from tennisjock in Michael M in LA is back   
    I hired him years ago for an overnight.  He looked like his pics, and was fun.  However, in the morning we got a little frisky, then he stopped and says he doesn’t do morning sex.  It kinda turned me off, as I thought, “I didn’t need him to stay all night then.  A couple hours would’ve been ok.”
  9. Like
    HoseMaster got a reaction from MikeBiDude in Michael M in LA is back   
    I hired him years ago for an overnight.  He looked like his pics, and was fun.  However, in the morning we got a little frisky, then he stopped and says he doesn’t do morning sex.  It kinda turned me off, as I thought, “I didn’t need him to stay all night then.  A couple hours would’ve been ok.”
  10. Agree
    HoseMaster reacted to Peter Eater in Michael M in LA is back   
    Wonder why he says 34 in the ad?
    If one looks that good at 34, no big deal. If one looks that good at 42, more impressive…
  11. Like
    HoseMaster reacted to Luv2play in Looking for suggestions…   
    Well if you want to book with someone else, the timeframe may become an issue. I hire every month multiple times and I never try to book a half year in advance. Many providers simply won't agree to tying up their time when so many variables can happen in the interval. But good luck.
  12. Like
    HoseMaster reacted to Archangel in Looking for suggestions…   
    1) The timeframe wasn’t the salient issue here. I was giving background. The topic is SUGGESTIONS…
    2) Said boy has booked this far in advance with me before on numerous occasions. Since I fly him in, he’s asked that I book at least three months ahead for his daytime work schedule.
    3) I wrote in another thread about booking ahead because of my own work schedule.
  13. Agree
    HoseMaster reacted to Luv2play in Looking for suggestions…   
    I was somewhat struck by the fact you are trying to arrange a three day date in January 2024. Now.
    I guess there are people who make their plans far in advance. To each his own. But from the other side, I can understand someone not willing to commit to something so far in advance.
    Even when I have arranged to fly someone to me from another country, it has only been in a two month timeframe. Life is too unpredictable to make plans so far out in these kinds of situations. Imo.
  14. Thanks
    HoseMaster reacted to + Coolwave35 in Looking for suggestions…   

  15. Like
    HoseMaster reacted to + Coolwave35 in Looking for suggestions…   
    I hired this dude for a 3 day weekend in Mexico after talking for about a week and never meeting and he was incredible. Sometimes it just works. 

  16. Haha
    HoseMaster reacted to marylander1940 in Disaster of an overnight   
    Do we have an emoji for "waste of money"?
  17. Haha
    HoseMaster reacted to + ThroatCummer in Disaster of an overnight   
    Holy shit. @purplekow took control of this thread, put the original poster in his place, and threw me in a corner and shut me the fuck down. 
    I'm so impressed by everything, @purplekow is now my new best friend and I want to hire him... for something. Anything. 
    Well done man! You made my Friday here. You shut me down and I am smiling about it while typing these words into the computer. 
    Amazing. 🤩
  18. Like
    HoseMaster reacted to + nycman in Disaster of an overnight   
    I just want to say I love @purplekow for bitch slapping the fuck out of @Coolwave35
    and I love @Coolwave35 even more, for taking it like a man. 
    You guys rock. Tough love…is still love. 
  19. Like
    HoseMaster reacted to + purplekow in Disaster of an overnight   
    Frankly, I think my fellow forum members have been extremely delicate with you.  You agreed to meet a guy with whom you have had previous issues.  You buy him clothes because you think he is handsome.  You believe that some new duds are just what he needs to make this a perfect evening for you.  He spins and twirls in his new clothes and you break out the credit card.   Now dressed appropriately to go to a "dive bar", you are surprised that he selects out the only black TV reality celebrity there to hook him up with cocaine.  The reality star, then warns you against guys like this and their penchant to be users, and then suddenly Mr. Survivor has a sufficient supply of cocaine to satisfy your guests desire.  A quick trip home leads to more shopping, this time for men for a party.  Once you have selected out your guests, you add another less attractive guest so you will not feel out of place with all the pretty people.  Problem is, your "normal" friend is a closeted party freak and gets all into the well of cocaine and associated alcohol and of course the pretty boys.  The house starts to get a bit rambunctious.  That comes as a surprise to you despite inviting a large number of men you do not know to your home at 11:45 PM to have a party.  Your boorish friend/fb and your initial guest make the party a fiasco and people start to leave.  One can only wonder what they had to do bad enough to frighten off people who had come out to party at a stranger's house and who had arrived and what sounds to be an opulent house filled with hot men and drugs.  Even though your party is quickly failing, you, ever the good host, wish the guests well as they leave, presumably with a nice parting gift, or perhaps not.  You then lock yourself in your bedroom breathing heavily as the remnants of the party slowly crumble until there is one, guest left, drunk drugged out and in a new set of clothing, who decides he wants to cuddle.  Petulantly, you refuse and he begs.  That I would guess is when you really start to get off on all of this.  He heads to the guest bedroom and stays there.  Surprisingly, you stay in your room rather than forgivingly cuddling him through his drug and alcohol fueled night sweats, and in the morning, you are surprised the hung over guest is sleeping late and confused about the events of the night before.  Fortunately you are saved by an unexpected call from yet another acquaintance. 
    Your question is then, how much did the first guest deserve to be paid for all of this.   
    In a later post, you confess to realizing that you could have stopped this at any point but choose not to do so because, hey he looks so cute in those new clothes and you want him to like you as much as the Academy likes Sally Field.  That would be "Really like,...  Really really like".  
    What strikes me as the most interesting touches to all this are the responses to your post.  One response from someone who can only see potential in this man, suggests you mentor this young man.  I am not sure what you would be mentoring him about but the preposterousness of that suggestion is surpassed by your response which states that you have no need to mentor this young man as you already have two other young men you are paying a total of $300000 a year to work on investments and real estate development.  Perhaps these gentlemen are a wise investment but the way you phrased it, it left me wondering.  
    In conclusion, you give him $300 and thank him for playing your game.  He gets to keep the wardrobe and presumably the cocaine hook up with the realty star.  After all this, frankly, to me you come off as foolish, insecure and surprisingly cheap.  I would agree with you, it was not your finest moment.  Learn something from this and be better.  It seems you have the skills to make an opulent life, use them to make it one in which you are not lying face down on a bed wearing a poodle skirt and alternately beating your legs into the mattress like Gidget..  
  20. Like
    HoseMaster reacted to + Coolwave35 in Disaster of an overnight   
    This is all very sweet, but my days of taking on projects are over.
    My first guy I invested an incredible amount of time and he died after funding his dream of opening a gym.
    The last guy I helped buy 3 houses.  He now owns 11.  He got married to a woman who was jealous of our past, and made him stop talking to me.
    I just hired two dancers for $150,000.00 a year remote positions, and am offering them 33% profit sharing each.  They’ll each clear over $350k this year.  They’ve committed to investing the profit sharing into building a real estate portfolio that we share.  This is my last investment into guys that have proved they’re ready to leave the business behind.  If it doesn’t work, I’m going back to just paying for dick.
    The boy from Saturday is lost at the moment, and I lack the desire to help him be found.
  21. Like
    HoseMaster reacted to + ThroatCummer in Disaster of an overnight   
    I'm going to go the other direction here. Based on the posts by @Coolwave35, I think there can be something more here.
    Coolwave, you seem like an awesome guy. I'm not sure what you're looking for longer term, but if you truly adore him and he really needs some 'help' perhaps try to offer to bring this past the hiring phase. There is a place to be a mentor and a trusted confidant with people you really like and find attractive. You have to make sure the value exchange is just mutual, no matter what that looks like for you. I'd set some very, very clear boundaries on every future meeting and also sit him down (sober!) and perhaps show him this forum thread. Have him ready it and your text and all the replies. 
    I personally choose to invest not only my money but also my time (as a client) in those escorts who I find worth it. The ROI measure for everyone is different, but it sounds like you may be able to have an impact on this guys life. I don't know him or you, but I wouldn't write him off just yet on strike two. One more, sure. 
    Good luck. 
  22. Like
    HoseMaster reacted to Jamie21 in Disaster of an overnight   
    It’s the price to pay for the gift. 
    There’s always one guy who somehow makes you throw all reason and rationality to the winds. With me it’s a guy I first met when I started making porn films.
    We were not intended to film together. I was scheduled to film with a different guy. I’d turned up a little early and was waiting for my turn. The guy running the session was talking to me about his bad back (this was a massage porn film, we’d been discussing massage techniques) and in walks one of the models for what it turns out was an earlier session (but he was over an hour late). 
    I looked around just as he walked in. In that moment he looked at me and smiled. As he walked across the room we kept eye contact. I knew in that instant we had to film together (and evidently so did he because he told me so afterwards). Fortunately the director noticed and changed the pairing so that we’d be together. 
    He’s chaotic, has used drugs (not now fortunately) and is totally unsuitable for any sort of relationship. The actual sex is decent but I’ve had better, but the fun with him, all the build up to sex is amazing. There’s something about him that gets me every time.
    I don’t hire him (he’s stopped sex work) but I have worked with him (seeing clients and doing films / shows) and we come across each other from time to time. Every time we meet something happens that I’d not do normally. We know we are totally unsuited to each other but as soon as we kiss it’s like starting a chemical reaction. 

  23. Like
    HoseMaster reacted to + Coolwave35 in Disaster of an overnight   
    Your opening sentence corroborates my lived experience that total smoke show looking 10’s and super hot people are worse at connecting sexually than more average looking people, 8s, and 9s.  Those of us that aren’t as blessed in the beauty department don’t have the luxury of just getting to be admired, we have to work differently to have a great sexual experience. 
    The problem with him is that I really enjoy his company sober. The dichotomy, and I realized this during the 90 minutes between picking him up from work and the first drink at my house, is that he has such a hard time with the money power dynamic that the only way he can even survive a session is by drinking.  Then that first drink starts the spiral, and because I despise substance use with paid providers, it gets so messy. 
    As a person, I adore him and wish him the best, as a provider I won’t make another investment, and all of that’s ok. 
  24. Surprised
    HoseMaster reacted to + Coolwave35 in Disaster of an overnight   
    Ack!  What an awful night. An NYC stripper that I’ve had fairly good experiences with in NYC was in my general area of Long Island working a private event and hit me up on instagram asking if I wanted to hang. I had no plans so I said sure. I picked him up and he was filthy from working and had no clothes. We race to Macy’s and played dress up. He’s gorgeous so I enjoy the process. We go back to my house and he asks if I have a hookup for cocaine. I do not. 
    We go to a local dive bar and he gets a little drunk. He proceeds to ask the only African American at the place that isn’t working security to find him coke. I’m mortified, and this person happens to be on a reality tv show with a substantial social media presence. He goes in on me about not getting taken advantage of by this pretty boy. That my money makes me a target the way that his fame does and guys like us are prime Pickens for these predators, and  so much more. He’s clearly irate and offended and I’m embarrassed.  Then out of nowhere he goes “hold on baby I got you.”  Comes back 8 minutes later with cocaine for my date. So bizarre. I’m wildly uncomfortable and ask to retreat back to my house. 
    We get back to my house and decide we’ll throw an impromptu pool party and invite Grindr boys over. What a wreck. Apparently when you’re drunk and on cocaine you don’t have the best judgement. He gets some hot boys over and feeling out of place, I invite a regular fuck buddy that is more normal like me that I’ve met many times. 
    I was wrong. He comes over and apparently has a whole other side where he loves to get black out drunk, do coke, and get gang banged. Who knew? So this is NOT my scene at all. He and stripper boy are so wasted that the other guests leave uncomfortably. I’m the opposite of a greeter at this point, apologizing and ushering hot men out my front door apologizing that they left their houses at 11:30 pm for this chaos. 
    I lock myself in my bedroom and hear the two of them continuing to party. I do trust them so I wasn’t too worried of having them with unfettered access to my house. This is 1:30. I try to sleep but can’t. At 3:45 my motion cameras kick on and my fuck buddy is leaving alone. Thank god it’s over. Nope. Stripper decides to try to come into my room. He knocks and knocks so I answer. I told him his room is across the hall. He said but I wanna sleep with you and cuddle. I said I’d rather sleep alone but to make himself comfortable in his room. (He’s been here before and spent the night before when I did a group thing at my house.)
    I hear him pacing around.  I assume he’s cleaning up. He was not. He tried my door again and I said I really wasn’t in the mood to cuddle but thank you. 
    I woke up a bit ago to my house being messy. Nothing is damaged or irreparable, but they were messy. I cleaned everything up, and the next train home is two hours away. At this point he’s still passed out in his room and didn’t hear me stirring about.
    I have never felt like a prisoner in my own home with no idea how to get myself out of the situation. I’m sure there is a lesson here but it’s too fresh to have learned.
    Finally, I have no idea how to compensate this beyond: powder at $140. Dinner at $120. Macys at $180. Train ticket at $22. 
    I have two hours to figure out what this experience was worth. 
    Oh! Final thought. At Macys I was abundantly clear in my expectations for the night, and none of them were met. In fact, as the night progressed, he basically did the exact opposite of everything I asked for. 
  25. Agree
    HoseMaster reacted to BaronArtz in 411 on DamienWolfe   
    Here is an update.  I had a conversation with him about the $500 deal.  He was prompt and professional in his communication.  I am also convinced that he is indeed the person in the pictures of the RM ad.  
    Maybe I am over-thinking it, but I have a hard time hiring an exclusive high-end escort in a 500-1,000 range, knowing that the same person also dances naked at Adonis and Buff Daddy events - where he can be groped for $20 a pop.  We all do what we need to do, but I am just having a hard time understanding the approach.  If anything, I think that it tarnishes his image a bit.  
    The other issue I had is that a 500 / hour deal in NYC is outcall only.  At that rate, I am expecting to be hosted in a comfortable place.  It does not need to be the Mandarin Oriental, but still.  Adding the cost of a hotel to the 500 rate makes it quite pricey.   He said that if I offered the 500 and took care of the location, 'we could go as far as I wanted to go.  Anything that would be considered extreme would be an extra fee, but otherwise I'd be fair game'
    I appreciate the time he took to speak with me.  I have no doubt that he is very professional, obviously hot and capable of delivering an astonishing performance.  But at 500 + hotel cost, this hobbyist is taking a pause.  
    I have no doubt that he will be very successful and truly wish him all the best.
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