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    RyanDean reacted to + BOZO T CLOWN in BuffDaddy NYC NEWS & Mr. Briggs at Uncle Charlie's Tonight   
    Mr. Biggs made an unannounced appearance last night at the Monster. He is even hotter in person than in his pics. His gorgeous alabaster skin was flawless. It was like touching a thin layer of silk wrapped around a block of granite. He has a hard round ass you can put a martini glass on, cannonball shoulders, and baseball-sized biceps that frame a perfectly sculpted physique. Also, his abs are amazing. Bozo couldn't find an ounce of fat on that body. If that wasn't enough, the angelic face, periwinkle blue eyes, and hot West London accent almost made Bozo's nose spin right off his face. Thankfully, Mr. Biggs has NO tattoos and he doesn't plan on getting any. Based on our brief encounter in the lap dance room, Mr. B seemed very down to earth and quite eager to please. A very fun experience...
  2. Like
    RyanDean reacted to + Truereview in How to avoid a dud escort   
    Welcome aboard, @Sandlapp !
    I would add that to get best referrals in this forum, it is essential for the client to be crystal clear about what he is looking for in the escort. Chemistry is a tricky thing. My best referrals have come thru very detailed private conversations with forum members. Reading the public posts is helpful, but the one-on-one discussions are better and also avoid derailers. Additionally, I believe it should be expected and common courtesy to close the loop with the referrer once you hired that escort. This serves two purposes: helps the person who helped you get closure but also augments their perspective on the escort. Lastly, please don't blame the referrer if things don't work out. I remember losing face with a forum buddy bc the escort I referred stood him up. Although that was out of my control, I felt awful and the fact that my forum buddy kept rubbing it in made it worse. Let's give each other some grace; there are no guarantees.
  3. Like
    RyanDean got a reaction from LADoug1 in Airline Passenger Telling It Like It Is!!-Passenger Grumpiness!!!   
    I guess I've become accustomed to the arcane boarding rituals and the increasingly less-comfortable seats and all that... Where I'm becoming a curmudgeon is around those people who bring huge bags of stinky/sloppy airport food to eat on board. Sure, airplane food was never appetizing, but at least it was tidy and comparatively inconspicuous. I find the enduring aroma of that giant meatball sandwich stewing three rows away to be almost worse than a cranky baby. At least I carry earphones with me so there's the possibility I can block out the baby...
  4. Like
    RyanDean got a reaction from + FreshFluff in Airline Passenger Telling It Like It Is!!-Passenger Grumpiness!!!   
    I guess I've become accustomed to the arcane boarding rituals and the increasingly less-comfortable seats and all that... Where I'm becoming a curmudgeon is around those people who bring huge bags of stinky/sloppy airport food to eat on board. Sure, airplane food was never appetizing, but at least it was tidy and comparatively inconspicuous. I find the enduring aroma of that giant meatball sandwich stewing three rows away to be almost worse than a cranky baby. At least I carry earphones with me so there's the possibility I can block out the baby...
  5. Like
    RyanDean got a reaction from nynakedtop in Strange Voyeur Question   
    @Juan Vancouver 's advice is spot on. Both in terms of the double-hire and sexclub etiquette.
    And @nynakedtop's invite is worth considering. (I've recently tuned into the underground network and not that long ago hit one of the events/venues with a gent; I found it to be quite hot and quite civilized, if you can call such a thing civilized.)
  6. Like
    RyanDean reacted to nynakedtop in Strange Voyeur Question   
    they are a bit "underground" for obvious reasons, but not that hard to find.... if it is a scene that you think might work for you, hit me up if you are interested.
  7. Thanks
    RyanDean got a reaction from Pd1_jap in Seeking arrangements success!   
    How did you gents approach the "lifestyle expectation" level?
    "Substantial" and "Negotiable" I suspect I understand but... Minimum? Practical?
  8. Like
    RyanDean reacted to gezellig4u in Houseboy-sugar daddy situation? Yay or Nay?   
    And I would also need to check with my husband.
  9. Like
    RyanDean reacted to Mount N Do in Speaking of straight, 411 on RexChristian?   
    Regrettably haven't met him yet. It's somewhat challenging as he can't host without advance notice-still not sure how advanced that needs to be- and I often can't schedule until a few hours before I like to meet. Additionally, he took off to NYC, so I'm anxiously awaiting his return.
  10. Like
    RyanDean got a reaction from + azdr0710 in Speaking of straight, 411 on RexChristian?   
    Saw Rex at the Adonis nude party tonight.
    Didn't get to spend any time with him, but got a few eyefuls.
    What a booty on this one. WOWZA.
    Did you enjoy your time with MrRex, @Mount N Do? (A quick search didn't show me any reviews.)
  11. Like
    RyanDean reacted to actor61 in The Great British Baking Show   
    I watched the second episode of the new season of The Great British Baking Show on Friday night and was once again completely hypnotized. Nothing much happens. The contestants bake 3 recipes, they're judged by Mary and Paul, somebody gets Star Baker, somebody goes home, and I'm totally addicted. Maybe it's that there are no ridiculous "celebrity chefs" running around giving orders, they don't pull sheep's ball out of a mystery basket from which they're supposed to make an appetizer, they don't tell nauseating anecdotes about their dog's death, or soppy stories about Granma making brownies - they just bake, wait for the results, and then it's on to the next challenge. Paul and Mary don't go on and on when they're tasting. They take a nibble and then say something like, "It has a good bake," "Nice color", "Good crunch" or "It's raw in the middle. I think it needed another 5 minutes" or "What a shame it didn't turn out better". There's no blathering from either one of them. They taste. They comment. They move on. The show's filmed in a tent. There's no mansion in the Hamptons, loft in Manhattan, or seaside villa in Italy. It's a fuckin' tent.
    I guess I've answered my own question. The show's good because it's about what it's about - baking. No frills, no fits, no fuss. I wish MY life were that simple.
  12. Like
    RyanDean reacted to + nycman in Chicago 411   
    Yeah strange.
    It worked yesterday...guess I ruined it for the rest of you....grin
  13. Like
    RyanDean reacted to FilmGeek in Would you rather overweight clients inform you about their expectations before meeting?   
    I know this is an older post, but I would like to add my thoughts.
    For medical reasons, by my early 20's I was over 300 pounds. The gay world is very superficial, and I couldn't get a date. By 23, I was still a virgin, and that's when I started hiring escorts. I probably try about 6 new escorts a year, one every other month or so, and have done so for the last 15 years, and I have had many regulars, although I travel so much for work it makes it difficult for anything regular.
    I learned early on to always tell them my weight and make sure that they were okay with it. When hiring an escort, I do it not only for the sex, but to feel sexy myself. Any escort can get a guy off, that's just the basics. An exceptional escort will make you feel like the sexiest man alive while you are with him. He will make you feel like you are the only person in the world that matters to him. It's a feeling that I don't get from anyone in the real world, and one why I enjoy the company of a great escort so much.
    I have found that if I don't prepare them for what to expect, then I often find disappointment in the meeting. I had escorts turn me away at the door, which is exactly the opposite of the confidence boost I wanted. I've had escorts take me in, but not want to touch me, basically they touched as little as possible, had me jerk myself off, took my money, and shoved me out the door. I've had escorts who couldn't get hard, which makes it difficult for them to fuck me. This was all when I was in my early 20's, and a lot of my paycheck went to hiring them. Then I got lucky and hired Cameron Taylor. I warned him that I was 350 lbs, and he told me that was fine, but for the first time he made me feel like the sexiest man alive.
    There's nothing better than seeing a smile at the door rather than disappointment. There's nothing better than an escort who can't keep their hands off you. There's nothing better than an escort who is hard the instant he sees you. And sure, this may take a little prep on their part. I find the more information I give them, the better prepared they are for the appointment, and the better time I have.
    I have escorts flat out tell me that they aren't interested when I've told them my weight, and I do appreciate that. It means that they aren't wasting my time or money for a less than perfect experience.
    I've had escorts who simply didn't return my text or email after I told them I was heavy. Sure I was disappointed, but not as disappointed as I would have been paying their rate and having a bad experience.
    My vote is always tell them, If they are good at what they will do, it will only help them prepare a more pleasurable experience. If they turn you away, you are better off anyways.
  14. Like
    RyanDean reacted to + Keith30309 in Veterans vision project   
    I hadn't looked at the entire collection until now. Many of these are truly powerful and worth taking a look at.
  15. Like
    RyanDean got a reaction from beachboy in WHO WOULD YOU HIRE?   
    Former: So many it's hard to know where to begin... Dick Fisk. Bill Henson. Tuck Johnson. The list goes on...
    Current: Andrew Stark. If only he escorted, if only...
  16. Like
    RyanDean reacted to + glennnn in Dear Evan Hansen   
    Thank you, @RyanDean. I will check it out and track the show. It sounds perfect for a couple of retired high school teachers. We'll probably cry buckets in empathy for all the misfits among our students that we loved. I was the drama teacher and drama club advisor for 30 years and I always tried to create a place where troubled or lonely kids could belong. Theater is so wonderful at creating a team, dare I say a family, all adding their piece of the puzzle and pulling in one direction.

  17. Like
    RyanDean got a reaction from hornytwells in WHO WOULD YOU HIRE?   
    @hornytwells : @Epigonos framed this thread as a space for wishful thinking. some of the listed performers did escort. some did not. (see my own post upthread, longing for Andrew Stark...)
  18. Like
    RyanDean reacted to hornytwells in WHO WOULD YOU HIRE?   
    Agreed, am crazy about Andrew Stark!
  19. Like
    RyanDean got a reaction from hornytwells in WHO WOULD YOU HIRE?   
    Former: So many it's hard to know where to begin... Dick Fisk. Bill Henson. Tuck Johnson. The list goes on...
    Current: Andrew Stark. If only he escorted, if only...
  20. Like
    RyanDean reacted to SteelFan in Escort with hottest chest/nipples?   
    I love those pecs. Perfect! Exactly what I'm looking for.
  21. Like
    RyanDean reacted to Juan Vancouver in Escort with hottest chest/nipples?   
    Damn. You write about my nipples, I get a boner. They are that hard wired to my dick!
    Big hug, you sexy fucker!
  22. Like
    RyanDean got a reaction from Lookin in LOSING WEIGHT ... and the even bigger challenge of keeping it off   
    About 18months ago, I made a series of changes that let to me dropping 80 pounds in about 10 months and, though I've hit a plateau, I've been able to maintain the weight (within about a 5lb window). I'd like to trim maybe another 10/15/20 pounds but I'm not too worried about it. We'll see how the next year goes.
    I'm in my mid40s and have a full life. I enjoy my demanding job for which I travel a lot. I love to eat. None of that has changed. What has changed is that I prioritize exercise (especially when I travel) and I do everything I can to eat sensibly, even when I'd rather just eat whatever/whenever.
    Before 18months ago, I had lost and gained back the same 40lbs (usually with a few extra) several times. Each time, I monitored my food (using weightwatchers) and upped my activity level (usually by walking more and using cardio equipment). But I couldn't maintain the discipline and, when things got stressful, I started eating whatever/whenever and the weight came back. I had spent most of my life as a chubby person and had always experienced the gym as a stressful, unsafe, shaming place.
    What's been different this time is that I started learning how to do strength training (with a trainer) 5-6 days a week IN ADDITION TO monitoring my food and upping my activity. This three-pronged approach (calorie-counting, hitting a "step" target, and 1 hour of vigorous/rigorous activity EVERY DAY) has been a life- and body-changer. Even as my weight has plateaued, my body has continued to change and, while it's nowhere near being pretty (and lots of squishy areas persist), it's been gratifying to feel things firm up.
    I'm not sure "how I did it" but this is how I answer when people ask:

    I use one of those calorie-counting apps (FitnessPal, LoseIt, etc) to log my daily meals, which are mostly whole foods (avoiding processed, packaged or pre-prepared food to the extent that I can). I stopped using weightwatchers and am really glad I did.
    I use one of those wristband step monitors (FitBit, Jawbone, etc) to log my steps, aiming for 13k per day.
    I schedule training appointments at my gym or a nearby studio (OrangeTheory, BarrysBootcamp, etc) every day. And I GO.
    I do all of the above EVEN/ESPECIALLY when I'm busy or traveling.

    Everyone asks if I "feel" better. I can never answer. I guess so. I do know I'm happier, mostly I think because I feel less estranged from my body. I also know it's one-day-at-a-time and, though "results" are nice, the actual reward is that I'm glad that fitness is now part of my daily life.
  23. Like
    RyanDean got a reaction from Kenny in LOSING WEIGHT ... and the even bigger challenge of keeping it off   
    About 18months ago, I made a series of changes that let to me dropping 80 pounds in about 10 months and, though I've hit a plateau, I've been able to maintain the weight (within about a 5lb window). I'd like to trim maybe another 10/15/20 pounds but I'm not too worried about it. We'll see how the next year goes.
    I'm in my mid40s and have a full life. I enjoy my demanding job for which I travel a lot. I love to eat. None of that has changed. What has changed is that I prioritize exercise (especially when I travel) and I do everything I can to eat sensibly, even when I'd rather just eat whatever/whenever.
    Before 18months ago, I had lost and gained back the same 40lbs (usually with a few extra) several times. Each time, I monitored my food (using weightwatchers) and upped my activity level (usually by walking more and using cardio equipment). But I couldn't maintain the discipline and, when things got stressful, I started eating whatever/whenever and the weight came back. I had spent most of my life as a chubby person and had always experienced the gym as a stressful, unsafe, shaming place.
    What's been different this time is that I started learning how to do strength training (with a trainer) 5-6 days a week IN ADDITION TO monitoring my food and upping my activity. This three-pronged approach (calorie-counting, hitting a "step" target, and 1 hour of vigorous/rigorous activity EVERY DAY) has been a life- and body-changer. Even as my weight has plateaued, my body has continued to change and, while it's nowhere near being pretty (and lots of squishy areas persist), it's been gratifying to feel things firm up.
    I'm not sure "how I did it" but this is how I answer when people ask:

    I use one of those calorie-counting apps (FitnessPal, LoseIt, etc) to log my daily meals, which are mostly whole foods (avoiding processed, packaged or pre-prepared food to the extent that I can). I stopped using weightwatchers and am really glad I did.
    I use one of those wristband step monitors (FitBit, Jawbone, etc) to log my steps, aiming for 13k per day.
    I schedule training appointments at my gym or a nearby studio (OrangeTheory, BarrysBootcamp, etc) every day. And I GO.
    I do all of the above EVEN/ESPECIALLY when I'm busy or traveling.

    Everyone asks if I "feel" better. I can never answer. I guess so. I do know I'm happier, mostly I think because I feel less estranged from my body. I also know it's one-day-at-a-time and, though "results" are nice, the actual reward is that I'm glad that fitness is now part of my daily life.
  24. Like
    RyanDean reacted to jimboivyo in Seeking arrangements success!   
    I can't imagine many here being real sugar daddies. not with the regular commentary about high escort rates and penny pinching
  25. Like
    RyanDean reacted to jimboivyo in Seeking arrangements success!   
    seeking arrangement means you've got to have the outlay to cut a lengthy deal
    don't assume it's some inexpensive thing. hiring an escort is very different than supporting someone full time
    robber is correct. you had 10 days together. move slow and use smarts
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