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Posts posted by robberbaron4u

  1. On 6/22/2023 at 9:41 AM, Rudynate said:

    I want to believe that, but a solid year of health challenges is undermining my faith in that view. 

    Indeed! When the time comes that getting out of the bed in the morning is comparable to pouring milk on a bowl of Rice Krispies...snap, crackle, pop, that notion will be subject to reconsideration.

  2. On 6/21/2023 at 10:55 PM, CuriousByNature said:

    I've known people in their 20s who act like they're in their 60's, and people over 100 who also act like they're in their 60s.  So many factors come into play - genetics, environment, financial resources, luck.  Hard to find anyone in their 90s and beyond who didn't benefit from at least a couple of those factors.   When I was young I thought that 60 was ancient, but that might be because back in the 80s older people acted older than they do today.  Hairstyles, clothing, activities - it seems like they wanted to fit the image of a senior.  Not today - octogenarians posing in Playboy, more people able to access anti-aging procedures, and maybe most important - the general erosion of respect that younger people once paid to those who are older may be another reason why many seniors try to stay as young as possible.  Old age was once something that was attained and embraced, but now it is shunned and forced into the geriatric closet.

    In the South, the referenced behaviour is commonly referred to as having been "born old".

  3. 6 hours ago, Luv2play said:

    I didn't call him elderly. Just that there is another thread going that talks about age.

    "Just funnin' ya"...humour serves to alleviate the pain of this disease they call "life".

  4. 1 hour ago, Kippy said:

    He moved to Chicago c. 2007.  I think he fell off the radar.  He was originally from Europe and so perhaps went back there.  He must be all of 50 by now!


    Tempus does indeed fugit. . .

  5. On 6/10/2023 at 11:25 AM, SFChinois said:

    He is now in San Francisco and has been very difficult to reach via RM messenger and cell.  Kind of frustrating but we shall see.  It becomes quite a turn off no matter how hot someone is.  He responds then disappears. : (

    Basstiann, based at Chicago, deserves, perhaps, consideration as an alternate to Centurion; he is commencing to travel.

  6. 39 minutes ago, goosh69 said:

    That’s some straight up nonsense that he prefers TS woman. The guy’s posted tons of YouTube and OnlyFans stuff with cis straight women (and he you can find him in some of the women he’s been with on their accounts.) 

    he will kiss and let you suck for extra. He’s ok if you’re into worshiping a guy and making out but no he’s not into anal.

    for me we lacked chemistry. He looked great. It was just not there for me. And for a foot fetish model, he had a DESPERATE need for a sandblasting and a pedicure for those gnarly feet.


    But I still need to set the record straight on some of the nonsense I see in this thread. 

    I have been down the road, around the mountain and I am almost at the finish marker, but, for the life left in me, I just do not see "it" in this man.

  7. On 6/8/2023 at 11:56 AM, Luv2play said:

    Was that your opening gambit? 

    Whenever I ask a provider to unlock his private photos, it's always after I have initiated a conversation and sometimes I will ask to see the private photos if a face pic is included which wasn't in the public or semi private photos which I can see. 

    They almost always agree.

    I assure you, "it's all good".


  8. 1 hour ago, coriolis888 said:

    I do not believe that there is a primary rule to protect yourself. 

    If you happen to get together with a provider who has rotten motives and he wants to hurt you to get more money, all you can do is fight (defend) or try to get away from him or give in and pay more money.   

    Finding the right way to separate yourself from the bad guy is usually not easy but it can be done. 

    Most providers are good people trying to make some money. 

    Every now and again, there is the person, like is described by the author of this thread, who is truly a bad person. 

    I think that the author is doing the forum a disservice by not furnishing any information on the provider such as what city he resides or where he advertises.  



     I am in agreement with this post. However, in my own experience in having issued a warning with regard to an escort, sticks and stones came my way, and, thereby, I do appreciate the initial poster's reticence in identifying the escort.

  9. 2 hours ago, BaronArtz said:

    I looked at it again and used their match making feature to come up with the 'best' fit.  The male models are all heteros and will not book appointments with male gay clients.  Only one of them is bisexual but will not perform for 'mature' clients.  That gives me no match at all.

    Thankfully I live in NYC, where we are spoiled rotten by the numbers of hot men eager to work.



    In my experience, I surmise a ready exchequer might open their appointment books for an "accommodation" of the want of the client.

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