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Posts posted by robberbaron4u

  1. 3 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

    I find it bizarre that the second son of the King of England jumped into a yellow taxi in New York City, as much as I find it impossible to believe that the son of a women killed in a car chase, decided to participate in a car chase.

    The man can follow a script. . .as stated, the scenario as played is too "pat" to be credible;  the "theatre" that is the Royal Family has become tedious and its actors tiresome.  Bring on the Chorus Boys. . .

  2. 7 hours ago, Discerner said:

    View my profile on Rent.Men

    Any intel?  Traveling this way and looks promising...at least makes big promises on separate site:




    He has been discussed, under a prior stage name, in postings to the forum. IvyLeagueHungVers?

  3. 26 minutes ago, coriolis888 said:

    The "provider to a few select" is lost in a world of make believe dreams.  

    Realistically, what other provider out here has the demands even remotely similar to this provider?

    I have known many providers over lots of years and never saw such a bizarre ad.

    EDIT: to add, as a reminder, the requirements of this provider:

    "I am professional, engineer and hypnotherapist, smart, intelligent and beautiful, I am a rolex not a casio, I enjoy meeting sucessfull and smart guys, gentlement. I enjoy dinner, hanging out and smart conversations. I want to share time with sucess guys, not into ordinary guys."

    Nonetheless, he cannot be faulted for false modesty or honesty. Of course, as you have stated, his prospects might be "pie in the sky". 

  4. 1 hour ago, coriolis888 said:

    Time will tell after his ad shows few or no reviews. 

    He is selling a product - - himself - - - not a fancy car.

    If he will only let himself be hired by young and bright people, that cuts into his client supply inventory, big time.  

    I am in agreement with you; if he is marketing himself to "twinks", he will have no client inventory as  "young, bright things" tend to "bump" with their like kind without monetary compensation.  

  5. 2 hours ago, coriolis888 said:

    Of course, he is entitled to be discriminatory when accepting offers from clients.

    However, he comes across as someone who thinks he is better than most folks. 

    If he is trying to make money as a escort and expects to find only the "cream of the crop" of clients, he has a big disappointment in store for himself.  

    Perhaps. . .however, as with many young men who turn to escorting, he is inexperienced in the how and the why and the wheretofor of the thing, and, too he is alone in the world and the only one to nourish his self-esteem is he, himself. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Lazarus said:

    Good luck. He enjoys meeting “sucessfull’ & smart guys, “gentlement”. He enjoys hanging out & smart conversations. He wants to share time with ‘succes”. guys & he’s not into ordinary guys. He talks to his brain in an effective way not to mention he’s pretty smart & is into hypnosis & can’t live without “coffe”.  

    Shall we allow that he is discriminating in his acquaintance?  Most clients have a preference for a particular "type" of escort;  shall we throw stones at an escort who has a particular type of client in mind?

  7. Antuann / Rentmen.eu / Miami. Svelte, pretty bottom boy in the "rescue escort" category; attentive and accomodating when petted down; however, he is new to the business and requires patience in handling. I have advised him to lose the beard stubble as it detracts from his youtful countenance. 

  8. 10 hours ago, RamPoundAss said:

    Complete waste of time and money, at least for me. 

    The general: someone mentioned he kissed passionately.  Uh, no. I could barely get a peck on the lips out of him. YMMV — maybe his performance is very client specific, and you get good service if he‘s attracted to you. Also, one of the worst excuses for a blowjob. Neither of these were a hygiene issue… I was freshly showered, etc. and never have had any complaints. 

    Maybe specific to certain clients: his photos give him the look of a serious, masculine Latin man. In reality, he’s a fey gay with a somewhat high voice. Think Hank Azaria in The Birdcage. I almost sent him away within a minute of walking in the door. Huge turnoff for me. But I thought, I might as well try to get something for my money, and a good BJ is better than nothing. Nope—see above. So, I ended that, and so ended the “fun” after maybe 10 minutes of futility. 

    Obviously YMMV, but go into it knowing what to expect. The pictures are definitively him, but don’t capture his true personality and manner. 

    Ah, me. . ."fame and fortune" have gone to his head, the "big one" not "the little one". In the beginning of his career as an "escort", he was very attentive; "celebrity" of sorts precludes such attentions with him, that is, it is a "privilege" to be a client, and you should be grateful for that which you get from him. . By nature, he is a "big bottom boy" in his sexual position orientation. That stated, he is a very pretty piece of work. 

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