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Jason Dutch

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Posts posted by Jason Dutch

  1. There's something intriguing here for sure but frankly I'm having a really hard time following the story at all... you don't explain what was or wasn't said, nor what did or didn't happen, or exactly what made them so different or unsatisfying...?

    If I'm interpreting it right, though, you're saying he talked a great game over text, but when you met up, he did not behave in line with what you expected and the skill/chemistry was not there in person... And you're asking if there's a way to tell if someone is going to be as enticing and attuned to your needs IRL as they seem during the prelude.

    Sucks what happened to you and I don't think it's unusual to try to figure out ways of preventing disappointments or unexpected mismatches like this. Uncomfortable, expensive, and confusing is not the experience anyone wants going into meeting a provider (or, from our end, a client), or even a hook up, date, acquaintance, whatever. For me personally, excessive (and especially impatient) texting habits are a huge red flag for me. Frequently acts as some sort of cover, or overcompensation or anxiety of some kind that becomes clearer down the line.. However, I've noticed generally that many many people under 30 are much more comfortable and confident in themselves when they are mediated through texting, social media platforms, etc. and then come off as shy, awkward, or tactless in person, especially a first meeting... So maybe try not to get too caught up in their deft messaging skills. One solution would be to try to get them to speak on the phone first to get a better sense of their conversational graces, but gooooood luck trying to get a Gen Z anywhere near such a thing.

    (Yikes, guess I'm a boomer now haha. To be fair, anyone can turn out to be very different from the image they portray of themselves)



  2. As somebody who has struggled with running late my whole life (I've tried countless approaches and somehow still struggle to gauge precisely how long things take... sigh, thanks executive dysfunction!) I have learned that no matter what the context, you must communicate frequently, consistently, and as early as possible so as not to waste someone's time or leave them in the dark. By and large people are understanding and can adjust if given the tools they need to do so. But even I lose patience with someone gone incomunicado and precisely the least practical moment!

  3. This was a headline/punchline that made the rounds in 2016 but one imagines there might be a kernel of truth to it. As curt mentions, DC is known for endless demand and I can vouch that Ottawa is the same. I confess I'm considering it... theoretically I'm kind of torn about the ethical side of things — surely it's a bit weird to knowingly accept what could very well be some ill-gotten bloody MAGA bucks.... But, then again, I'll gladly make a Republican staffer poorer for my sake. And to be fair I hardly ever know or feign to guess at the source of the dollars I receive from many other clienets, whose privacy I rightfully and necessarily must respect.

    Tempting indeed... would be interesting just to test the premise anyhow

  4. Most of the time I find the clients aren't out the door until 20 minutes beyond the scheduled time... I try not to "watch the clock" anyhow, but mentally I plan for a little spillover. It can be tricky timing a client's orgasm, too - not always up to me if you end up busting sooner! But in the case he busts with time to spare, I always remain attentive and available for the remainder of the hour, for cuddling/aftercare/conversation or even a bit more play if they're game. Some clients take advantage of this, and others are ready to hit the road right away after they nut.

  5. As a provider, I don't think I would put a travel alert up for such a visit.. As you've described, I won't have any availability and it's a short trip. I've never been flown out by somebody, but I've absolutely done quick 2-day trips for unrelated purposes and chosen not to push my ad since I'd have to turn everybody down and I'd rather not disappoint, and have little patience for fruitless texting as it is.

    That said, your date choosing to do so for whatever reason — to sus out the market, to get his name/face out there, just ~because~ - is totally harmless, as others said.

    If, on the other hand, you noticed his profile set to Available Now in the midst of your overnight, that might be cause to quibble!

  6. I had no idea there was such a horny spa culture in Vegas. I figured the more explicitly gay bathhouse establishments would fill that need but there's something super hot about the tension and furtive fun one can have in places like these. Thanks for the info

  7. An escort friend of mine told me last week about being pulled aside at the airport back in April when he was on his way to Orlando for a porn industry event. He had actually deactivated his RM profile months previous and stopped escort work. He said they surmised that he had stopped escorting and that his story checked out but warned him to be careful.

    By contrast, as a US citizen I have it easier than most. I cross the Peace Bridge (sometimes Lewiston) 15-20 times each way every year,  and I almost never get any hassle crossing by land. Been gently searched once or twice going into Canada over the past 4 years or so of frequent land crossing. But crossing into the Buffalo side, the officer usually just says hello, blinks a few times, ask me what I'm importing (I always declare super honestly, they like that haha) and waves me me on through.

    (Detroit is a different story, but that was never related to my work, they're just total dicks there to gay people, people of colour, anyone they can bark at. Always take Pt Huron if you can, haha)

    I'll note that, after 2 years waiting, I finally did my NEXUS interview last month. So now I'm just waiting on the card (any day now...) and also waiting for my citizenship stuff to go through in the next few months...  with those settled, I will feel even more secure. But for now I'm thinking over what precautions might I take given this increased scrutiny, and I will certainly keep an eye on this as it further unfolds.

    I'm mostly just very grateful for having the wild privilege of having a US passport and therefore enjoyed pretty unfettered freedom of mobility compared to most of the world. Would be stupid to lose that by being careless somehow...

  8. Travelling alone for escorting work can be super fun and adventurous but can be really lonely. Travelling with another escort can be also fun, but inevitably creates some logistical knots. If I'm travelling with family, a partner, a good friend, I decide in advance whether I'm going to work on any of the days and usually I prefer not to work at all during some of those trips. Also, not all destinations are worth the effort due to being remote or without the proper infrastructure

  9. Brad and I shot a scene or two and have gotten to know each other a bit since I started living part-time in Buffalo. He's a wonderful, masculine, thick 'n' sexy, professional daddy bear with a hot firm belly that's grown in since his studio days. He certainly does love to chat, which I for one always enjoyed.  He has a strong and bright personality, but he's really just there to please and do what's expected of him whether in porn or massage.


    I know this is long after OP's visit, but figured I'd drop my thoughts in case someone else goes searching.

  10. Once I've locked in time and place with a client, I always say "My only request is that we both be showered and brush our teeth ahead of time so we can get right into the action." Sometimes I ask if they prefer I do or don't wear deoderant depending on the conversation we've had. I'd estimate 80% of my clients prefer that I don't wear deoderant and I figure I can always put some on but I can't easily take it off. So if we haven't discussed it, I always have some in my bag and take no offense at all if my client requests or suggests that I put some on.

    As for trimming, I've had a few clients request that I shave completely which is not on the table. I shoot porn every week and being hairy with a bush is part of what my fans come for. I do my own light trim regularly and I'd need someone to offer a substantial rate increase to consider anything more dramatic.

  11. As others have said, it takes a lot of prep to get ready for a session of any length so that's built into the higher price for a shorter time. Depends on the city but typically my I ask $300 for the first hour and then $200 for each hour after that. I don't advertise half hours but if someone requests one, I usually price them for $200 outcall and $180 incall.

  12. I don't mind texting a bit back and forth with new connections, it can be kind of fun and hot. That said, experience has taught me that people who are serious about booking don't tend to belabor the exchange though - they want to ask any basics not covered in the ad and zero in on a time, bada bing bada boom.

    First time clients sometimes need to bat around the idea of meeting up a bit more vis a vis some horny texting, pic exchange, maybe a 5 minute call. There are also regular clients who like to check in here and there and maybe share a recent horny story or fantasy. I have one or two guys who text me almost everyday, and I try to keep up because I'm fond of them and want to meet again when I'm in their town.

    Overall, I find it  hard to keep up with the expected pace of messages. People (not just clients) treat texts like a customer service chat! I've had a few people get pissed if I take even 5 minutes to respond, or hit me with the classic:



    him: <insert random horny banter here>

    [3 mins go by]...

    him: ??? 

    [2 mins]

    him: guess you're not interested...


    Maybe it's my ADHD but I often feel way out of sync with texting culture. I've always treated texts more like emails than phone calls — I'll respond when I can. That doesn't cut it anymore though...

    Yes, I understand the expectation of a quick response with clients/inquiries, especially if I'm signalling that I'm online and available. So i try to be quick in my responses. But regulars, guys on hookup apps, even friends (especially younger friends) seem to expect an immediate response to every message (even inane ones) without regard to what else I may have on the go.

    Am I really supposed to write back immediately to some horny guy 35 miles away who texts me at 8:06am to say, "nice ass, how much" Am I supposed to tell present company to take his dick out my mouth cuz I "gotta do a phone thing real quick" every time I buzz? If I'm literally driving across the city to see you at this very moment, am I rude for ignoring five horny texts about all the things you want to do?


  13. It depends on present company and context of course, but I think your instinct towards discretion makes perfect sense. When I've run into clients "in the wild" I've normally taken the lead when I've thought it was safe/appropriate. Once I ran into one of my sweetest, kindest foot subs while both of us were alone shopping at the grocery store. When I greeted him with a smile, he was astonished but soooooo happy haha.

  14. The call to "expose" escorts sharing information is totally irresponsible and honestly pretty hypocritical given the forum that we're on. Please take a moment to consider what you're suggesting.

    Mr Number is just one of several safety methods used by workers to protect themselves in the course of offering unique talents, experiences, pleasures and expertise. It's part of a centuries-old (at least) tradition of informal knowledge networks and bad date lists and meant to protect escorts. Things have changed in some places, and naturally, I acknowledge that clients take their share of risks as well when arranging to meet and meeting providers. But in most contexts, sex workers of any stripe take on much greater physical social, legal, personal and financial risks.

    As someone above said, many (mannnyyyyyyyy) people messaging escorts never intend to meet or pay.  Every day, people text me out of the blue with expectations of rapid, extensive, unpaid sexting or phone sex, or worse. While most of the clients out there are genuinely good people trying to to do business, there are unfortunately a significant number of "clients" who are not... People who seek or choose to stalk, harass, rape, assault, doxx, scam, harm, and, in extreme cases, even kill sex workers. Not to mention, SW remains illegal in most places and police around the world still expend heinous quantities of cash in their efforts to entrap and charge sex workers.

    Perhaps an example would help. I am based in Toronto. I was approached, by online message and text message, by Bruce MacArthur, whom most people will know was a sadistic serial killer preying on gay men in Toronto for at least a decade and who killed at least one sex worker and brutalized another with a metal pipe. If I had not cross checked his info with my peers at the time, I would not have known about the various red flags that had gone up in the community and would likely have met him. Similarly, somebody I once declined to meet after a cross-check later restrained and raped another provider who was not plugged into these info networks.

    If someone can't see why tools like this are important, then I suggest they do some deep, deep thinking about their priorities and their capacity for empathy.

    Of course, I'm not calling anyone on here a killer or a rapist. I love my clients and by and large I've found I can develop mutual trust with a guy independent of any lists or comment boards.  The information on sites CoM and MN is ultimately that — information. Escorts (and anyone with the app) can take that info and use it to make safer and better informed decisions — it's not as though you're cancelled forever because one person said you never booked, we all recognize that not every client is going to book. Tbh, I don't think I've ever seen a number that has negative comments from just one provider, and if I did, I would never write someone off based on one or two comments. What's most useful is seeing if there's a pattern of behaviour or red flags that we can take into consideration to protect ourselves.

    Sorry for the novel, just was feeling aghast that anyone would think this is controversial or worth disparaging





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