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Everything posted by Archangel

  1. Pointless insofar as even having a site include in an ad. I can understand why some otherwise honest escorts would “embellish” (creative reframing of “lying,” there), but if dishonesty is a known factor and the info is simply overlooked because it’s assumed to be dishonest, then it’s really a moot point from the moment when the gun goes off. It’s as useful as the “ask me” response. Maybe RM ought to start including a field for blood type.
  2. I hire for BFE sessions that usually go a few days. I like to know a bit about the guy before we meet (beyond the RM generic ad info) before spending days with a guy. I also (delusionally) think a guy could pick up on some things about me before we actually meet. Texting works well for that. To me, for a BFE, getting to know each other a little is part of the prep for the meetup. I don’t want to pay a guy to sit for 30 minutes while I prep in the shower for a 1-hr session. I don’t want to spend 16 hrs out out of 48 getting to know each other.
  3. I hate those interactions because I won’t lie. If you want a pleasantry, don’t ask a question.
  4. I find it fascinating that most the concerns and comments are much more about the physical looks of some because of age, and maturity and “values” of someone are much more indifferent irrespective of age.
  5. News flash… Lying isn’t okay. We just accept it as inevitable in certain circumstances when we’re thinking with our little head…
  6. Wow. I’m surprised that 5% are women…That seems high to me.
  7. Some of it depends what you’re in the mood for too. Do you want a mature guy or a frisky youngin? I’ve done both. I’ve found the guys my age think sometimes we’re chummy and I really don’t like chummy in real life relationships. Young guys tend to be more selfish than older guys in my experience but by virtue of our age difference they subconsciously don’t attempt to identify with me the same way older guys do. That’s more interesting, but the immaturity and narcissism can be annoying.
  8. @Jamie21, if you don’t mind sharing, how many clients do you see a month? Are certain days feast and certain days famine? What about times of the day? I’m curious about the hard data. At my work, we were concerned that engagement was down last calendar year over the previous year – until we looked at the data. What felt like a negative change was actually a positive change of 3.9%. The data bore that out. If we relied on our impressions though, we would’ve thought engagement was down, not up. I think some of that’s important when we talk about escorting as a business, particularly in prices and frequency of hires. Who’s a repeat? How often compared to before? Duration? How many new hires compared to the past? What might be the explanation for that? This is where my corporate administrative mind starts chugging… 😂
  9. For me, age less about looks or anything physical or sexual. I look at it and (perhaps unfairly) make assumptions about personality based off it. But I’m also looking for something beyond plug in and pull out. I do several days at a time. A guy my age will provide a different BFE than a 21-yo
  10. The above was from @DWnyc For escorts primarily: how many of you keep records in a systematic way of hires? If so, what sort of info do you record? How do you keep track? Especially you guys where this is your job…do you do analysis at the end of the month etc. on how things went? What needs tweaking?
  11. @maninsoma, fair. Regardless of age, I’ve always been invisible to guys unless I flash the green or the magnetic strip (now more and more the Venmo QR code…times, they are a-changin’!)
  12. I didn’t intend it to be. I guess I forgot the conversational “Let’s not forget” at the beginning!
  13. People think I’m 3 years old if I shave my facial hair. If I have a beard, they guess I’m 43. Still wrong, but huge difference 😂 Let’s not forget that age is the big boogeyman for 90% of the gays. 18-30, prime meat, “sugar baby desire” 30-45, invisible to most men, “dead” 45+, assumed to be stable and well establishedly employed, “sugar daddy candidate”
  14. Tangential remark – A lot of the “21-year-old guys” are actually much closer to 30 than they admit in their ads because youth sells. I know this for a fact. Two regulars of mine shave several years off their ages for their RM ads because they can pass for younger. Is that akin to saying you’re 9” when when you’re actually 7”? Maybe. I’m sure some here will disagree or justify such “fudging,” but the fact remains it happens. In more ways than one. The “product” is misrepresented in order to make the sale.
  15. What was the experience like otherwise?
  16. That’s how I see it too. Hide someone’s comments doesn’t hide them if someone you didn’t hide quotes them.
  17. Maybe there’s an evil child sex traffic ring operated out of midwestern pizzeria basements though?! *snark*
  18. At some point, internet controversies inevitably descend to argumentum ad Hilterum.
  19. Isn’t bigotedly maligning an entire swath of a country’s population totally off topic of this thread? I mean, I could be wrong, but I thought we were discussing market fluctuations and supply and demand expectations. Not engaging in malicious stereotyping 🤷🏼‍♂️
  20. I’ve noticed everything has gone up. Everything. And the cynical side of me says it’s places (providers in a broad sense) taking advantage of the boogeyman “inflation” to simply raise rates. When you look at profits of companies, many are posting record profits. How is that possible during an inflationary period if things are so rough for such enterprises? I’m not talking mom-and-pop operations. I’m talking Amazon. Netflix. YouTube. Etc. Just by way of example. Jeff Bezos is worth in the neighborhood of $180 billion. I don’t think he’s hurting for inflation. I work in the non-profit sector and we rely on donations to keep us going. We provide services, but we don’t charge except for a few specific exceptions. Yet things have gotten more expensive for us as well. We need to pay higher rates to Comcast, for instance, along with all our donor base. We are seeing people cut their donations while our costs are going up. I’d love to charge for services from a strictly fiduciary standpoint, but we simply can’t. Yet the whole cost of operations issues is hitting us on both ends. We’re actually looking at rolling compensation back 14% next fiscal year simply to make budget with increased costs of operations with decreased donations. The difference here, in my line of work, I understand the dynamics of why that’s happening. I don’t like it, but I don’t complain or act like I don’t get why the situation is the way it is. People simply can’t give to things like they did before when the cost of everything else is going up. And we hear that. So I’m not surprised that clients would notice an escort putting rates up and not liking it. No one does. And people notice and say – “I’m now paying more for the same thing as before. The math has skewed against me.”
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