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Everything posted by Archangel

  1. Even still. By your reasoning, my number is there and showing up as an issue. I don’t have many providers NOT respond. Yet…some don’t. It doesn’t reasonably hold. What seems more reasonable is that some of the providers I contact who don’t reply are not great at responding. If I rarely got a response, Mr. Number issues would make more sense. But I do largely have responses. The few who don’t respond would therefore seem like they’re not serious about consistently providing. Sometimes the issue isn’t the client.
  2. No. I don’t believe I have any reviews on my RM client profile and all my actual bookings have been positive, save two, and one of those the provider afterwards said he had a good time. So a bad review of me, the client, doesn’t make sense. I should say that it’s more likely than not that I get a response. I’m speaking to those times it has happened that I haven’t. And maybe also to those times when the response to the opening text from me is “hi” or “hey whats up” (just like that – including poor grammar). These aren’t the norm, but I do feel they’ve become more frequent, but again, definitely not the majority. There was something else I wanted to say, related but not specific to this, but by now after writing that, I’ve forgotten 😂 chalk it up to age! 🤣
  3. Asking for their rate is perfectly acceptable. And it shouldn’t be a precluding factor for the client. That said, I believe that a lot of providers see asking about rates as a sign a client is “generous.” Again, not for all for providers but for many, they aren’t looking to provide a service first and foremost. They’re looking to get paid for something they could easily get for free in the club or Grindr. They aren’t seeing it as business as much as a side hustle, at best.
  4. Another angle to consider is that some providers aren’t looking for this to be something they’re committed to or tied down to. Some guys see it as a fun way to get paid to do something sexual that they could likely do for free just as easily. It’s not about the money for them. Escorting and massage aren’t the primary sources of income for all these guys. Some are in porn. OF. Some have “regular” jobs. Some are too immature to be reliable communicators. There is a host of possible reasons why a guy doesn’t reply. I’m still not understanding how a provider would know if I’ve reached out to only him or to multiple guys from my opening text(s). That seems like an unfair and possibly false assumption for a provider to make, and if he does care about the work, a sure way to lose real clients.
  5. How do they know how many providers you’re reaching out to? That’s an assumption unless it’s said upfront. And then you’re just stupid. No one knows how many people I’m in communication in general let alone about services.
  6. I’m probably not going out too far on the limb in saying that “[I] would like to get more info about your massage services and rates,” while not a question, is still an inquiry. Does it have to be “What are your massage services and rates?” For my part, I’m curious how that kind of question could potentially be determined “not serious.” That’s terminology that’s thrown around a lot and I feel like it’s a catch-all expression, more for “I don’t want to be bothered.” Which is a prerogative of course, but I always prefer honesty in communication, even if it’s not what you think I want to hear. If I find out I was “lied” to or indirectly given a shadow truth, that would make me angrier than you saying “Eh. I just don’t care.”
  7. Also Orlando, but I’m not sure if he was Aladdin there. He’s been Prince Naveem too, I think. He talks about Aladdin the most though.
  8. He did. Disney Shanghai.
  9. @NewDaddy, I sent a PM.
  10. Archangel


    My issue is the requirement for picture and ID…especially ID. I’ve found age issues are negotiable often.
  11. Archangel


    My first crush was Italian. He messed up my gaydar – as do many Italians! cf. Mateo Lane* on that! *Does he have a thread here? Totally needed if not!
  12. Archangel


    When I see an ad like this, especially with the very last bit, I say, “pass.” Add to that the guy’s 40 according to his ad. At least he’s (likely!) honest.
  13. Interesting. I’ve contacted and share. I have no reason not to. 🤷🏼‍♂️
  14. If I see any again, I’ll be sure to post here ✅
  15. I will give a deposit if I get a good vibe. And sense of a bad vibe, nope. I’ve been screwed over giving money up front more than once. No more.
  16. FWIW, he changes profiles a lot on RM, with different but often similar names. He also uses the same pictures. As I said, caveat emptor…
  17. Because it’s just about scamming guys for him. I was a victim of that. He’s the reason I’m very cautious about paying anything before meeting.
  18. I’ve actually had some terrible experiences trying to book ahead. And some folks on this site have also tried explain to me why it was my fault for wanting to book ahead. I prefer to book ahead for two reasons, among many. 1) I’m a planner and need to accommodate work schedules and 2) I need to also have a cushion financially. It’s point 2) right now that’s kept me from hiring for a few months now…Health bills are real…
  19. As a client, I have an unwritten rule, among many: if the provider talks about himself a lot, or has a way of turning what you say back to himself, he’s not a rehire. I deal with enough narcissists in my daily life to pay a guy who should catering to my whims to have to play therapist or cheerleader for him. I’m not paying to please his ego.
  20. I wish more providers did this. Even when you tell some providers what you like right before you meet, they act cluelessly when you do get together. Either they weren’t paying attention, or worse and more likely, don’t care.
  21. Nobody loves you when you're old. You could just say that. Of course “nobody” is hyperbolic, but the point is there. People value youth and vitality. Even loved ones will forget you when you no longer serve the same relational benefits as you once did. Put someone in a nursing home, and it gets even worse. Nursing homes are simply geriatric prisons.
  22. Thesis: the most genuine providers don’t charge a fortune and don’t bean count. Genuine for this purpose means honest, truthful, well mannered, and sincere, with an air of politeness and interpersonal awareness that aren’t forced. Let’s keep the discussion civil. It can evolve as it goes along, but I request that moderators remove or censor any remotely ad hominem responses toward forum members. Let’s stay “on topic,” as it were. The topic doesn’t involve calling each other names, calling into question someone’s intelligence, or calling anyone anything disparaging, even remotely. Politics and religion aren’t not allowed.
  23. I’ve had “providers” never respond. Neither on RM or by text. Makes me wonder how you’re ever supposed to make an appointment! Gymnastkid of Long Island is especially notorious for this.
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