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Posts posted by azdr0710

  1. 21 hours ago, Lucky said:

    I would never hire a guy who uses the slur "f*g" in his screen name.

    I typed the slur out in full only to receive this admonition: "Unfortunately, your content contains terms that we do not allow. Please edit your content to remove the highlighted words below. "


    So how does it pass that he uses it in his name?


    If you mean how does his use of the word survive this forum's software, it may be because it's part of a larger word and not standing alone. 

  2. On 2/26/2022 at 12:55 PM, Whitman said:




    anybody have an idea on the complete scene or movie source?.....that dude is in great shape.....thanks

    EDIT:  it's Travis Van Winkle

  3. welcome to the forum......

    are you also "newtobeinggay" in the RM reviews for each?......if so, yours are the only negative reviews for both........

    I've never met either of these dudes, but the forum sometimes looks dubiously at new members (you joined an hour ago) who immediately post negative comments about providers......it may smack of retaliation or competition......

    of course, I may be wrong......

  4. good-looking guy.....maybe he doesn't think he's quite XXX??!! 

    he's only been on RM for six days, unless it's a name change.....the one review so far is from a long-time RM client (we're talkin' Ice Age in RM years) with a Premium membership....his review text reads: Everything was as promised. Nic guys who knew Joe to make you feel comfortable and appreciated. A++

    we don't know what this reviewer paid......Joe may still be feeling out the market for his demand/supply price equilibrium.....

  5. while on a trip once thru Utah, I stopped in at BYU to explore the campus and all.....went to the Student Union cafeteria for lunch and -- holy cow......now I know why the LDS fetish is such a "thing" on adult websites, gay and straight......I'd been approached by wholesome, clean-cut missionaries throughout my life, but eye-candy overload in Provo!

  6. On 1/3/2024 at 4:08 AM, DaddyD said:

    His current photos don't even look like the dude I was with.

    could it be argued his pictures are of the same guy, but many years old?......or are his pictures of an utterly entirely different guy?......thanks for your post on him

  7. 4 hours ago, labro85 said:

    I’ll be in NY next week. Are there any suggestions on where to find an exotic dancer that will do a solo/one on one strip show? What companies hire out for men? I feel like the main companies cater to women. 

    if you're still in NY on the 17th, I highly recommend the Buffdaddy thing for this.......you can very easily ask the entertainer(s) who appeal(s) to you for a 'private' and politely/respectfully describe what you'd like them to do (put some clothes back on (they're probably already naked most of the time at this place) and strip for you over the period of a couple or three $20/song songs).......this may occur in a semi-open area of the venue with others milling about (try to find a dark corner), but there may be a private room for hire (at a higher rate).......if you're looking to get naked yourself, you'll definitely need to get the fully private room......Buffdaddy runs a very friendly and casual operation......the guys are there to make money, so be ready to ascertain fees and tip generously.......

    if this setting isn't what you want, you may need to go the full-on "escort" route.......hiring from a stripper company may be a bit pricey and mechanical........

  8. On 11/15/2023 at 5:56 PM, Charlie said:

    What is going on in Singapore with all these new ads by guys who are obviously from other countries?

    I think part or most of it is that the OP, who evidently lives in SG or is frequently there, has made several recent Deli inquiries about providers there - much more than we usually see about a relatively obscure location

  9. 9 hours ago, Herse said:

    Wait! Does Nixon escort???!

    I've never met or communicated with "Nixon", but have reliably been told that he still has private meetings with long-time, trusty, discreet clients.......I believe?? he did have a rentmen profile several years ago during or after his Sean Cody days......

    BUT this thread is about Modelzane, so let's veer back to that equally good-looking stud.......


  10. these are his accurate pictures......he will be in SF for only a few days, but Florida is his base......Cuban guy.......(no PMs please - thanks)

  11. 1 hour ago, Rod Hagen said:

    Dude, seriously.  The other day for 7 minutes someone was in the only stall accessible without a key in my dentist's building.  And I was standing right next to the stall, shoes visible, saying to the three or four people who came in "I'm just waiting for the stall, urinal is yours."  Eventually, I said out loud, "You can check instagram at work like everyone else.  Stop being so self-entitled"* (then I used the R word; I've gotten better and I'm really working on stopping that, I'm almost there. I absolutely agree that it is a very bad word regardless of how often we in the Midwest, and on the East Coast, I've heard, used to use it.).  He did not look happy when he got out, quickly after.


    *Recently, I heard that "Self-entitled" is triggering because it's the "go-to" insult in Gen-X's quiver when arguing with Gen Y and Zillenials.  That one I'm hanging on to.  If it makes any difference, I use it against older and old people too.

    I've tried, but I can't think what the "r" word could be.....I'm not from the Midwest or east coast.......can you help me out?!

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