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Posts posted by azdr0710

  1. 8 hours ago, HornyDave said:

    I wont go full on Diane Steele but lets just say…

    this intrigued me.......googled Diane Steele and got some "recruiter's recruiter"......hmmm.......further scrolling revealed a romance novelist named Danielle Steel.......ahh, that must be the reference.......I barely had heard of this writer, but the book covers nudged me a bit........she's well-known, evidently, but me and romance novels?.......yeah, no....



  2. for the first time, humpback whales (gay or straight) have been photographed having sex.....according to this article, a sick whale tried to hide, but eventually gave up and was penetrated by a healthy whale......pictures included!.......uhhhh, gee, is that thing in the second picture what I think it is??!!....or not?




  3. For those in NY or planning to be at the end of March, his travel schedule suggests?? that he'll be at the Adonis nude party, traditionally on the last Saturday of the month.  Just guessing, though, but it's a pretty easy way to make a quick $2-3K+ over four or five hours with no "heavy lifting" required.  

    As "Stefan from Nashville", he hit the Adonis scene in the summer of 2022 or so.  I've only gazed at him from across the Adonis venue room, but other forum members can offer more experience.  He's working it hard now and I hope he's saving up!   

  4. 3 hours ago, Gr8massage said:

    I recently saw his pricing schematic and it was longer than a Greek Diner’s menu. I passed. 

    thanks for the comment.....there are at least four guys being discussed in this thread.....which guy are you referring to?.......

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