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    JourneysEnd reacted to acks0104 in Mailing a letter to a providers residence   
    I would 100% get a restraining order against someone I don't know sending me mail to my home for something like this. It's extremely unhinged, creepy behavior.
  2. Like
    JourneysEnd reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Mailing a letter to a providers residence   
    I get the comedy shtick here, but I've also been stalked before,.had bullshit mailed to family members and have had to enlist incredibly powerful clients of mine who were able to help make it stop.
    When the stalkers become the stalked, they don't tend to like the game much anymore.
    Bitter?  You bet 👍
  3. Like
    JourneysEnd reacted to starman05 in Mailing a letter to a providers residence   
    Anthony. Give it up. Walk. Away. It must be frustrating when you see others getting to meet this guy but block him and move on. I knew a provider for massage; he used it to get through law school. I met him when he was close to finishing up and then, getting ready for the bar. He said he would be retiring after he passed the bar, which he did on his first try. We were supposed to have one last hurrah and then COVID hit. We were in touch for a bit but then ...nothing. It's been incredibly hard for me but I have to move on. Our situations are different but you need to move on too. 
    I have an address of the law firm he's at now but would never consider even visiting nearby restaurants hoping to 'run into him.' If we bump into each other someday at the Eiffel Tower or Walt Disney World or Times Square -- fantastic! 
    Life, alas, is not a movie. 
  4. Agree
    JourneysEnd reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Mailing a letter to a providers residence   
    How do you have his address?
    You sound absolutely insane. 
  5. Like
    JourneysEnd reacted to dbar123 in Mailing a letter to a providers residence   
    This is a delusion. Let it go and move on. There is no reality in which a provider who doesn’t want to deal with you will suddenly be impressed that you tracked him down. 
    The best thing you can do is just get on with life and get over this before you get yourself hurt any further.
  6. Like
    JourneysEnd reacted to nate_sf in Mailing a letter to a providers residence   
    I too have been wondering if we’re all being played here. But having been on the receiving end of some stalking, I know it happens. 
  7. Like
    JourneysEnd reacted to LookingAround in Mailing a letter to a providers residence   
    Herein is the problem. Your self-acknowledged insanity will come through in your response. Hence I believe you will come across in a different way than coolwave likely comes across when approaching guys. This may already explain why he hasn’t responded to your multiple approaches already by text, email etc.
    Leave him alone before there’s REAL trouble. 
  8. Like
    JourneysEnd reacted to + sam.fitzpatrick in Mailing a letter to a providers residence   
    If I was the provider that received such a letter I would think that I had a stalker problem and need to be concerned about my safety.  I likely would contact either police or my attorney and request a restraining order.   
    Also, what happens with this guy when he doesn't respond to your letter?  Not knowing the provider, I suspect he is under 40 years old.  If he is like my nephews, the letter will never be opened.  If the letter doesn't have a return address from a known individual or company, it isn't opened.
  9. Like
    JourneysEnd reacted to LA90046 in Mailing a letter to a providers residence   
    Honestly, I do not believe you would move on because no reply is not a "cliffhanger," no reply *IS* a reply. 
    And I do not understand why so many men can not understand / accept this.  Both in a situation like this or on apps like Grindr and Scruff.
  10. Like
    JourneysEnd reacted to big-n-tall in Mailing a letter to a providers residence   
    If the guy isn’t responding to you, then there is reason for the non-response.
    If he’s not responding to you and you mail him a letter... do you honestly think it will make think, “oh this guy is awesome.” If you do, you are, sad to say, delusional. Honestly, this letter you’d send him will either piss him off severely or make him fearful of meeting any new people in the future. It might even make him stop seeing his regulars entirely as he withdraws for safety.
    So just don’t.
    The only solution you are afforded is to watch his porn and pictures online… be satisfied with that. Enjoy him from afar.
    There is a similar mention of someone being bothered that a guy (who still sees past known clients) but won’t respond to contact from new people, on another forum. That poster even mentions he being the only option not more than 50 miles away. I have a feeling who your obsession might be. If it is who I think it is, then I know the guy personally and he won’t like receiving unsolicited mails from you. If there was any small possibility he might see you in the future… mailing him will bring that down to absolute zero.
    Be satisfied you can watch his porn/pictures online and leave it at that.
  11. Like
    JourneysEnd reacted to Xavitv in Mailing a letter to a providers residence   
    Can we see a draft first?
    jk don’t do it 
  12. Like
    JourneysEnd reacted to ICTJOCK in Mailing a letter to a providers residence   
    I would discourage this kind of contact.    It would be easy to view it an intrusive.   A critic might observe that you are placing your desire to contact him above his need for privacy.   I'm not concurring with that sentiment,  but understand,  it isn't the normal approach to contact a provider and I certainly would encourage the "normal path".    If he doesn't respond,  I'd find someone who will.
  13. Like
    JourneysEnd reacted to blck37 in Mailing a letter to a providers residence   
    Let me say my piece one last time. Level me here, make me understand.
    To my understanding, you and them are stranger to each other. Have no prior relationship. You have tried to establish multiple communications but ignored by them. Being ignored, you then dig out their home address with aim to mail them. Others voice their opinion that mailing private residence is one step too far, its a no go. Keep emailing, calling or texting them, after being plainly ignored, are also a no go. 
    So what sort of resolution or alternative you looking for that fit your desire?
    Being stranger, they have no obligations whatsoever towards you. They dont owe you closure or anything at all. You owe it to yourself to find peace with the circumstances you are in.
  14. Like
    JourneysEnd reacted to + BobPS in Mailing a letter to a providers residence   
    1. DON’T DO IT!
  15. Agree
    JourneysEnd reacted to pubic_assistance in Mailing a letter to a providers residence   
    We all have people who we desire and some who we have a chance to meet.  But this kind of obsession is unhealthy when that object of desire makes it clear they are not interested and you can't let go of the fact your opportunity has passed. Mourn the loss and move on with your life before the disappointment consumes more of your time than it's worth. 
  16. Like
    JourneysEnd reacted to Jim_n_NYC in Mailing a letter to a providers residence   
    At a certain point contacting someone who doesn't want to be contacted becomes stalking.  Doesn't matter if their info is public.
    Sounds like you need to be an adult and move on.
  17. Like
    JourneysEnd reacted to pubic_assistance in Mailing a letter to a providers residence   
    You are definitely insane if you're not reading his silence at this point and continuing to contact him. Let it go.
  18. Like
    JourneysEnd reacted to RamPoundAss in Mailing a letter to a providers residence   
    There is a technical reason. It’s called he’s blocked yo ass. 
  19. Like
    JourneysEnd reacted to mike carey in Mailing a letter to a providers residence   
    The chances that there are technical issues preventing him from receiving all three methods of communication from you are next to zero, so I would take the lack of a response as deliberate. Also, unless he gave you his street address 'finding' it and using it to contact him is tantamount to stalking, don't do it. Take the hint.
  20. Like
    JourneysEnd reacted to Yukon21 in Mailing a letter to a providers residence   
    Bad idea.  Let it go.  There are many other providers out there. There are no technical issues.  Youve tried text and email.  No response is actually his response.   Move on. 
  21. Like
    JourneysEnd reacted to natmas02 in Mailing a letter to a providers residence   
    This is absolutely insane lol no, don't send letters to people asking to hire them for escorting. Leave strangers alone if they are not communicating with you. 
  22. Agree
    JourneysEnd got a reaction from Danny-Darko in I Love a British Sex Scandal   
    The age of consent is 16 in the UK
  23. Like
    JourneysEnd reacted to Simon Suraci in 2 Hour Session Structure?   
    The only thing limiting you is your own creativity! I like to encourage clients to imagine what they would want for longer sessions. Massage, working out together, playing video games, shopping, meals, Jamie’s bathhouse idea…the possibilities are endless. Then of course there’s always the simple cuddle and conversation approach, which is always nice.
    Clients vary in their sexual and non-sexual needs and desires. What works for one client in an hour may work better for you in two. You might enjoy quick (and perhaps multiple) rounds, or going for a long stretch at a time with a lot of buildup, and perhaps some breaks, or alternating back and forth between activities. Some clients really like extended edging, for example, which takes a considerable amount of session time.
    Sometimes things change in a session. You thought you wanted one thing, but emotionally and physically you feel like doing something else in the moment, so you pivot, and that’s ok. A good pro Iwill roll with it. The most important thing is that you’re getting the experience you want and that you’re satisfied, no matter how long or short the session. The key is to know yourself well enough to budget enough time, which gives you the emotional space to fully enjoy the experience. These things cost a lot of money. You want to savor it.
    There is no one-size-fits all. You’re in total control of the session and responsible for communicating your needs to your provider. Doing so maximizes the value of your hiring time.
  24. Like
    JourneysEnd reacted to maninsoma in !!!BOTTOMS UP!!!   
    Yes, and one was started just a couple of weeks ago. 
    I don't understand having such a generic thread title, either.  Is this the equivalent of click bait?
  25. Like
    JourneysEnd reacted to johnh23 in London, UK Recommendations   
    There is a long thread on London recommendations in the Europe section. Have you looked at that?
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