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Everything posted by sniper

  1. Perving on children is not typically a one-off. Sorry, it's not something to keep private. There's really no ambiguity in what Spacey did.
  2. Also, he's a pitcher, and there are tradeoffs between muscle mass and flexibility/range of motion for most people. Wouldn't do him much good to add 30 lbs to his bench press if it took 10mph off his fastball because he couldn't move his arm back as far in the windup.
  3. Baseball is much more about eye-hand coordination than musculature. I mean, a lot of the players do work out these days but there are still some downright chubby professional ballplayers.
  4. And he's expressed regret for not speaking out sooner. Do you really expect people to risk all their hopes and dreams when the odds are quite good that it won't help anything and will in fact hurt? Had he said something back then, it likely would have been dismissed and he may never have found work again. Failing to be exceptionally brave is not the same thing as selfish. By your standard then, everyone is selfish for not giving up all their possessions to help the poor.
  5. Anthony Rapp has a successful career. What does he possibly have to gain from this? And since the allegation is occurring at the time he says it, not at the time of the events in question, he IS exposed to a suit for slander by saying this. Kevin Spacey can't be touched for what he allegedly did at this point. If he were some underemployed 40something coming out of the woodwork, yeah one might question the motives. And did you look at the fucking pictures of Rapp from back then? He was 14, but he looked like he was 10 years old. I imagine he's coming out now in hopes of preventing Spacey from doing it again.
  6. I couldn't get past them needing a loan for something like $15,000. Grace was a CEO, both their exes were highly successful lawyers, they own a beach house that's got to be worth seven figures minimum, and they don't have $15k lying around the damn house?
  7. For a lot of married guys in the city, the gym steamroom is pretty much the only place they can get away from their wives. Also those encounters are (usually, unless the gym is deserted and nobody is coming in) extremely brief and not necessarily even to completion.
  8. The religious life appeals to many people because life is complicated and having some strict rules to follow does, for many, simplify things. Too many choices really is paralyzing for a lot of people. As long as they aren't imposing that lack of choice on me that's fine. Ultimately it's not really different from someone saying "I will control my weight by only eating between X am and Y pm and never eating A,B,or C."
  9. The chicken pox vaccine was announced in the spring of 1984 - I know this because I was home from school with it when I saw it on the news. I was in seventh grade and was one of the last people to get it.
  10. Still double doors but don't think you're fooling anyone. The towels aren't so long that you can't see that there are four legs...
  11. I believe everything came to a screeching halt at Luxor once MGM fully took over the property. While they already owned it when I first went there, I think operations were still run differently for a few years.
  12. Definitely not. It wasn't much later than that happened that they stopped being open 24/7 and also suddenly the masseurs were fully draping. They even redid the steamroom taking out a corner people could tuck away in and not be too visible from the door. And redid the shower doors - previously there were double doors that went all the way to the floor and between the two of them were opaque enough that guys would occasionally double up in the shower and get away with it. Then they took out the inside door and made the outside door smaller and clearer.
  13. EVERY gay man should get Hep A and B vaccinations. The new shingles vaccine is recommended for everyone over 50 and they ALSO said even if you got the old one, you should still get this one because it's so much more effective.
  14. Well my brother smokes a lot of pot and is paranoid. Lots of people make the false association because the time the symptoms become clear to everyone, not just those with training, is around the time these shots happen. But I had noticed when the kid was only six months old that he didn't look anyone in the eye and wasn't very responsive to what other people did. My brother will swear up and down that he spoke his first complete sentence before the MMR and then a week later never spoke again. There was also apparently some case of a massive dataset that was initially to be used in a study being accidentally destroyed, and no longer available for review, and that set the conspiracy theorists on it.
  15. My brother is a freaking antivaxxer because he has an autistic kid. And he swears the HPV vaccine caused some terrible reaction in a cousin of ours who had to be taken to the hospital unable to walk within weeks of getting the first shot. This is a cousin who was so thin I strongly suspect anorexia/bulimia and timing was coincidental.
  16. Sorry when you're doing it in a public place, and accommodating a shared amenity in that public place to do so, you have no reasonable expectation of being left to monopolize it. If they want privacy they can take it to a hotel or their place.
  17. That's why you foster. Lower expectations, YOU get paid, and you can send 'em back.
  18. Elliott got kinda grungy. I was expecting him to grow up hotter....
  19. I by no means meant to imply this was just a female issue. My 47 year old male friend now has two kids under the age of 2. I think he waited too long too. Yes, the extension of adolescence well into the 30s is an issue too. It's frankly stupider for men to wait because they don't' live as long. Settling down invariably involves some amount of "settling FOR" and our culture doesn't like to admit that.
  20. Actually I don't think it's foolish at all. Too many people wait for everything to be perfect to find out it's too late. I have a friend making one last stab at IVF, she's 44. And at the same time this is going on, her parents' health is starting to go. If/when your kids have kids, you will likely be still be young enough to help out. Some people seem to think you should have a paid-off house and four years of college tuition in the bank before you consider having a child.
  21. Saw him at one of the rare Adonis Las Vegas parties a few years ago. Got a lapdance and did not get the impression an escort session would be remotely worth it. Seemed more the "pose and be serviced" type. He may have since expanded his repertoire with clients.
  22. Back in the Club 20 days Club 20 charged $160, $60 of which went to the dancer. You may be recalling that. I think Tim just figured cut out the middleman aspect of it and charge for the room then let customer and dancer do what they will. It's 20 minutes, not 10/15. presumably the minimum the dancer will be getting is what they would be getting for lapdances during that time, then more for either getting naked or doing more. Also some customers simply prefer the veneer of privacy.
  23. FYI that $100 goes entirely to the house, not the dancer.
  24. Bath houses as formal standing businesses, to evade rules about sex businesses, call themselves "private clubs" and have to maintain records, so they will ask for your ID and hold onto it while you are in the club, but they do not disseminate their mailing lists and are not going to contact you. It's strictly for liability purposes. Be aware that many of these establishments are extremely hit or miss and have a WIDE range of clientele. Do not expect people who look like models unless you hire an escort to go with you. And also know there's a high proportion of people who are not taking any precautions whatsoever there. So be safe.
  25. eh, some of those pictures are ten years apart and clearly posed to look bad.
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