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Everything posted by sniper

  1. I think climbing to the top in almost any field doesn't specifically require, but is greatly aided by a level of narcissism/ruthlessness that correlates strongly with being an abuser in general. The type of people who actively seek power often aren't "nice" people.
  2. Well the sun there is brutal. You have to catch them when they are new to the gig...or get the ones who work nights.
  3. I don't know. Which came first? Did he do the ones with her first she didn't care for it and said ok you can do it but only with guys? But aside from that, if SHE wasn't that into it he could be expected to pick up on that.
  4. I did once ask a couple of the guys who wear superhero costumes on the Las Vegas Strip and pose for pictures with tourists if they get requests to come to people's rooms and they said sure. I didn't have the nerve to ask them to come to mine...
  5. But being watched with a stranger versus being watched with a partner could be a different experience - particularly if he knows she doesn't want to be doing it for the camera, that sort of thing.
  6. But you've got two factors there, not just one. The girl is someone he's in a relationship with - that could be what is impacting the performance. Maybe with a random girl he'd do better on screen.
  7. The other question is was this your first "extended" session with him? That could really be the issue. Most people can do anything for an hour or two, but keeping up the facade for a day or more takes a certain type of person.
  8. Without dismissing that you felt hurt, lots of people in their 20s are still in their flaky years. You may just have happened to hit him on his good days previously and hit him on his bad day this time.
  9. I know some do okay. But there appear to be quite a few who despite making quite a lot of money manage to burn through it with nothing to show for it. You don't even really need to escort that long to make enough money to really change the rest of your life with compounding effects.
  10. I worked in the insurance industry, and you would be shocked how extremely risk-averse many of those people are. When I got the annual summary from our 401(k) plan, it broke out the assets by class, and the numbers were such that aside from employer stock which everyone got and couldn't diversify because we were privately held, it appeared that most employees were nearly exclusively in the cash/stable value fund. Now many of these people had a pension coming to them as well as our company was late in getting rid of it, so they didn't necessarily "need" to be in stocks. But still, these were people in a finance-adjacent industry. You'd think they'd have been in a decent chunk of the stock market.
  11. So have you considered becoming a financial advisor to escorts? Seems like a lot of them could learn a thing or two from you...
  12. They lumped together several things, it was by no means just about executing people for being gay. The US likely objected to the mental capacity restriction as being too vague.
  13. "Now the gays went and ruined dementia!"
  14. I'm sure you could substitute making them DO anything and get similar results.
  15. It's unusual today in that it's rarely carried out. So this is a case of the law staying the same but circumstances changing.
  16. Doesn't he live somewhere they execute gays? He probably has to take down/change his ad periodically for safety reasons.
  17. He's also quite well endowed.
  18. Is there any chance people HE knew were in the area and he doesn't want his friends/family knowing what he's doing? You mention him bolting after meals that were apparently not with your friends. Alternately...the guy could have some general anxiety issues and have been having panic attacks and it really had nothing to do with you at all.
  19. I remember him from the Club 20 days he was always friendly. I never went for more than a standard lapdance so can't speak to anything more than that.
  20. I think several of the Adonis Lounge dancers are Jersey guys whose "day job" is personal training. You might try going there and chatting them up.
  21. The truth is I do take issue with some of the "fat acceptance" pushers. It's certainly true that there is some wiggle room in the weight guidelines in that you're better off being someone 30 lbs overweight who exercises every day than an "ideal" weight desk jockey with no muscle, but when you are 70+ lbs overweight...you might with great effort maintain aerobic fitness - I've done it for periods of time, but that excess weight is doing bad things to your organs and joints. You can't exercise your liver, kidneys, pancreas. They are designed to carry a lower throughput than you are giving them when you are overweight. Even the heart can fail - it happens a lot to bodybuilders.
  22. I wouldn't say I "celebrate" it. I just don't make an issue of it. I'm NOT happy about my weight and am working on it with mixed success due to mobility issues(the mobility issues actually are what led to the weight gain - used to work out hard 2-3 hours a day then couldn't do that any more). But ultimately I'm at a level of weight that is definitely not healthy and I don't think it's right to pretend otherwise. I have a couple of acquaintances in their 20s who decided to just go full-on bear and are now deliberately making themselves morbidly obese(like one of them you can barely see his eyes any more- I'm not exaggerating) and I want to pull them aside and lecture them but I keep my mouth shut. They're young enough that they don't understand what that weight is going to feel like in ten or twenty years when their joints are tired of carrying it. Maybe they'll be lucky and not have problems, but at the rate they are going I highly doubt it.
  23. Actually they're horrible for not stopping the stupid kid.
  24. I worked in insurance and the data is not at all clear. Women actually have MORE accidents, but because they are slower, the dollar value of damage is less severe. Guys are more likely to total the car, it's true.
  25. Yeah while acknowledging it's stupid, I'm not going to press it and risk the guy backing out....
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