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Everything posted by sniper

  1. Why, pray tell, does liking stripper chicks with big fake tits mean he can't also like some guys? Bisexual doesn't mean "doesn't like women." I'm not saying what his split is, I'm just saying there's at least one dude I saw him with that he was into. I saw him snuggling with this guy, a twink Asian fellow dancer. I'm quite confident that he wasn't doing it for the money or because people were watching. this was a weeknight where there weren't too many people there. He may not be "out" about this in general or even to himself. Lots of bi guys aren't.
  2. Well I do think many men compartmentalize sex and "relationships" and that's what they are talking about when they say they like sex with men but aren't "gay." I don't find it hard to believe there are guys who enjoy sex with men but have no desire to share a life with one. There seem to be many guys who feel that way about women....they just want to fuck them and otherwise seem to want nothing to do with them. I have one perpetually single guy friend who hasn't yet grasped that that's the reason he's single. He fundamentally doesn't respect women but he loves their bodies.
  3. Not saying it's okay, just that the male victims may - on average - perceive less damage.
  4. If you're an Asian twink he might be a lot more interactive, judging from how I used to see him interact with a fellow dancer at Krave when it was still open... I suspect he's one of those bi guys for whom a particular kind of male really turns him on, but everyone else does absolutely nothing for him. .
  5. I think they're entitled to know if you are having sex with other people while you are seeing them, and if you want to continue to do that. As for the past that's up to you whether to disclose. I mean if there's a chance they will find out from someone ELSE you probably should spill the beans.
  6. My maternal grandmother was one of 11 most of whom if not all were involved in the IRA in the early 1900s. I found a glowing obituary of her mother in an Irish newspaper citing a prison break she had assisted in.
  7. I kind of wonder if the people with good experiences are maybe in better shape than those of us a bit less so? I will say I got the feeling if I were a bit lighter and better degined the session might have been more fun. I'd describe my session with him as adequate but he was pretty distant.
  8. But seriously, I do think a lot of guys will make the trade a bit more willingly due to the compartmentalization issue. I think it's pretty widely assumed that all the guys in those boy bands of the 90s let their creepy managers fondle/blow/whatever them, some were bothered by it and others don't seem to have given a shit. Plenty of straight guys will do gay porn on camera for less than $50k per year and that's for the whole world to see, wouldn't you think guys exist who would be willing to do a producer behind the scenes for a chance at millions?
  9. You have to remember that crimes are also largely crimes of opportunity. Typically, a female abuse victim is at a disadvantage both professionally and physically, in the sense she is not likely able to take her assailant in a fair fight. With a male potential victim, you run a greater risk of getting your ass kicked. That is going to lower the incidence of males getting sexually assaulted/harassed right off the bat. Anecdotally at least it does seem that more guys compartmentalize sex and are more down for random one-off encounters with strangers than women, so a random offer of sex is less likely to be unwelcome, and if they get something in return in addition, I think more men on average are likely to go ahead with it and not really think too much about it. And then there's the whole macho thing of not wanting to be seen as a victim. So there are forces that lower the incidence and forces that lower the reporting. And I also suspect being penetrated is psychologically for most a bigger deal than being the one doing the penetrating,; i.e. more trauma. If someone grabbed my dick and stroked it a bit I think I'd feel less violated than if he fucked me in the ass.
  10. I worked in insurance for years. Even if they can't explicitly rate you based on it, they can choose to market to you or not based on it and cherry-pick their customers. Say you have fantastic genes that tell them your rate should be 50% LOWER than average - they'll come knocking on your door, send you some swag, tell you about the plan they don't advertise, etc.
  11. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/23andme-is-terrifying-but-not-for-the-reasons-the-fda-thinks/
  12. I would think women are more threatened by another woman because she might get pregnant and secure a longer-term claim on the man,
  13. There are actually risks to standing all the time too. Basically you need to move as much as you can manage. Sam, physical therapy has made leaps and bounds in the last 20 years in terms of what they can do. I strongly recommend you check them out, and make sure to get one who spends the whole hour with you versus working on you with five other client. It hasn't eliminated my issues, but after nine months of doing the exercises they gave me I felt better than I had in decades.
  14. How exactly does the test reveal a cousin? They send you names of other customers who appear similar to you? That's not keeping your information private.
  15. When I was first dipping my toe in the water I would go to a bar after work. Little did I know that gay men don't go out until 11pm even on weeknights. I'd be the only person there except for a 70-year-old alcoholic in the corner, say to myself "I guess I am the only one" and go home. There are two gay rugby teams and you don't need to play to get involved with them or go to their social events - the DC Renegades and the DC Scandals. I think the latter may be "more" gay as it split off from the Renegades. But Renegades had a lot of military when the team was founded during Don't Ask Don't Tell - so they have generally been a little quieter about being a predominantly gay team than I think some might have liked. The competitive season is over but they will likely both be having fundraisers all winter as the Bingham Cup 2018 is in Amsterdam in June. Age range for the gay rugby teams is college age to 50s.
  16. Two of my college friends used a surrogate and my brother and his wife went through several rounds of IVF to have their kids. And I used to do a little reading on the subject when I was younger thinking about whether/how I would have children.
  17. Have you considered fertilizing a couple with donor sperm just in case? My understanding is frozen embryos hold up much better/have a higher success rate than frozen eggs, but that may be out of date info. Might be useful to have a backup in the event "Mr. Right" turns out to have fertility issues.
  18. When they say 1 or 2% anything take it with a huge grain of salt. They are looking at markers that are much more common in particular areas, not necessarily exclusive to those areas.
  19. I went to a wedding last year where a friend brought a plus one who was really just an acquaintance. I thought that was bizarre. And the invites were not "and guest."
  20. If these are all people in their 20s it's possible the friend didn't realize this was a "dinner party" and thought it was a "house party." Still should have run it by the host but if all their prior experiences were of the latter kind it's slightly more understandable.
  21. Yeah a friend who had been following the story elsewhere said that was what it was. But that then would seem to rise to a level where you'd think he'd get jail time. Though I suppose it also means he has the money to buy people off...or he has a little black book that includes the judge...
  22. Look how far apart the seats are in that commercial! And that's coach!
  23. Wait, this guy had DOZENS of hookers working under him and he only collected "up to $400/week?" Was he "The pimp who cares?"
  24. I have a female friend in Kansas (godless liberal democrat) who thinks he's hot. I'm like maybe ten years ago if he actually hit the gym instead of this dadbod thing he's got going. He's not unattractive, but man he doesn't come close to working with what he's got. If he did he could merit the award. I think there's something about the midwest where they see a person as they would look if they tried to look good and react as if he looks that way.
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