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Everything posted by sniper

  1. I think any numerical estimate would have an EXTREMELY wide margin of error. Also this study is only looking at escorts who advertise online. There are significant numbers of escorts who don't advertise because they get their clients through stripping gigs(I would say at least half of Adonis Lounge dancers are "available" but only a handful have ads, for example).
  2. I'm "Huscular" - "husky" but muscular. Too fat for the body Nazis, too fit for the bear chasers.
  3. I don't think crime stats bear out your assertion that the streets are meaner today than they were 25 years ago. For one thing, the murder rate is something like half of what it was back then. We just hear more about stuff because of social media.
  4. A "therapy hour" is 50 minutes. As long as you're getting that, they aren't IMO cheating you. But they should say "hour" instead of "60 minutes" when giving you their rates. Less than 50 minutes is definitely an issue.
  5. Yeah, I never give to anyone at an intersection. Aside from the risk to you, it's dangerous for them and you don't want to encourage it. Some of these morons are out there in dark clothing at night.
  6. Actually your facts aren't correct and we did rebuff them. The rate is half of what you said it is.
  7. If you're talking with a friend who has a tattoo, do you say, "I think tattoos are disgusting" or something a tad more diplomatic like "I don't care for them myself, but whatever floats your boat?" There's a difference between expressing an opinion and casting aspersions while you do it.
  8. There are fraternities that are predominantly Jewish. In fact, there was a mini-scandal at MIT in the early 1990s when the national of AEPi "reorganized" the MIT chapter ostensibly because they had a keg or something, then re-invited all of the Jewish brothers plus one non-Jew and kicked the other 70% of the house out.
  9. Massage and handjobs are certainly safer from an STD standpoint than full-on sex, but if you hire erotic masseurs, it's kind of a rude thing to describe people one step further on the same slippery slope you are on as "disgusting" and not expect some pushback.
  10. If most of them were passed out drunk themselves it's not clear they could form the intent. This is one of those things where some of them are definitely guilty of something but pinning it on specific members is trickier.
  11. Well, judging from my straight friends, that's about the time a lot of their wives stop touching them and they are looking for any outlet they can find short of actually fucking another woman.
  12. sniper


    Some of those have to be photoshopped.
  13. I know there are people who are sort of "undeserving poor" but what galls me more than "those people" getting money are when facebook friends who talk about God all the time (#blessed etc) post a story about some beggar who declined their half-eaten food and then fish for praise that they offered them something and reassurance that the beggar clearly wasn't that bad off. I'm like, dude you're bragging about NOT HELPING THE POOR and ignoring Christ's instructions and seeking praise for it.
  14. I also once gave an accordion player on my subway car a 20 to STOP playing.
  15. I used to not give at all. Lately I've been giving a dollar like the pope suggests but not always. Once I ended up giving a 20 because I opened my wallet right in front of the person, it was pretty full but I had no change, and I felt like closing it in front of them without giving them anything was too dickish. That person was missing a leg though so I was more okay with giving them that much than I would have been had they appeared more able-bodied.
  16. There are 1.1 million people in the US with HIV, from all sources combines. Even if you assumed every single case was MSM, 20% rate would mean there are only 5.5 million MSM in the country. That's simply not credible.
  17. Well carrying the child does bond it to the gestational mother via hormones, and there is apparently even a very low level of genetic material that gets passed between. Also being pregnant will cause the mother to lactate and she will be able to breast feed. But I think there might be ways to achieve that with medication.
  18. There's also the little discussed issue that IVF babies have a significantly higher rate I think most people find the situation you're talking about straight-up weird and probably don't quite approve, for a variety of reasons. It's so rare it's just not on people's radar.
  19. Looks are much more of a crapshoot than people realize, though. I've seen some very good-looking people with downright homely parents, and vice versa. And while he's not ugly, Luke Hemsworth looks out of place in a picture with Chris and Liam. Different body type even.
  20. Pushing 60 as a single parent of a newborn is irresponsible IMO. Too much risk of orphaning the kid. Hope he did his homework on jurisdiction. There are states where the birth mother, even if a surrogate and unrelated genetically, has parental rights and can change her mind at the time of birth and decide to keep the kid. A friend of mine just spent 3.5 years getting his name on the birth certificate of his bio-kid because the surrogate went crazy.
  21. If you have hard water you need to periodically clean the dishwasher with CLR which will remove the buildup that clogs the holes in it. My brother and his wife learned this when her mother stayed over at their place and "fixed" the dishwasher they had assumed simply didn't work.
  22. I do agree that overall people are a lot less careful than they should be, given the prevalence of STIs. But even if new transmissions went to zero today, you have to realize it would take DECADES for the rate of HIV to get down to half of what it is today, because people in treatment have normal lifespans.
  23. The absolute number of new infections is going down. The number of MSM is going up, as homosexuality and bisexuality are far less stigmatized than in the past. When the numerator is going down, and the denominator is going up, the rate of infection, by definition, is not "skyrocketing." It's just a lot higher than you were aware of because you weren't paying attention.
  24. I'm guessing Calhoun was on bath salts judging from the rest of the story.
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