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Everything posted by TonyDown

  1. Roman and Alex? Definitely nice guys.
  2. I Googled it. A lot of good that did.
  3. The list is skewed towards too many newer entertainers. That's not a big surprise. For me I don't consider rap artists or singers that use artificial filters to even out their range and quality as worthy of ranking. That said, I would have included Judy Collins. She is still performing. Over the years she made other songwriters wealthy by singing their songs. There could have been more Latino artists such as Shakira and Luis Miguel.
  4. I'm all verklempt watching the trailer from just finishing the memoir. It was a pretty tearful read. Those two seem perfect as Mike and Kit. I like Jim Parsons. Not sure if I want to sit through the same sad story though. Kind of like Holding the Man. A good play, but so sad I skipped the movie.
  5. I recall a Richard Gere interview where Walters alluded to Gere's performance on stage as a gay character was a little bit TOO good, that some people might now wonder that he was actually gay. Gere had the best response, that there is nothing wrong with being gay.
  6. Anyone watching? TCU leading at the half. Michigan drove down to the goal line twice and failed to score.
  7. Two scenes that struck me the most. 1. The Venice sunlight streaming through the window onto Harry Styles naked, stunning body. 2. Near the end when Tom embraced Patrick and the embrace transitioned from Roache to Styles. All that portrayed.
  8. Sky'sTouch ! He has these 2 adds. https://rentmasseur.com/SkysTouch https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/40370/
  9. Spoiler Alert: The Hero Dies a memoir by Michael Ausiello. Was recommended when it came out. Finally reading it. Poignant, clever, funny, sad.
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