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Posts posted by EastbayMike

  1. It's a little harder but I've been known to frequent Marine bases and even buses going to them.

    In the late 80s I used to rent a room at the downtown San Diego Y on the occassional weekend. This was back before the city redeveloped the area into what it is today. Back then it was still pretty run down. However the communal showers on the upper floors of the Y were always full of military guys wanting to get off base for the weekend and "get off".

  2. In California I have hardly ever even needed to wear a tie for any occasion.

    I live in California and have owned a tux for 20 years. One you wear it three or four times it pays for itself. And as others have said, if you own it you can tailor it to actually fit. Rentals never worked for me. I have relatively broad shoulders in relation to my narrow hips.

  3. A stranger scowled in your direction from his car and so you have concluded that he isn’t into Asian guys and “grudgingly works with Asian clients”? That’s absurdly illogical to say the least.

    There’s a lot of subtle racism in the US of which most white guys are probably not aware. My husband is a Mexican-born US citizen. He is proud of his heritage and wears a big ‘stache. He also has an advanced degree, owns his own business with 6 employees, and has an income over twice mine. However, invariably, whenever we’re checking into a hotel or a restaurant, or other professional establishment expecting service, I’m the one that is addressed first and all subsequent responses are directed towards me and only me. When we travel, he’s the one that gets “randomly” selected for extra screening at security or immigration. Being his partner for over 20 years has made me much less inclined to express doubt when non-whites feel they have been slighted because of their race.

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