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Posts posted by EastbayMike

  1. Sadly, 300 is the new 100. Anything more than 300 for an hour is robbery.

    We all make our own choices. I won't spend more than $200. I still get too much satisfying "free" sex to justify spending any more than that. I'd rather put my funds towards a few good professional massages rather than blow it all on one chancy escort session.

  2. Actually it was only 15 years ago in the US. In 2003, the US Supreme Court overturned its 1986 decision that upheld a Georgia law outlawing sodomy.


    There's an excellent book on the 2003 court case by Dale Carpenter - Flagrant Conduct: The Story of Lawrence V. Texas. The book also provides a really good lesson on how the court system works in the US. I cried when I read the chapter describing the scene when the court handed down their decision. The precedent set by Lawrence V. Texas was also used 12 years later in Obergefell v. Hodges.


    The book also confirms what a royal prick Scalia was. I hope the bastard is burning in hell.

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