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Posts posted by EastbayMike

  1. You dodged a bullet. Always trust your gut and stay away from the crazies.


    I meet a guy in LA once (I live in the Bay Area) who was cute and the hookup sex was great. He asked for my phone number and address. (This was back in the early days of email and texting, writing that seems so quait now.) I gave him my address but something told me not to give him my phone number so I changed the last digit.


    Within three days of my return I had three different letters from him saying he tried to call but the number was wrong. Without time for me to respond, the fourth letter came handwritten in all caps where by he cussed me out for not responding to him, called me a drug addict, insulted my friends and parents for the way I was raised, and said our relationship was over and I was never to contact him again!


    So glad I never gave that psycho my real phone number.

  2. I did. Effeminate is a hair too a strong word. Again I actually think that’s a fine thing; it just surprised me in this instance.

    Effete: adjective - lacking in wholesome vigor; degenerate; decadent: an effete, overrefined society.

  3. While there are a few dirty bookstores on the peninsula, the Nob Hill Theater in San Francisco is the only gay strip club in the entire 9-county Bay Area. It's a relatively eady walk from the Powell Street BART station. The BART station closest to Burlingame is in Millbrae. Keep in mind BART starts to shut down at midnight.


    Burlingame used to be known as Boringame. Most of the peninsula is still a bedroom community for SF on the north and the tech industry on the south. You're best bet is SF.

  4. It's not a public facility. Their wifi, their rules. Happens to me all the time at many, many businesses. Turn off wifi and use cellular, problem solved. I never get bent out of shape by it.


    When it comes down to it, rentmen is a site that facilitates illegal activity. You really can't fault Disney for blocking access to it and similar sites. And no, I'm not a prude; I do hire. I also sat on a jury once for a prostitution-related case after telling the judge during jury selection that I thought prostitution should be legal.

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