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    CastaDiva reacted to sjmuktop in Porn stars I wish I could hire   
    I'm surprised at the Mods allowing someone to come into the post and start bullying other members of the Forum, calling them names such as "disgusting" (a very strong word intended to both provoke and upset), for being attracted to young men above the age of consent in their early 20s employed as porn actors for above-board adult pornographic studios and for doing or saying absolutely nothing wrong at all. This is outright bullying.
    @Gymowner has come across as very angry and aggressive, calling those of us who like twinks "disgusting" and basically equating us with and referring to us as paedophiles in all but name. I have no interest whatsoever in lads below the age of consent, and the two guys I posted a pic of are adult porn actors who look to me to be in their early 20s and were indeed above the age of consent at the time the pic was taken.
    It doesn't look good for the Forums when Mods allow this kind of behaviour as displayed by @Gymowner. This post is supposed to be about porn stars we'd like to hire, not a discussion in which some Forum members call other Forum members horrible nasty names , berate them and allude to them as being paedophiles or on the same level as paedophiles. 
    We should be able to post about which porn actors we like free of intimidation or bullying for saying which ones we like; free of being accused of being the same as men who are into things which are illegal. It is a disgrace that this bully has been allowed to just jump on an innocent comment in which nothing wrong was said  and use it to start being nasty and to cause hostility in what should be a welcoming Forum where members treat one another with respect.
  2. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Why do handsome young men end up in Dubai?   
    Money is why people end up in Dubai.
    Because there's a ton of it and more coming out of the ground on the daily.
    It's not just older men who have the money.  A lot of young, wealthy gay men who base there.
  3. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to + bashful in Why do handsome young men end up in Dubai?   
    Perhaps, in the words of Willie Sutton, because that's were the money is.
  4. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to + Coolwave35 in Anyone else doing Adonis NYC tonight?   
    The lineup was awesome. I don’t understand how Matt and Tim one up themselves consistently month after month but they do. The guests in attendance were great too. I counted 11 forum posters that introduced themselves to me, including some of my new faves!  Each one was awesome and charming and warm and we all liked different guys so that’s always wild to me. 
    Matt ran the show instead of Tim so the party had a different vibe. Both throw a hell of a nude party but this one felt more like the LA parties. It was cool. 
    The night before I had put together a filmed five way with some of the guys I liked for my personal collection. We all, including the cameraman, agreed that we’d approach this with a bit more discretion and not discuss details. 
    A high end client competed with me Friday night for talent so I didn’t get all the guys I wanted, but it was a hell of a romp regardless.  Some of the boys were working Saturday and the little winks and nods about what happened the previous night was sexy.  
    On Saturday, frustrated by feeling overwhelmed with choices of NYC rentmen to spend the afternoon with, I again enlisted @Hello to pick a guy he thought I would like and send him to my hotel. He picked www.rentmen.EU/harvardhustle. 
    That guy and I had a great time pre gaming  before the nude party. He talked about wanting to be the bottom in a gangbang.  Being the kind of guy that loves making dreams come true, I invited him to the nude party to window shop. He fit right in and identified guys he’d perform a group scene with. As the dominoes for a rehash of Friday night were falling into place, I saw Paul, the private model who hadn’t been featured in the emails. I fell madly in lust. We went for a dance, which turned into 9. I asked him if he’d like to go home with me after the nude party and he said yes. I told him that I was sure he’d get other invitations to go home, but even though I was showing attention to other men, our plan was solid and when he would be ready to leave, so would I. 
    I abandoned the idea of a hastily arranged orgy in favor of a one on one experience with Paul. 
    Later in the evening, Alfred came late. (See attached photo). He gave me a song and dance about how he wasn’t going to stay because he was flying to Miami soon. The place was packed at this point. I think it was the highest attended nude party I have been to post pandemic. There were three points where I wanted a dance but the lap dance room was full. 
    I posed a challenge to Alfred if he chose to stay that after careful consideration he accepted. Only he and I were in on the scheme but it lasted all night. I think he had a hate/love relationship with the shenanigans,  but I was delighted. Lol 
    Some of the usual guys were there. Patrick and Bradley who I’m fond of but totally friend zoned.  There was a new to me twinky gay Dominican that I mistook for African American. He was WILD, and I can’t wait to connect with him further in November. 
    Stefan and Jace were there. Stefan is a specimen in real life. We went home together last month, but I couldn’t even say hi to him last night it was so busy and he was in such demand. I did get to sneak in a 10 song double lap dance with Alfred and Paul. It was soooooo hot. 
    Around 1:30, Paul signaled that he was ready to leave. We tried negotiating a 3rd to join us but couldn’t come to terms with the 3rd dancer.  That was fine by me as I had grown fonder of Paul as the night went on and looked forward to the 1on1 experience. 
    On the stroll back to my hotel Paul offered me the first bite of his protein bar which was so cute.  He is a 19 year old treat from Austria that followed his older brother to Los Angeles to go to school. 
    We had a great couple of hours but it was the most unique hiring experience I’ve ever had. I won’t repeat until he’s a bit more seasoned in the business. It was memorable and sweet. 
    On an unrelated side note, I never truly understood the ancient Greeks fascination with the teenage body, but I get it now. Lol

  5. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to Gymowner in Anyone know about this new hot stud?   
    Well that's a lot of $ for someone with no reviews. Great info NJ.
  6. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to + azdr0710 in Any 411 on RICK from No Va / DC   
    do you mean "rickgymjockva"?.......if so, I think you and I may've chatted about him and I did meet with him a couple or three times several years ago.......first time I was rimmed (his specialty) and he had me moaning like a porn star....wow!......
    he had/has a boyfriend/husband and I presume, inching well into middle-age, he decided to hang it up.......maybe his DC work had something to do with it, too......really a good person  
  7. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to c4men in 411 on HugoEllis Montreal   
    I haven't seen his profile before on rentmen in Montreal . Unless someone else has ?  He is tall, handsome and has a nice bubble butt
  8. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to Jamie21 in Anxious Client   
    That’s the job, making people feel comfortable, good about themselves, relaxed. Everyone wants to be approved of. 
  9. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to CuriousByNature in Fitting Room Fun with Salesman   
    This gives me hope....
  10. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to + Italiano in Maria Callas   
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    CastaDiva reacted to + Italiano in Maria Callas   
  12. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to Karl-G in Maria Callas   
    Two concerts by Maria Callas from Paris in 1958 and 1965 are being streamed by medici.tv tonight. She was at her height and glory at the time. The sound is quite good, and her jewels are amazing. "Una voce poca fa" is delicious. She was my first love in opera, and I played her "Carmen" over and over.
  13. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to Enchanted in Toprated_Mascdom Visiting NYC From Alaska   
    Maybe you can tell us about the experience?
  14. Haha
    CastaDiva reacted to Jamie21 in Why are the guys I book canceling?   
    I usually get asked to bend over forwards. Or is that a different thing? 
  15. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to Whitman in Small cocks!   
  16. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to PittGuy in Small cocks!   
    Some of the hottest sex I’ve had was with guys who were “under endowed”.  What they lacked in size they more than made up for with their mouths, ass, bodies, etc., really hot in the sack!
  17. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to Rand in Where can I find gloryhole action?   
    Use their map and shall find it all
  18. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to Kippy in Where can I find gloryhole action?   
    Alas, gone are the days of the mid and late 1980's when any major city had numerous adult book stores (Usually in close proximity).  When 20 bucks and 20 minutes got you a fantastic blowjob from some erstwhile 20 something. 
  19. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to + Vegas_Millennial in Where can I find gloryhole action?   
    Sadly, these are mostly cherished memories now, like our favorite childhood toys

  20. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to + DrownedBoy in The medicated generation?   
    A famous writer. To be nice to the dead, I'll just say his writing style doesn't necessarily appeal to everyone.
  21. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to ruminant in The medicated generation?   
    Yes, I've seen this among younger friends and coworkers -- not just the proliferation of medications but the assumption that others are interested. They talk about their psych meds the way my ex-wife talked about her handbags. 
  22. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to Rod Hagen in The medicated generation?   
    The pressure from others and from oneself to get "off-meds", meds that are working, can have dire consequences.  I often think of David Foster Wallace.  The medication for depression, and other mental illnesses, he'd used for decades was becoming almost obsolete when compared with newer medication.  And, so, he changed to the newer medication which allowed him to streamline his medications.  Unfortunately, the newer stuff didn't work as well, he went back to his old medication, but it just didn't work like it did before he stopped it.  Shortly after, he hanged himself and the world, and his wife and dog, lost a genius.
    As to the original post, Escorts take medication, just like people.
  23. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to + Coolwave35 in College Jocks Seeking College Jocks   
    I’ve had incredible luck on seeking. I have met over 75 guys from it, most were one offs that completely lacked chemistry at the meeting and we quickly parted ways. I can point to 6 successful arrangements that have come from it. They started as dinner dates. Progressed to travel companions, then grew to connected sex. The problem is that feelings often came with it from both sides, which made it much, much messier than rentmen. 
    Once I was able to navigate that pitfall, and prepare the guys for the inevitability of some attachment forming, it got less messy. 
  24. Like
    CastaDiva reacted to MikeBiDude in College Jocks Seeking College Jocks   
    There’s a 75 page thread here with the pro/cons of Seeking:
    I’m an unabashed fan and have stated that here before. Yes, takes patience and work….it’s a “long game”. I have met some really super nice guys there, who are genuinely attracted to older. Hasn’t come close to draining my resources 😉
    I tell people that the biggest problem with seeking is wildly varying expectations from both sides. Be clear on what you’re looking for, learn to filter out the flakes, and be very, very patient.
  25. Applause
    CastaDiva reacted to + leo2510 in Most Ever Won on a Scratch-Off Ticket?   
    Not a scratch-off, but......  back when I worked up in Washington State, I would get a Lotto ticket on Fridays after work on my way home, at the Quik Stop station across the road. One of the cashiers there was the twin sister of a high school buddy, who became a former buddy after a misinterpretation on my part of a camping invitation one weekend- nothing ventured nothing gained, but "S", I would have rocked your seventeen-year-old world! In any case, female "S" managed to be friendly enough to me at the store, so maybe male "S" kept the indiscretion to himself, who knows. 
    One Friday, I gassed up and bought my ticket. Got up on Sunday morning, made brekky and read the paper- pulled out that ticket and checked it. #1 match, #2 match, # 3 match, # 4 match, # 5 match, aaaaannnnnddd #6 is one number off! I think that it's as close as you can get to the win- but instead of 8 million, the ticket was worth $1200. Not a bad prize, but so close to the big money- Still don't know if that was the fates telling me that was as close as I'd get to winning, or to keep trying! In any case, I cashed out the ticket at the lottery office the next day - $950, after taxes. When I deposited the check, I took $100 back in cash. 
    A few days later, I stopped at the Quik Stop, and she was working- I grabbed a cup of coffee and a KitKat and went up to the counter to get rung up. Opened my wallet to grab a fiver, slipped the hundred into my palm, and as we chatted after she cashed me out, I said, "By the way, S, you sold me a winner last week, and this is for you" and handed her the $100 bill. She gasped, turned away and started quietly sobbing. Turns out, she needed $75 dollars for the next day, to pay for her kid's school pictures, and she was ready to go without them this year, as her ex-husband was behind on support payments. 
    So, at least the fates made it clear that day, ya gotta share the wealth! 
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