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Posts posted by SundayZip

  1. Haha, so 'distant past' and 'unspecified point in the past' are different? I think my cheeky characterisation stands.


    (Yes it was a flippant put down of 'back in the day'.)


    Ok Mate, let's duke this out. :mad:


    The difference is not 'unspecified point in the past' versus 'distant past'. The difference is the telling of a story (eg. Once upon a time there was a little girl named Goldilocks who went for a walk in the woods... etc, etc... ) versus a statement about how something was different or done differently in the past (eg. Back in the day, we ate broccoli every day).

  2. I think 'back in the day' means 'once upon a time'.

    Hey @mike carey I must disagree.


    'Once upon a time' is typically the beginning of a story/narration set in the distant past. 'Back in the day' typically states how something was different (or done differently) at an unspecified point in the past.


    Sometimes a mate needs tutoring. :)

  3. So, let's say you setup a website and post the name and phone# of clients who have irritated you;

    - Who will get access to the site? Or is it a public site available to all?

    - Will you notify clients when their name and/or phone# is posted and allow them to dispute the posting?

    - Will a client's name or phone# stay on the site forever, or will you have process for removing their name/phone?

    - Will you allow other escorts to post to the site? If so, will you establish and enforce rules regarding what can be posted and circumstance that justify a posting?

  4. I recently watched this Netflix series and, wow! It is extremely well done -- very emotional and impactful. The 4 episode series dramatizes the story of the Central Park Five (five teenage boys of color are coerced into confessing to the rape of a Central Park jogger). I had seen the 2012, Ken Burns, Central Park Five documentary so I knew, as I watched the Netflix series, that it was completely true and factual. I won't say more about the story for fear it will get this posting moved to Politics forum. Watch the series if you can.

    When They See Us, Review

  5. You guys keep talking about condo fees but this is a coop. Apples and oranges.


    Probably more like Oranges and Clementines. :) They are both a form of common-interest ownership of property (residential property in this discussion). The ownership of common elements and individual units is structured differently, but both are governed by a collection of owners and the owners deal with an (almost) identical set of budget and cost challenges.

  6. I've been on the board of my condo association for over 8 years including several years a treasurer. I've also been active in a consortium of HOA board members and have had opportunity to learn how other associations operate. I have yet to encounter an association that is not 100% transparent with its budget and spending. There's a couple reason for this: 1) state law requires HOA's to be 100% transparent with budgets, spending for ongoing operational expenses and for reserve funds. 2) There are always a handful of owners who demand transparency and want to dig into the details.


    There will always home owners who complain that their association is over-spending and needs to do a better job of cutting costs, but those tend be owners who don't bother to understand the annual budget and ignore monthly financial reports that are made available to all owners. Owners who say that an HOA's costs or dues "should" be lower, generally don't know what they're talking about (often making statements similar to those by @Unicorn).


    I don't have statistics on this, only lots of anecdotal evidence, but a very common reason for an association to have higher than average dues is failure to keep up with ongoing repair & maintenance or failure to maintain an adequate reserve fund. Board members don't have enough backbone to overcome resistance from owners who don't want their dues to ever, ever increase. All of a sudden they have huge, high cost projects and no money to pay for them. They are then forced to dramatically increase dues. I've seen this play out in several different ways.

    - Special assessments against all owners that are either collected as a lump sum or via periodic payments added to the monthly dues. This is what happened to a 28 story condo building that failed to bring it's elevators up to code until the city assessed large fines.

    - Postpone projects and then massively increase annual contributions to reserves (ie, massive increase in dues) until it has enough money to pay for the projects.

    - Take out a bank loan and then increase dues in order to repay the loan plus interest.


    I'm not saying that I know the reason for the high dues at 1140 5th Av (first link that @Unicorn posted) but there are explanations that make sense. I read somewhere that average dues in NYC is $1.73 per square foot. The unit at 1140 5th Av is $2.46 per sq ft. On the other hand, the other link that @Unicorn posted (1255 5th Av) is $1.27 per sq ft. Show us their financial reports and we can all stop speculating.

  7. In my experience dealing with 100 percent str8 guys they were mortified to be posted anywhere. They never lost that aw shucks cluelessness and that waa the most fascinating. The naive cluelessness A friend of mine brought a str8 guy to a broadway show and he asked" you mean they they do the same show every night?" Client was so turned on and his balls were emptied later on.


    I dont need the thespians and poets. Gimme an oil rigger who hasnt been to work in a few weeks worryin how he will pay child support. Clean em up take him to a museum and you get to see the world thru new eyes.


    I actually think gay men are more emotionally intelligent which makes them great for deep intellectual conversation but when you need someone primal who doesnt think about his masculinity can drag on rusted paint stained jeans a baseball cap and look like perfectiom shopping at home depot.....i lost my train of thought


    Hmmm.... Sounds like you live in a fantasy world populated by only the most narrow stereotypes. I admit to having enjoyed reading some erotic fiction featuring your fantasy guys, but in real life?... not so much.

  8. Hey @Unicorn, I doubt the $4000/month is a scam as you speculate. NY law does not allow HOAs to collect more in dues than it requires for operational expenses and reserve funds. Of course the only way to explain the HOA dues is to see the association's financial reports. My guess is that a large portion (easily more than half) of dues go into the reserve fund needed to pay for big projects such as roof replacement, boiler/furnance upgrades, upgrading elevators to code, re-tuckpointing the entire building, etc, etc. Most US states have laws governing the management of HOA finances, especially the requirement to maintain an adequate reserve fund. 1140 5th Ave is a 1922 building, so it could have a lot of impending high-cost projects that require a hefty reserve fund.

  9. I was about to post the same thing but Sunday beat me to it!


    I was almost a sure bet that the pics from his rentmen ad were (borrowed/stolen/repurposed) from social media sites. There's a certain G-rated, psuedo-professional look about some pics that give it away.

  10. All pictures are of a guy (model?) from Amsterdam. It could very well be that the guy from Amsterdam is escorting in Las Vegas, but it seems suspicious that all of his rentmen pics can be found on his instagram or other social media sites. Seems like he'd want to take a least a couple pictures for rentmen that he didn't also have on his public websites.

  11. It is a thing..since I am in my 30s..I have actually had a couple of escorts tell me what a relief it was to not have an older client for once. But whether they actively discriminate against older clients, I don't know. I suspect one did...he told me that he chose me over another client after I sent my picture and I was younger.


    We all want to be liked. We find reasons to believe that we're important or special to others in our life and that includes escorts. A truly talented escort will give you reasons to believe that you're special to him -- and it sounds like you've encountered a couple of truly talented escorts.

  12. ...

    Rimming and eating pussy are similar in 2 respects 1) The tongue is being used 2) You usually (but not always) are priming an area to get it hot and ready to be fucked.


    Thank-you Dmitri for adding "but not always" to respect #2. I've rimmed lots of men with no intention of fucking them -- and they certainly had no expectation that I would be putting anything other than my tongue in their hole :p :) :p

  13. Hey Coolwave35, If I'm understanding you correctly, the problem is not that a friendship is developing between you and the escorts. The problem is you don't want to know them as real people. As you say, it ruins the fantasy. Why don't you just come out and tell them that? Tell them that a connection beyond sexual, ruins the fantasy for you. My guess is that it would kill any developing friendship and the escorts will do what they can to maintain the fantasy. Remember: their primary reason for being with you is money. Any friendship with you is secondary. Other than that, I can't help you bud. I happen to love getting to know people and learning who they are. Fantasy is not my thing.

  14. I met JayDaniel in Atlanta last week. That is not his pics that you see in his RentMen ad.

    Why does it seem that this is becoming the new norm?


    I hired JayDaniel in Miami in 2017. Regarding the pictures in his ad, I cannot say with 100% certainty that they are him. It's tough to be sure without seeing his face. But if pics are not him, they look exactly like him. I'm mean exactly. Same skin, same chest, same abs, same ass, same everything. I learned from him during our date that he was extremely careful to keep his escorting job private, which explains why he won't share a face pic. I personally think the pictures are him.

  15. What I absolutely love is all the guys who hate my post or trash me for it cuz I dare expose their lowballing sex needs. Hiarious that one is proud to be has sexually mature as a 12 year olds... I know there's lots of you and I out there, way more than these idiots who just want to look at the model as he indressed and jerk off. Someone needed to remind these escorts that they are sex workers


    Huh? Are you seriously judging others whose sexual needs don't conform to your very specific and formuliac standards? We've got the likes of Jerry Falwell and Franklin Graham on one side and you on the other. WTF?

  16. Tried to watch Black Panther but quit half-way through the movie. I typically don't like superhero, comic book style movies but there was so much hype around Black Panther, I figured it would be an exception. Nope. Just confirmed that movies of this type bore me. On the other hand, The Cakemaker looks interesing. I just added it to my Netflix list.

  17. There was no single moment for me. I had a serious case of hero worship over a male classmate in grade school. It was not sexual at first but then, as we got older, sexual attraction gradually crept in. I can't say at what point I recognized my feelings toward him as sexual. But I'm sure it was long before he became fuel for my wet dreams.

  18. I wanted to see Green Book but screwed up on its start time so when I got to the theater it was 30 minutes into the movie. The Favourite was about to start so I decided to see it instead. But I wish I had turned around and gone home. Yes, Olivia Colemen as Queen Anne was terrific and the 18th century costumes were entertaining, but I found the rest of it tedious. And the ending sucks. A movie doesn't always need a happy ending to be good, but the ending of this movie is just... yuck.

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