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Posts posted by SundayZip

  1. I finally saw the movie today and loved it. I went into the movie liking Rami Malek and left liking him even more. All I knew of Freddie Mercury before the movie was that he was a fabulous singer, had big front teeth and died of aids (and wore his pants way too tight). As for Queen, I knew their biggest hits of course, but not much else about them. So the movie and Malek's performance had no impossible benchmark for me to measure it against. I enjoyed every minute of it.

  2. One movie review said that watching Roma was like watching paint dry. I watched on Netflix streaming yesterday and completely agree. An hour into the movie I started checking the time, hoping it would be over soon. I suppose the cinematography was beautiful, but not beautiful enough to overcome the tedious, plodding story-line.

  3. The negative emojis work fine on FB. On anonymous forums, they tend to be most useful to trolls.


    I agree. If I were to get a negative emoji on my post, I'd want to know why? What exactly is it about the post that elicits the dislike or anger or sad emoji? On the other-hand, if I get a positive emoji, I'll just be happy about it and not care so much why. I think it boils doing to what engenders respect versus animus. An affirming emoji needs no explanation. A negative reaction to a post should be in the form of a reply that includes an explanation.

  4. She's apologizing for the pain and she states asks if it hurts.


    Although I think she is also aware of the embarrassment factor as well. On my last visit, she dropped the swab before getting the sample and had to leave the exam room to get another clean one. Before leaving, she gave me an option to cover up in case someone was walking by as she opened the door.


    Sorry, @sam.fitzpatrick, but this made me chuckle. A totally inappropriate reaction I know, but I couldn't help but imagine walking past an examining room and looking in to see someone bent over the examining table with their pants down and asshole exposed, waiting to be probed.

  5. Are any of you actually in NYC or interested in hiring this young man or is this just a witch hunt? I’m confused.


    So a forum member must live in an escort's home city or be interested in hiring him in order to participate in a 411 thread? Are there other valid reasons to participate in a 411 thread?

  6. Hey Smurof, I'd first make sure that the girl's night out that excluded you was not a one-time fluke. Maybe the self-described man-hater organized the outing and simply did not invite you. She may or may not have explicitly stated that she didn't want you there. The next time you want to go out, include your original three friends. You can even tell your long time friend that's she's welcome to invite her new man-hater friend (don't make your long time friend choose between you and her new friend). Just because this person says she hates men, it doesn't mean you have to hate her. This is her problem. Don't let her make it yours.


    I was referring to this post-who is this then?


    It seems that FunNicolas used several stolen pictures in his original RM ad. This included pictures of porn star Benjamin Godfre and model Steve Boyd. The picture in the pinterest link is Steve Boyd and has since been deleted from the ad. Others posting to this thread claim that current pictures are all of the actual escort. I tend to believe them at this point. :)

  8. Reminds me of some of the hustlers hanging out in the park across from our hotel in Havana. Apparently they inject peanut oil into their upper arms to simulate muscle bulk. We called them the Popeye Guys (although Popeye had oversized forearms, you get the idea).



  9. I think that for some straight escorts, a client can have characteristics, other than gender, that make him or her more or less acceptable (or even appealing) as a sexual partner. It's things like being clean and respectful -- especially being respectful of the escort's idiosyncrasies and boundaries. It's also important to remember that it's not necessarily the client's face or body that turns an escort on. Instead, it's the sexual energy that the escort can create with his client. It's the escort's knowledge that he's getting his client hot as hell. I've had a straight escort tell me that he loves how turned on he can get me. He's not saying how turned on I get him. It seems that what's hot for me is hot for him.

  10. Haha, I was going to “like” your post until your “PS edit”. I don’t think it’s ever ok to use fake/borrowed pics.


    The rest of your post has a lot of merit and good ideas. And after some messaging perhaps the escort would send a face pic, I have had that work for me.


    Ha! I agree with you and have edited my edit o_O

  11. There's been recent threads here in the Deli about specific escorts who use "borrowed" photos in their RM ad. People have attempted to justify this practice by saying that the escort needs to protect his identity. They rationalize using borrowed photos by saying that the pics closely resemble the escort. Or they say that the escort is even hotter than the borrowed photos, so it's okay. I completely understand that some escorts need to protect their identity and I truly respect this need. Maybe some hot young stud wants to try escorting for a while without giving the internet a picture of the one-of-a-kind tattoo on his shoulder. I'd say, more power too him. We want him!


    But is there a way for the escort to protect his identity without deliberately deceiving prospective clients ? Of course the obvious is, don't post a face pic (in spite the squawking from some people). I'd also suggest the judicious use of a photo editor. This is NOT to exaggerate the size of his wanker or ass. Someone with a bit of experience with a photo editor could easily remove (or alter) a unique tattoo or birthmark or something else that uniquely identifies them. They can do this without substantially changing the escorts appearance.


    Any other ideas that you would consider acceptable?


    PS (edit): Maybe it's okay to use borrowed pictures as long as the escort tells a prospective client, very early in their communications, that the RM pictures are not him and gives an honest explanation. I'd say 'No' to this. This will likely alienate most clients (IMO).

  12. He said he’s having a photoshoot soon to replace all the fake pics on his ad. He sent me face pics. I told him he didn’t need other guys’ pictures.


    I sent him that picture of Godfre. He “lol’ed”


    I think the only fake pic now is the one on the couch


    Progress! :)

  13. I mentioned this discussion to Funnicolas and as a result the offending “borrowed” pics have been removed and the remaining ones are of “Nicolas” himself. He’s very new to this and extremely cautious about putting his face out there in this context. Can’t blame him really, though he admits he made a mistake using someone else’s pics and has corrected it.


    He says he's removed "borrowed" pictures? I see that he removed the picture of Steve Boyd, but his ad still has a picture of Benjamin Godfre. What's up with that?

  14. Good for you man! I'm glad you had a good experience - but - did you comment that he didn't look like his pictures?? I just don't - get it. And you were okay that he didn't look like his pictures?


    Hey NYCgymfit. Regarding your question, "And you were okay that he didn't look like his pictures?"

    This was my experience with this escort back in 2012:

    I've had a couple encounters with escorts who used "borrowed" pictures on their ad. The first time, the guy who came to my hotel room looked kind-of, sort-of like the guy in the ad, but I wasn't 100% sure. So I gave him the benefit of the doubt and went through with the date. It wasn't until after the date that I double checked the ad and realized that it was absolutely a different person. I could see that the guy pictured on the ad was a LOT more appealing than the escort himself.


    PS. I've since gotten much better and screening potential escorts, thanks to his forum.

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