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Posts posted by fedssocr1

  1. I find it's easy enough to ignore all of the messages and favorites from far away - whether that's abroad or in the US. I wish the "seeking" button on their app would actually only show me guys according to the parameters I set. Once it runs out of local guys it shows me people from everywhere. For me there's a bit of a "grass is always greener" syndrome. Tons of hot guys in Colorado for some reason and tons in California.

  2. The designation of me as “successful” by Seeking Arrangements has boosted my self esteem immeasurably ;)


    Did they lure you into buying "Diamond" status?


    After a few months I've decided to stop paying the $90/month to read messages. In the end I met 3 guys only. Partly due to my travel schedule and partly because the local guys that I am most interested in meeting are too busy with work or school. And the guys I did meet were nice enough but not really anyone I'd want to have an on-going arrangement with. I sent the couple of guys I'd like to meet my email address and phone # and mentioned I was planning to stop paying for the service. When I told one of the guys I met how much it cost on the daddy end he was shocked.

  3. I finally met someone from this site today. Nice enough kid. Not the cutest guy in the world, but nice enough. I think we're fairly compatible in a lot of ways but I didn't really experience much of a spark. Mainly I think my issue was that he doesn't have a great face and he has bad teeth. I feel sort of bad about that actually, but need to be honest with myself. I did tell him that I am essentially interviewing several candidates. I have tentative plans later in the week with another gay who doesn't seem like the brightest bulb from our short interaction online, but maybe it's just the medium.

  4. young gay me enjoyed it immensely when we had to take showers, which was actually rather infrequently in the first half of the 1980s. I remember taking a handful of showers in Jr High. But mainly I guess we weren't doing things that got us very sweaty. Same in HS. Only the semester of swimming my sophomore year required us to shower. (That was a fun semester...I think I've mentioned the story here before about colliding with a boy as I was exiting the shower and he was entering. He was a tall, handsome basketball player with a sizable appendage that struck my wrist.) Even in those days though showering was just not really done much. We also didn't have much time between classes and squeezing in a shower would have been tough. The sports teams all showered after practice and games though.

  5. since Remington's was mentioned in this thread a bit...do we know where the new location will be? Queen West is a pretty broad description. I am considering a quick weekend trip in Nov on the Veterans'/Rememberance Day weekend

  6. Damn.....how many days did you spend in Poland? I'm thinking it might be worth visiting along with Berlin.


    I was only there about 3 days. I was in Hamburg for a couple days, then Norway for a week and Warsaw for just those few days. But yes I think it would be easily combined with Berlin

  7. unfortunately niceboyyyyy wasn't so nice. Flake. never showed up at the appointed time. And since I am am leaving early tomorrow morning there's no time to make arrangements for anyone else

  8. I am also in Warsaw at the moment. As a tourist destination I really recommend it. Lots of pretty sights and good museums. Very cheap. (I was in Norway for a week before coming here and about had to take out a second mortgage at every meal.) And tons of very hot boys. I went to the Palace of Culture and Science the other night and there was a guy there who was some sort of worker I think...maybe 20, shirtless, lean, ripped body. Plenty of other very cute guys everywhere. Of course when they hit 35 or so something happens and they all get big bellies. I have a meeting with a "Hunq" set up for later this evening. Cute skinny 19 yo (https://www.planetromeo.com/#/hunq/Goodboyyyyy) ...very inexpensive at just 250 pln for an hour or 700 overnight. 250 is US$68 at the current exchange rate. There are lots of good looking guys on planetromeo but they're not super-responsive. Most seem to advertise about 100 euros per hour.

  9. the location thing is certainly odd. I explicitly state in my profile that I am looking for someone local to meet in person. Yet I get favorites and messages from all over the place.


    The good news is that the DC area seems to have had an increase in the number of babies. Trying to sift through them and figure out who I want to meet is the issue now. I am traveling at the moment but had plans to meet a couple of guys the week before I left that I had to postpone. Some real hotties (based on their photo) but many are not very consistent communicators.

  10. but don't expect it either. If he told you he's not interested in having sex, then charming (or pressuring) him into it doesn't seem likely to work in my opinion. I've decided that being up front about my expectations/wants is the best idea. Then the guys can decide if that's what they are also interested in pursuing. And if they're not, I move on and they move on. But I suppose if you live in an area without a lot of available guys that might change the calculus or you might have to be a bit more flexible. And you can decide if it's worth your time, money, emotional energy to invest with no likelihood of a physical relationship.


    In the old days I used to mentor a number of young straight (mostly) guys who I was very attracted to. But who I had no expectation of a physical relationship with. I enjoyed spending time with them so I didn't mind picking up the tab. But I wasn't giving them cash on top of expenses.

  11. first or business thanks to the frequent flier miles game mostly, but I've also paid or paid for an upgrade from time to time. the problem is that once you fly up front it is very difficult to go back to economy

  12. I think it's a very different sort of thing. With RM guys it much more down to the point. With these guys it's more about getting to know each other. So there are more things like meals/dates thrown in there. Although one guy I was chatting with today sounds like he pretty much just wants to get together to fuck. I offered an amount similar to but slightly less than what I expect an RM would ask for and he seemed happy with that number. But we'll see if we actually meet or not.

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