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Posts posted by fedssocr1

  1. I agree that South Asian is the term I usually use - India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan... What I think all of those places also have in common is that homosexuality is largely a taboo subject. They are culturally quite conservative. And full of devastatingly handsome young men.


    Not that that necessarily means a lot with respect to escorts in America.


    I stayed at Dickman Resort (yes, that's really the name) in Sri Lanka for a few days last year. Several guy working around the hotel available for "massage". Spent an hour or so one afternoon with one of them. And my tour guide tried really hard to get me laid on our trip around the island. Ended up spending an afternoon with a guy he knew in Kandy who was a very sweet kid...I think probably bisexual if his FB postings are anything to go by, or maybe just gay for pay. College kid, probably about 20 or 21. Judging by his hole-y clothes he needed the money I gave him a lot more than I did. My guide is married with kids. I presume his wife knows he's basically gay but it's probably not something they talk about. I think living in that society would make a person crazy. But he's got friends around the island that he parties with when he's in town. So, I think the gay community such as it is, is very much underground.

  2. Came across this site just now with lots of Prague info


    And travelgayeurope.com is decent as well.


    Looking forward to spending a few days there in early Sept.

  3. doesn't everyone do this at the grocery. I used to pretend to shop more when some old lady got into my favorite boy's line so it wouldn't be too obvious


    And I used to refer to the cashier at the cafeteria at work as my cafeteria boyfriend because we always used to make sure our hands touched more than necessary and he was always very smiley. But I think he's just naturally smiley with everyone.

  4. lots of healthy prostates here. I started early...around 10 or 11 yo. While I do sometimes go up to a week these days (49) I'm usually going nuts by the end, I'd say I probably average once a day. Some days it's 2 or 3, other days it's 0 if I am busy doing other things or visiting my parents for example where it's difficult to have enough privacy for long enough.

  5. I use Lyft - the drivers generally seem happier and more friendly. Of course many drivers work for both. Although I just saw a news story about Uber doing some sort of shenanigans to figure out which of their drivers also drive for Lyft and screwing with them. Basically Uber just seems like such a scummy company that I prefer not to use them. I'm sure Lyft isn't all rainbows and unicorns either, but I prefer it. And I do like being able to include a tip in the app. I don't use it a lot - mostly just to and from the airport. One driver I chatted with told me he prefers the riders from Lyft. Lots of crazy drunk kids use Uber apparently.

  6. For sure lots of probably better intel over at the various Gay Thailand forums. In addition to the one mentioned there is also http://sawatdeenetwork.com/v4/forum.php


    Bangkok has many male massage places. Some have the line up mentioned above, some don't. Some have more muscular guys, some have a variety. Chiang Mai has a couple of m4m massage places, but the scene is much smaller there than Bangkok or Pattaya.


    I agree the prices are generally higher than mentioned above. You'll pay the massage shop around $20 and tip your masseur in the $30 range depending on exactly what they do for you.


    There's also travelgayasia.com and utopia-asia.com

    http://www.nickysgaythailand.com/gay-thailand/ has some useful info too but some of it is outdated.


    You won't find the same sorts of places in Laos or Cambodia. There are a couple of small m4m massage places in Siem Reap. Laos does not have anything like this that I am aware of.


    It's my favorite part of the world. Great hospitality. Interesting culture.

  7. I think it's just the times we live in. People take a billion pictures (because they can) and share them all in most aspects of their lives. So it's not a surprise this would be the case for escorts. They probably aren't good enough judges of quality anyway so they just throw it all out there.


    I agree that seeing the same pose 20 times seems idiotic. Or posting 20 pictures that don't really show you anything. Everyone has different things they want to see. So showing a variety of things would seem sensible.


    For me a nice face picture and one or two body shots are all I really need. I understand why guys don't always want their face out there, but since that's just about the most important part to me it is a bit of a problem.

  8. Every review I have read has been completely scathing.


    When you're telling a story of an actual historical event that really happened I don't see how you can make up so much of the story. A fictionalized account of this story was always going to be poorly received. Why not just make a documentary? What's the point of making up a story based on such an important event in the first place?

  9. Dear Penthouse Forum, I never thought it would happen to me....


    I never really got to do anything with anyone either until I got to college and met this guy in a quiet restroom. I feel like I really missed out on a lot too. I've discovered after the fact that a couple of guys I had pegged in HS were gay after all. One of my best friends also turned out to be gay but I didn't find that out until a couple of years ago.


    I think I had one really good chance my senior year in HS. This kid that I had chemistry class with and I got together to work on a project. He was totally hot. If I had made a move I think everything would have worked out. But I was too scared. He wasn't well liked because he thought he was smarter than everyone else, but for some reason he respected me. I often wonder "what if?" Unfortunately he died a couple of years later on a stolen motorcycle. He was a troubled soul.

  10. WHATEVER happened to your speedo guy he's prolly best left in your memory o_O


    Certainly this is the truth. I'm still in touch with a bunch of my friends from growing up on Facebook. A couple of them have changed almost not at all. Most are unrecognizable. We have a reunion every 5 years and I recognize fewer people all the time of course. My biggest crush from 5th grade until graduation is some one I just recently tracked down on FB. I probably should have just kept him in my memory. He had the most perfectly shaped genitals (thank goodness for that one quarter of swimming in sophomore year gym class where everyone had to take a shower afterwards...) and such a hot body in HS.

  11. this just reminded me of the legendary mid-1970s Sears catalog that had an underwear model who, reputedly, wasn't fully tucked in.....




    and did anybody peruse the Penney's and Sears catalogs, by the way??!!....that dude at far right seemed to be in every other underwear ad picture in the 70s....




    Oh yes! My grandparents had those catalogs. Whenever we went to Illinois to visit them I spent a lot of time looking at underwear ads. LOL

  12. ME: 4th Grade. IDK how old you are in 4th grade 10? I remember because the 4th grade classroom in my school was the only one at street level and faced 1st avenue. Right outside the window were some Con Ed or street worker guys working, and one young guy had his shirt off. He had a long 1980 shag haircut. And I remember CLEAR AS IF YESTERDAY, the Nun stopping the class and saying Mr. Baldini WHAT is so fascinating outside that window??? I had NO idea what I was feeling or why but "something" inside me told me I shouldn't tell the Sister I was looking at this guy. Something told me it was "wrong?" . I can't remember what I said or IF I said anything. BUT I remember the feeling crystal clear!


    My experience was almost exactly the same. I think it was the summer when I was 10 year old (going into 5th grade) and they were paving the street in front of our house. This would have been somewhere around 1977. Young construction workers shirtless and wearing just cutoffs and boots. I watched them from my bedroom window all day long.

  13. Yeah, it is crazy that this product will be one a relatively short hop from London to Abu Dhabi, but I guess that's where all the rich sheikhs are going. Although I guess ultimately it will show up on longer routes as well. Their 787-9's are supposed to have similar F class apartments and business class. And I think that is going to premiere on IAD-AUH and AUH-HKG or something like that.

  14. There was a big article in the Washington Post the other day too.


    Once in a while I watch the Max Keiser show on RT. All he does is plug Bitcoin over and over in his strident schticky voice.

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