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Posts posted by fedssocr1

  1. I think it could lead to being overlooked. Personally face is very important to me. If I just see a torso that is less likely to make me stop.


    Location probably is a more important factor. Do you live in a major metro area? I also like a profile that is more than just a couple of words and that has a bright, positive outlook. If it is about being broke and needing a lot of help I typically move on by. Not interested in a lot of drama.

  2. even with an escort chemistry is helpful.


    As I noted above the guy I met on whatsyourprice claimed to have a female friend using the site. Now, maybe she was hiding some of the truth from him or maybe the men she met really didn't want anything sexual. Or maybe he just told me that because he didn't want to have sex with me.


    I keep wavering on whether to splash out the $90 to read my messages on SA. I presume it's easy enough to cancel before it renews, no?

  3. I find this whole scene fascinating. I just downloaded the Gdaddy app. As is always the case, the guys who seem most attractive live nowhere near me (and I live in a pretty big metro area). Lots of lonely boys out there. And way too many guys with hoops through their noses. I suspect that most of these guys can't possibly think they're ever actually going to find a daddy...if they did they would post much better photos at least. My other favorite is the 18 year olds who want a 22 year old daddy

  4. I was on a high school quiz bowl show for several episodes. We lost in the finals. What I found amazing was how tiny the set was compared to how it looked on TV.


    me too. We came in second my senior year too! were we on the same team?


    I went to a taping of the Tonight Show a million years ago when Jay Leno was host in California. Our seats were way up in the back. Mainly we were there to see the band James perform

  5. "I’ve become familiar with the waitstaff and they know the drill"

    "I show up once a week or so “waiting on someone”"

    "The new, young face of the week shows up."


    I find this pretty depressing and sad to see it gets over 10 likes on here.


    I hope each 'Arrangement' knows they are on a conveyer belt. That's fine I guess if you tell them your arrangement is going to be short term. Some indeed probably wouldn't care.


    Maybe jumping to conclusions but implicit in your tone, it sounds fundamentally sex based so it's really just an alternative to RM. Or perhaps it's all about finding that ideal guy to be your soul mate....... We are all after all on it for different reasons but respect is due to some of these often desperate guys.


    My experience is that the few guys I have met are looking for something more serious, a mentor as much as the $. The majority of profiles certainly give that impression.


    As this thread seems to show, you have to weed through a lot of guys. Actually taking the time to meet them is surely better than just seeing words on a computer screen. Until you meet how do you know how compatible you really are? Since a huge number of them seem to be after free meals and perhaps some free cash I don't see how anyone is being harmed. As long as the expectations are set before meeting no one is being led on. These guys are adults.

  6. another interesting twist is that 3 or 4 of them are "stateless" so they couldn't leave the country anyway as they have no passport and no way to get one


    Saw the news this afternoon that they were basically knocked unconscious and carried out on stretchers. Not sure how they fed them through the narrowest parts. But they also rigged up a sort of overhead zip line sort of thing to move them through the open chambers. In the end all that matters is that it worked

  7. everything I heard on Sunday was that they chose the weakest to bring out first, and I haven't read anything contradicting that. But there seems to have been a lot of confusion and except for the official press conferences lots of rumors were floating around.


    Thank goodness they're all out. ABC news reported that when the military went back in to start removing equipment after the 4 divers were out, the main pump failed and the cave flooded quickly. Apparently several people had to scramble for their lives

  8. I don't understand why this happened in the first place. Why did they go caving without proper equipment or guides? I'm hoping they all are rescued unharmed; but don't waste the teaching moment here that caving is a serious activity.


    The first part of the cave is essentially a local tourist attraction that wouldn't require any equipment or a guide. They did have flashlights and did take in some water as well as food to celebrate the birthday of one of the boys. Whether they decided to explore beyond the public part or if the downpours and flooding suddenly cut them off and they had no choice but to scramble deeper into the cave is unclear.

  9. I think among this issues was their weakened state, the size of some of these kids (they are very small), the fact that none of them knew how to swim or had much experience in the water, the water is not exactly clear and clean, some of the passages were apparently quite narrow, etc. So I think it's taken some time to work with them in a pretty cramped space getting used to the equipment and what they will need to do. They've also been continuously pumping out as much water as they can. I understand that they've made really good progress on that front over the last several days before it started raining again. If they could lower the water level far enough the kids wouldn't need to spend as much time under water. They've also been jackhammering some of the smaller passages in order to get more clearance.


    It seems like all of that was wise since getting them out appears to have taken less time than predicted. The latest I saw was that they intend to get the other 9 out tomorrow after giving the rescue divers some rest and replenishing some supplies along the route. (It's a few miles from where they are to the outside)

  10. Yeah, I think the not wanting to be thought of (or consider themselves) a prostitute has a lot to do with it. But if you're going to advertise yourself as a sugar baby I think you have to understand what that means to the vast majority of daddies. I'd be happy to do things for a guy, but he's got to be willing to do some things for me too. I have plenty of friends I can have meals with and spend time with without having to spend any extra cash.


    I personally know several young guys in their 20s who actively sought and currently have much older partners/BFs. I'm sure that's always been a thing, but it seems to have somewhat less stigma these days.

  11. also he was running a bit late so, since it is a gorgeous day today, I sat in Dupont Circle to wait for him. While I was there a smokin' hot Asian kid sat down on the bench next to me. He also had a very sexy voice (he spent some time on the phone trying to link up with whoever he was waiting for). If I could have figured out a way to proposition him....


    Also - just discovered that my boy has an SA profile too, but he hasn't logged in there for several months. Several shirtless photos... Looking for some one to help him pay his student loans. I think he has some unrealistic expectations if he's not going to put out. :) I think he's just a dabbler. I can't imagine he has much free time when school is in session anyway

  12. sadly he says he's basically just interested in free meals and conversation. He has a female friend who uses the same site and he says she says that none of her dates was looking for a physical thing. I was the first person he met via the site and vice versa. It's a shame because he's very nice and I enjoyed spending time with him...and he's one of my perfect types. I told him if he changes his mind about the physical thing to let me know. So, lesson learned.

  13. I asked him to name a price first. And he responded with 100 which seemed to then be canceled (I got notifications of all this to my account) and then he asked me to name a price. My guess is that he hasn't used it much either (if at all), but I will find out. I offered $150 which he accepted. I probably should have asked some questions related to what his expectations and goals are with respect to using this site. But I can do that over lunch.

  14. I tried out the whatsyourprice site for the first time. It's a little annoying that you have to pay the site to read your messages, but I guess they need to keep the thing running somehow. Anyway, supposed to meet the guy for lunch tomorrow. Cute Asian pre-med student. We'll see how it goes but our text message exchange was very easy and friendly so I think it will be fun. It was probably too easy to find out a lot about him on the web, but I will keep those things to myself. Whether there's sex involved or not is probably something I should have clarified up front, but I'm willing to meet him anyhow and see how things progress. It seemed sort of self-evident to me, but maybe it's not.

  15. it's a fascinating place. No experience dealing with the boys as you put it, but in general I found the people there to be very hospitable just like everywhere else in SE Asia. (Unless you're a "Bengali" I suppose...) I actually visited the west (Arakan/Rakhine) a few months before everything went to hell and met a really sweet group of college boys who wanted to practice their English on me. My gaydar pinged pretty hard but it's possible they were just being nice. Unfortunately I only got to spend a little time with them before I had to leave for the airport.

  16. Colombia has been an up-and-coming tourist destination for a while now. I know a number of people who have gone and had a great time. I've also been very impressed by all of those hot Colombians on chaturbate and also on the Blued app too.


    As for safety, my impression is that it's reasonably safe as long as you don't do anything stupid. I believe the drug cartels are much less of an issue now than they were 20 years ago.


    Montreal and Bangkok are certainly very different animals. I love Bangkok and SE Asia in general. Amazing hospitality. Great people (generally speaking). Bangkok can be chaotic, but it's having a lot of it's charm cleared away by the current government. The gogo bar street may be closed for redevelopment soon. You money can go a very long way over there.

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