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Everything posted by rvwnsd

  1. I hired him in June, 2022. Although he has a beautiful cock and balls, he's not in the best of shape. I only had an "OK" time and wouldn't repat.
  2. Well, actually, here's an interview question answer that might clarify: So, @JourneysEnd, you were right! Uh, yeah - there's that.
  3. Moderator's Warning: Enough with the name calling and arguing. Several off-topic, argumentative posts have been hidden. If you don't intend to discuss the topic at hand (The escort named Scott Lazarus) then don't post.
  4. What is this "ask.." of which you speak? Just kidding. Have a great time and tell us all about it (but not too much about it...guidelines and all).
  5. Over the years, Company of Men members have advised one another to verify escorts via FaceTime. Seems like at least one escort has been listening.
  6. rvwnsd


    Moderator's Note: Information that is not displayed by the provider in their public provider ad or profile, such as actual name, social media links, and contact information, is considered private information. Company of Men's Community Guidelines prohibit the posting of private information. Thanks to everyone who has kept this thread going since 2018 without sharing private information. We appreciate your discretion (and respect for our guidelines. )
  7. Not a doctor and not trying to shame anyone, but regardless what caused the lesions I wouldn't hire the guy until he has fully healed. Likewise, I wouldn't hire/hook up with anyone if I had open wounds or lesions.
  8. You should have bought them at Butera. They would have been seven cents a pound. When lab-grown mean is commercially available I will try it. In addition to the environmental impact, so much of the meat we buy is produced in less-than-sanitary conditions.
  9. I have killed cacti and air ferns. (No, I am NOT making this up).
  10. I've neither heard of nor seen this pattern before. Hate to say it, but it does sound like a scam.
  11. Specifying pronouns makes it a lot easier for people to know how to address someone when they write to them. When faced with someone whose name is "Sean," "Chris," "Leslie," or "Pat" (among others) knowing their pronouns avoids the embarrassment of referring to a man as "she" or a woman as "Mr." To me, the origin story around specifying pronouns doesn't matter. What matters is the benefit of knowing that I should refer to Sean A. as "he" and Sean B. as "she." It simply makes life easier.
  12. They recently changed their RM name and dropped the "brother" references. Here's a Deli thread about them and their prior name. EDIT: Their Rentmasseur ad no longer has any references to being brothers.
  13. I have no experience with this masseur, but wanted to point out the following sentence in his ad: I have regular clients so for new appointments a sign will be needed. Not sure what he means by "a sign," but don't be surprised if he requests a deposit or something similar.
  14. When posting a link to a provider's ad, please use the "Link" feature instead of copying and pasting the link directly into the post. When you copy and paste the link directly into the post, the photos within the ad are displayed. If the ad has explicit phots, which are not permitted in the public forums, they will display in the post. Thank you!
  15. Wow, just wow. An icon from my young adulthood has been lost. PIP Paul/Pee-Wee.
  16. Why would you need to do that when his phone number is available in his ad and he enabled RM messaging?
  17. Wow - escorting might not be for him but he certainly is a gentleman. I know what everyone is thinking: "What kind of gentleman flakes on a client?" and that is a fair question. I recognize that people handle stressful situations in different ways. He handles them by bailing. Not a great way to do that, but he did and then apologized.
  18. I've also met him and enjoyed my time. Like @shawshini, I didn't bring up any of the Forum talk with him. The funny thing was our text exchange the day we met. I typically don't do same-day appointments and had asked him about meeting up the next day. As we were texting, my schedule changed and we agreed to meet that evening. We had a very pleasant back-and-forth for the remainder of the afternoon. Very naturally-flowing conversation. He's one of my better hires and I would hire him again if he visited Phoenix or I was visiting a city he was also visiting.
  19. Moderator's Note: The other thread about this provider was locked because the discussion went far off the topic of the provider's services. Please do not bring that conversation to this thread.
  20. Moderator's Note: The topic of this thread is "Sinead O'Connor" and not "Pope John Paul 2" or "the Roman Catholic Church." Please refrain from discussions about religion, politics, and anything else that is not related to Sinead O'Connor's life and music.
  21. Thank you for saying this. We ALL need to remember that people make mistakes.
  22. @Coolwave35, I'm glad you made it out of this situation relatively unscathed. What a disappointment that a guy whom you've known through dancing and a fuckbuddy both behaved uncharacteristically badly in your own home and did so with each other. When I say "I'm sorry this has happened to you" I mean it - I feel sorrow! I'd say "lesson learned," but I don't see one here. You have experience with both guys and I'd hate for you to never trust anyone again, That's a shitty way to live. I guess I'd say "chalk it up to experience" and move on.
  23. Moderator's Warning: Please remain on topic (ROB NYC Massage) and stop arguing with each other. When one poster takes issue with another poster's content, they are to report the content, not engage in a sniping match. Please read and follow the Community Guidelines, which everyone agreed to when they signed up for the site. If there are any questions, post them to the Ask a Moderator forum.
  24. Thanks for noting that. I missed that detail. I agree 100%. Not serving wine at a fundraiser in Southern California (or anywhere, really, but ESPECIALLY in SoCal) isn't what I'd call a "recipe for success." Next time, just buy some wine and be done with it.
  25. I do the same. However, given @Jostar was at the escort's hotel, it sounds like hiding the wallet/putting it in the safe wasn't an option. Not going to argue with wanting to get out of the situation. You have to do what feels right and what is required to protect yourself. Asking what he was doing with his hand on your pants pocket is reasonable, but I wouldn't call him a thief. Escalating an already charged-up situation could lead to violence and harm. While I hope you (or anyone else reading this) don't experience something like this again in the future, should it happen again, sticking to the facts (his hand is on the pants pocket that holds your wallet) is the best approach.
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