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Posts posted by purplekow

  1. For those who are curious, one can do the stamp test.  Noctural erections may continue though awakening with an erection may dissipate.  Take a few stamps and firmly encircle your penis with the stamps.  In the morning, if the stamp perforations are broken, then it is likely you had at least one nocturnal erection even if you did not awaken with one.  Totally losing nocturnal erections is abnormal and no matter what the age, it is worth mentioning to you doctor.  If he does not pay heed to this or wants to attribute it age alone, find another doctor.  

  2. On 3/4/2024 at 10:59 PM, BSR said:

    Does Borna Coric intentionally buy shorts one size too small?  Not that I'm complaining, of course.

    A former escort was a trainer for Coric and that escort also used to wear short tight shorts.  Not sure if he is still part of the team but I wish he would rejoin the escort team as he was always fun and had a nipple that was wired and guaranteed to have him moaning sexily after a few licks.  

  3. On this page the vast majority are sunsets.  Any photo in which the guy is holding a towel or is in the water is almost certainly sunset.  Sunset is also likely in anyone with bathing suits as they would not likely be out in the cold night air with a bathing suit waiting for the sun to rise.  So My guess would be almost all are sunset except the one posted by 56harrisond in which the model is wearing long grey board shorts.  That has a feel of a long night of sex and then coming out to the new day.

  4. As I tend to be a serial polygamist with about 3 or 4 regulars at time I have had several who have drifted off after a bit.   First was Rod Roddick who unfortunately passed away after I was seeing him more than weekly for a number of years.  Alec Andrews who I saw about a dozen times in a short spell and with whom I had a falling out.  Rick Munroe and Derek Ross who I would see regularly and then I asked for a change from threeway for two hours to each one for an hour with a three way in the middle.  They were a no on that.  There was a rather popular porn actor who I saw regularly but who stopped escorting when he became HIV positive, many years ago.  There were several NYC escorts who grew tired of commuting down to Jersey though I did compensate them appropriately.    Miss them all from time to time, but I close my eyes and pump my fist and they are back with me for a brief interlude anyway and as hot as ever.  

  5. I appreciate it if the escort comes but for most part, that is an iffy proposition.  There is one escort I see who comes in large quantities and quickly which is less than optimal.  Although, after he has come, he does pay even closer attention to my completion.  Usually I try to hold off as long as I can, but once the escort has come, I usually allow myself the pleasure.  Ideally, I would prefer the escort to come hard and loud right before I am ready to go and those moans and the muscular contractires takes me over the edge.  When everything times out nicely, I will usually spew with remarkable intensity, despite my age.  In fact just yesterday, I had a muscle escort tell me he wish he could shoot "a fucking load like that."

  6. I noticed his face seems to change from reasonably good looking to not good looking at all.  Nice body only wish I could see him from a position where all I saw was the back of his head.  

  7. Sleep apnea is a common medical condition which can be classified as Central Sleep Apnea or Obstructive Peripheral Sleep Apnea (OSA).  OSA is much more common although one can have a mixed picture.   The risk factors for OSA include a neck greater than 18.5 inches in diameter, obesity, smoking, enlarged adenoids and a severe overbite.   One can suspect OSA by symptoms such as loud snoring, daytime drowsiness, inability to concentrate or witnessed stoppage of breathing while asleep.  A simple questionair the Epworth Sleepiness Scale has a series of questions with a selection of answers.  After taking this brief test, a score of over 13 indicates that there is a possibility of OSA.   OSA is not something that should be ignored.   An overnight sleep study either in a sleep center or one of a selection of good quality home tests done under a doctor's guidance will determine if you have sleep apnea, how severe it is and will lead to distinguishing which type of sleep apnea predominates.  

    CPAP is the quick fix.  It can be difficult to get used to, but even 4 hours a night of use can reduce the risk of stroke, heart attack, sudden death and hypertension that go along with OSA.  Most people tend to either adjust to it quickly, or give up, but with persistence, most people can get accustomed to it.  

    Long term, weight loss can make a big difference and it does not have to be massive weight loss.  As little as 10 to 15 pound weight loss can diminish symptoms greatly.  

    Smoking cessation will of course benefit you in many ways and decrease in OSA is just one of them.

    Enlarged adenoids and tonsils can be removed and can give significant relief.  

    Inspire is an implanted device that stimulates you to breath when is is noted that you are not doing so.  

    These are just a few of the basic facts about OSA.  There is lots of information on line.   IF you think you or someone you know may have OSA, take the Epworth test.  It takes about 2 minutes and it can confirm whether you should be concerned or not.  Honesty in taking the test is of utmost import.  

  8. 4 hours ago, BuffaloKyle said:

    "The Deli" is the forum to discuss providers. You normally go to the deli to see and pick out from the array of meats and sausages. Or if you prefer a nice butt roast. 😁

    I believe that should be a rump roast unless the term butt roast is used in Buffalo, but it was not used when I lived there.   In any case or deli case, the reference is to the selection of meats and or meets and was an original part of the  HooBoy years.  

  9. 21 minutes ago, Vegas_Millennial said:

    Yes, mine was a tie tack.  I wear it only on special occasions (job interview and weddings)

    Good for you for still having it.  Tie tacks are the kind of item that gets lost very easily. You must value it greatly to have mnaged to not drop it, leave it in a tie and forget about it, put it in a pocket and leave it there, put it on a bureau and have it fall behind it or any one of a dozen other mishaps.  

  10. 36 minutes ago, azdr0710 said:

    along with his late brother, Robert, wrote many of the most famous Disney songs ever......"It's A Small World" is thought to be the most played song in the world.....some will remember the brothers' work being highlighted in "Saving Mr. Banks" (2013).........an incredible list of accomplishments.......


    “Generations of moviegoers and theme park guests have been introduced to the world of Disney through the Sherman brothers’ magnificent and timeless songs,"...

    We did the math on the song that's been played nearly 50 million times over the last 50 years


    As to 
    Its a Small World, it is played continuously by the ride of the same name at Disney World and then repeats  for at least 24 hours continuously in  the head of all that ride that ride

  11. 33 minutes ago, adunn1992 said:

    I can agree the halo adds a nice touch to go with the full package he offers. 😉

    Can’t go wrong with Vin. 😊

    He can be an angel and he can be a devil, strangely enough he can be both at the same time.  

  12. My father was a barber and when business was not so good, the family ate quite a bit of spaghetti. Sometimes we would have is 6 or 7 times in a week.  For variation, the topping would change.  Spaghetti and tomato sauce, with chick peas, with butter, with lima beans, with cauliflower and fried bread crumbs, with peas and my least favorite, with lentils might all be on the menu in a week.  Certainly spaghetti and meatballs was the inspiration for spaghetti and chili,  The chili after all is not much more than chopped meat and a tomato based sauce.  The cheddar piled as high as depicted in the photograph above, is a bit much, but it is really just a poor man's Ptarmigan.   With that said, I would willingly eat any of the combinations I mentioned from my childhood, while I would not touch that Ohio offering.  


    Also SamHexum, tube-iquitous is more of a portmanteau than a pun.  The relish statement is a pun, but in reality, it is not a good pun.  

  13. 3 hours ago, BenjaminNicholas said:

    As Purple eloquently replied, correlation is not always causation.

    Geez, your tight tight phrasing is a wonder to behold and in truth that tightness got me more than a little excited. 

  14. 1 hour ago, Anthony said:

    It also bothers me if I have to take any medicine because so many medications list vomiting and nausea as side affects. Food poisoning is what initially gave me emetophobia. 

    Side effects as listed for medications do not necessarily mean cause and effect.  People can report any side effects to the manufacturer when taking medication and if that measures to more than 2% the side effect is listed as possible related.  Lesser side effects will also be listed, just not was prominently.  

    HPV is given as two injections between ages 9 and 14 usually 18 months or so apart.  If not completed additional vaccinations can be given between ages 15 and 26.  If there is immunosuppressive condition, a third vaccination is suggested.  After age 26 until age 45, the decision to vaccinate is a decision between doctor and patient.  Usually it is considered that a person with prior low exposure who might now, at an older age be more exposed, is someone who is eligible for a vaccine in that age group.  

    There are no recommendations for immunization after the age or 45.  If you were to receive it, a physician would be giving the medication off label.  If there were a significant reaction, the drug manufacturer would have greater legal protection from liability.  Not all physicians are willing to give medications off label, but many do.  A physician who deals with sexually active mature adults, such as the physician providing PrEP, would likely be amenable to a discussion of the appropriateness of HPV vaccination for anyone who has a concern about it.  

  15. Every now and again I go to a gay bar, usually when I am on vacation.  I enjoy people watching and checking out whatever attractive men are there..  I do not expect to pick someone up.  In fact, I am fine if no one speaks to me, but usually, someone does and I will have a fun, usually superficial conversation.  Certainly I find it more entertaining then heading back to the hotel after dinner.  So I am old. I am okay with my looks and my life and I find an occasional  night out at a bar checking out men I will never have, enjoyable.  I am actually someone you should aspire to be, an old man who has seen better days and also has seen better days than 90% of the younger, fitter gay guys at that bar will ever see.  When I leave the bar, almost always alone, I head back to a life I am happy to have.   

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