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Someone needs to go to jail. (Oakland club fire)

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Sunday, December 04, 2016 10:40PM

OAKLAND, Calif. (KGO) --

Part of the investigation into a deadly fire at the Ghost Ship warehouse that killed at least ten people in Oakland concerns the building not being up to code and there is one person in particular who authorities would like to speak to about that. Fire officials who have been briefed on the investigation underway tell ABC News this does not look like a case of arson, but criminal charges are still a possibility.


RELATED: Complaint filed against Oakland warehouse before deadly fire


A key person in this case is Derick Ion, who founded the Ghost Ship Artist Collective and ran it at the warehouse. The Ghost Ship served as a work and live space for creatives in the area. People who used to work for Ion tell the I-Team police and fire officials warned him about the fire hazard at the building but he reportedly laughed off those warnings.

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Sunday, December 04, 2016 10:40PM

OAKLAND, Calif. (KGO) --

Part of the investigation into a deadly fire at the Ghost Ship warehouse that killed at least ten people in Oakland concerns the building not being up to code and there is one person in particular who authorities would like to speak to about that. Fire officials who have been briefed on the investigation underway tell ABC News this does not look like a case of arson, but criminal charges are still a possibility.


RELATED: Complaint filed against Oakland warehouse before deadly fire


A key person in this case is Derick Ion, who founded the Ghost Ship Artist Collective and ran it at the warehouse. The Ghost Ship served as a work and live space for creatives in the area. People who used to work for Ion tell the I-Team police and fire officials warned him about the fire hazard at the building but he reportedly laughed off those warnings.


As the article mentions, there are dozens missing. Prayers to all those families and friends that have lost or have missing loved ones.

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What a nightmare scenario for the victims--to be trapped in a literal tinderbox with no escape. The clown who ran and collected rents on The Ghost Ship, Derek Ion, wrote a self-pitying FB post about how all of his dreams and possessions went up in smoke and he was now impoverished--with NO mention of the nine dead and many more missing. Looking at photos of the artist collective before this tragedy, it looked like an accident waiting to happen; it resembled an oversized attic full of rugs, curtains, lanterns, pianos and second-hand kitsch.


As I understand it, there a dozens of places like this throughout Oakland/Berkeley that are not up to code. The local governments don't have the resources or willpower to enforce safety violations. It also underlies the Bay Area economics; people are drawn to the area with other like-minded individuals and the creative "vibe"--the reality is one of the most expensive housing markets in the country. If you're a programmer for Google or Ebay then you might be able to rent a place (with 3 other people), but as a struggling artist it's an uphill battle. And yes, someone should go to jail starting with Mr. Ion.


It's been a depressing week for news: the Brazilian soccer team crash in Colombia, the anniversary of the San Bernadino massacre and now this. Prayers to all the victims and their loved ones.

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I read that there was only one exit staircase to get down from the second floor. How many times have I seen this kind of claim made about catastrophes in private clubs? When I was younger, I often attended private clubs, but I always made a mental map of how to get out if I had to, and I would not stay in a place that had only one option.

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the amateur historian in me went looking for other fire disasters.....if interested:


worst rural fire in US history, based on deaths....same day as the Great Chicago Fire!:



worst fire in a US building, based on deaths:


Yesterday, we just crossed the 17 year anniversary of a bad fire in my neck of the woods. Lost 6 brave men that day.





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The Cocoanut Grove was a premier nightclub during the post-Prohibition 1930s and 1940s in Boston, Massachusetts. On November 28, 1942, this club was the scene of the deadliest nightclub fire in history, killing 492 people (which was 32 more than the building's authorized capacity) and injuring hundreds more. The scale of the tragedy shocked the nation and briefly replaced the events of World War II in newspaper headlines. It led to a reform of safety standards and codes across the US, and to major changes in the treatment and rehabilitation of burn victims internationally.


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The Cocoanut Grove was a premier nightclub during the post-Prohibition 1930s and 1940s in Boston, Massachusetts. On November 28, 1942, this club was the scene of the deadliest nightclub fire in history, killing 492 people (which was 32 more than the building's authorized capacity) and injuring hundreds more. The scale of the tragedy shocked the nation and briefly replaced the events of World War II in newspaper headlines. It led to a reform of safety standards and codes across the US, and to major changes in the treatment and rehabilitation of burn victims internationally.



Then there was the nightclub fire in Providence in 2003. 100 people lost their lives then. :(

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Fingers crossed:


The death toll in the massive fire at an Oakland, California, warehouse party climbed to 33 by Sunday afternoon, officials said, and the growing list of victims included teenagers as young as 17 and the son of a first responder.


The mayor of Oakland also said at a press conference Sunday afternoon that the city's district attorney had activated a criminal investigation team that was on the site of the blaze and working with law enforcement partners.


"I want to confirm that we have activated the criminal investigation team," Mayor Libby Schaaf said at the press conference. "That means that we are engaging in protocol that allows a criminal investigation to be conducted."

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I understand the desire to find who is at blame in this terrible incident, but I really feel that right now our energy is better spent asking "who needs our help" versus "who is to blame". It does appear that the owner was negligent in many ways, and that will be addressed, but it doesn't appear that this was an act of violence or intent. I'm just feel that compassion is more important than condemnation.

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Compassion for the victims, and survivors, YES!


Compassion for Mr. Ion, NO!



People who used to work for Ion tell the I-Team police and fire officials warned him about the fire hazard at the building but he reportedly laughed off those warnings.

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I understand the desire to find who is at blame in this terrible incident, but I really feel that right now our energy is better spent asking "who needs our help" versus "who is to blame". It does appear that the owner was negligent in many ways, and that will be addressed, but it doesn't appear that this was an act of violence or intent. I'm just feel that compassion is more important than condemnation.


Sorry Lance, but I disagree. I think he's a despicable human being that should be behind bars. He repeatedly ignored warnings of fire hazards. As a landlord he is responsible for the safety of those that enter that building. Even ignorance of the law is no excuse, but in this case he knew, which makes it worse. The number dead is 33 and climbing, and his comment on his facebook page is his sadness for losing his livelihood? I've been a landlord, and have owned industrial buildings. Fire safety is common sense. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure out what is right and wrong, and there is no excuse for ignoring fire officials.


In my book that is "Intent"...Until someone can show me that he acted responsibly, I will hold him responsible. Taking time to condemn him, does not diminish my level of compassion for the victims.

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More news on Derick "Derelicked" Almena. He had on average 15 tenants who paid on average $1000 each. His lease was $5000. That left him with a whopping $10,000 each month tax free. He has no excuse why he couldn't have the electricity fixed or have fire extinguishers every 10 feet.

This was a cash cow for Derelicked disguised as an artist space. No wonder the IRS is looking into this as well.

He didn't like answering questions from Matt Lauer this morning? He'll like the questions from the Alameda D.A. even less.

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There is also the building owner whose daughter told a reporter that her mother received complaints about people living in the space, but was assured by the lessor that no one lived there.




Will link the story when I'm at my computer

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More news on Derick "Derelicked" Almena. He had on average 15 tenants who paid on average $1000 each. His lease was $5000. That left him with a whopping $10,000 each month tax free. He has no excuse why he couldn't have the electricity fixed or have fire extinguishers every 10 feet.

This was a cash cow for Derelicked disguised as an artist space. No wonder the IRS is looking into this as well.

He didn't like answering questions from Matt Lauer this morning? He'll like the questions from the Alameda D.A. even less.

Yeah, he didn't sound very prepared in the interview. His main excuse was that he couldn't afford the safety upgrades because he rented out to people that couldn't afford to pay rent. They kept pressing him if he was willing to accept responsibility. I didn't hear anything other then he's very sad and very sorry.



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Does anyone know how the legal liabilities in cases like this run? Common sense would seem to hold the landlord liable for infractions of the codes. But in so many jurisdictions the interposition of code enforcement may leave the question of who is responsible murky. Say a building is clearly in violation and the code authorities have cited it, but there is a legal challenge in process. Is there a possibility of successful criminal prosecution of the owner when the code issues are still in dispute?

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Being born and raised from Oakland this has hit me pretty hard in the chest. My friends and family and I are all waiting with bated breath just hoping that nobody we know is announced as passed on. I was back home ironically this weekend for work and drove by the site and my heart sank. I think everyone wants to find someone to blame yes but I'm with the poster above that said our energy is better spent finding out who needs our help. A lot of the buildings in that area aren't up to code and the landlords are too lazy to make the necessary updates and such. It's just a very sad week for my hometown

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Does anyone know how the legal liabilities in cases like this run? Common sense would seem to hold the landlord liable for infractions of the codes. But in so many jurisdictions the interposition of code enforcement may leave the question of who is responsible murky. Say a building is clearly in violation and the code authorities have cited it, but there is a legal challenge in process. Is there a possibility of successful criminal prosecution of the owner when the code issues are still in dispute?

I would imagine that the owner would bear criminal liability (probably manslaughter), but that the brunt of the civil liability may rest with the city for not doing timely investigations and follow-ups on multiple complaints.

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Ion is a beaut, as I have said from the get-go. Local news just displayed his arrest record...


EXCLUSIVE: Self-styled 'love child of Manson, Pol Pot and Hitler' who ran site of Oakland rave inferno was heavy drug user who held sex parties and should 'be in prison' says father-in-law

  • Derick Ion Almena ran the illegal 'artist enclave' were at least 36 are known to have died in a fire on Friday night
  • The 46-year-old father-of-three and his wife would leave their children for days with teen babysitter - then boast about 'transcendent experiences'
  • His father-in-law cried as he told DailyMail.com how family had tried to help Almena's wife, Micah Allison, but that she was 'psychologically bullied'
  • Child protective services intervened to take away the couple's three young children but they were returned to them
  • Warehouse was venue for 'sex party' at New Year with children present - and one was seen handling a used condom



Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4002708/Self-styled-love-child-Manson-Pol-Pot-Hitler-ran-site-Oakland-rave-inferno-heavy-drug-user-held-sex-parties-prison-says-father-law.html#ixzz4S79mCTGn

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Does anyone know how the legal liabilities in cases like this run? Common sense would seem to hold the landlord liable for infractions of the codes. But in so many jurisdictions the interposition of code enforcement may leave the question of who is responsible murky. Say a building is clearly in violation and the code authorities have cited it, but there is a legal challenge in process. Is there a possibility of successful criminal prosecution of the owner when the code issues are still in dispute?


Most commercial leases assign the maintenance to the Tenant especially in single occupancy buildings (only 1 tenant i.e. the person on the lease and not the sub lessee's). Oakland is known for it's run down buildings so I'd bet they will be in the line of fire.. I think the primary responsibility is with the Tenant for illegal uses of the buildings. Of course, the city and the Landlord will also be sued. The City also should bear a lot of responsibility. Most landlords are well insured for this sort of thing but have the deepest pockets beside the City and are always part of the legal action regarding liabilities.


I don't think there is much of a chance for the Landlord being found guilty of manslaughter based on what's been reported so far. It's more likely that the Tenant may be guilty of manslaughter.


It's a terrible tragedy.

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I read that there was only one exit staircase to get down from the second floor. How many times have I seen this kind of claim made about catastrophes in private clubs? When I was younger, I often attended private clubs, but I always made a mental map of how to get out if I had to, and I would not stay in a place that had only one option.


Yep, same here. I always map out exits anytime I'm in a crowded place.

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