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The Forum Icon Has Changed And So Has Daddy

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I just noticed that the cute little 'construction guy' Daddy Avatar on the Forum Title Page has been changed to 'M4M Message Forum'


Did this happen recently?


Also Daddy is now @Guy Fawkes and no more cute Construction Guy Avatar.


Did these just occur? Or did they happen awhile back, and I totally missed them until now?



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I just noticed that the cute little 'construction guy' Daddy Avatar on the Forum Title Page has been changed to 'M4M Message Forum'


Did this happen recently?


Also Daddy is now @Guy Fawkes and no more cute Construction Guy Avatar.


Did these just occur? Or did they happen awhile back, and I totally missed them until now?




BTW, Gman, I love your new avatar!

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Both today. I thought you read all the posts?


~ Boomer ~


Boomer, not hardly. Do you have a link to those posts?


BTW, Gman, I love your new avatar!


Thanks,[uSER=9945]@funguy[/uSER]. My previous one will be back. I'm just giving him a deserved rest. My current avatar is the inner me as opposed to




Which is the outer me.



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I detect that Guy Fawkes is trying to de-couple his previous identity from the forum, and de-couple the forum from the review site (hence the new logo ). The two things may be unrelated. I hope that Guy Fawkes has not become aware of less than benevolent eyes monitoring the not always polite, or judicious discussions that occur in this corner of the world. I hope too that our sometimes contentious, and sometimes petty interactions do not end up driving him away. We only get to be here because of His efforts ( and those of the moderators). My life would be at a considerable loss if I did not have this place to come to.

I didn't see this thread until after I posted in the "What Gives..." But I think it is germane to this discussion too.

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Ditto! I just can't accept life without this forum. pLEASE celebrate the love and support we give each other and eschew the ego and karma machinations that bum us all out. I am a very minor voice here, but I need this forum and depend on you all. I hope I am recognized as a moderate commentator.


Please don't withdraw from the PS Weekend. I am owed some hugs, some kisses, and some whatever-else-I- can-get, and i intend to collect. Don't make me come find you! What could be better than a spring weekend in the desert? I don't know what is going on, and really don't want to know. I know I love Daddy and all of you and the usually upbeat, respectful atmosphere of this unique forum. Can't we keep it this way? I refuse to take sides in a quarrel.

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Just my 2 Cents,


Of the almost 6-7Months(Possibly) that I have been on here and Discovered this website It has Given me Hope. While I've had many great Experiences In person with Clients this FORUM has shown me a Side of Clients I really do Admire. The Posts have been Thoughtful and Mostly(If not all) Positive. Furthermore when I first came on here I mentioned my Bad Experience with a Client(Long story...Literally It was long) And was Flattered that not only did People take the time to read it but also Offer words of Encouragement and Advice. The Escorts on here have also been Very Helpful which took me by Surprise considering the assumption would be we're all Vying for the same Business/Clent.



For a "Newbie" I see this Forum as nothing but Positive.

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Just my 2 Cents,


Of the almost 6-7Months(Possibly) that I have been on here and Discovered this website It has Given me Hope. While I've had many great Experiences In person with Clients this FORUM has shown me a Side of Clients I really do Admire. The Posts have been Thoughtful and Mostly(If not all) Positive. Furthermore when I first came on here I mentioned my Bad Experience with a Client(Long story...Literally It was long) And was Flattered that not only did People take the time to read it but also Offer words of Encouragement and Advice. The Escorts on here have also been Very Helpful which took me by Surprise considering the assumption would be we're all Vying for the same Business/Clent.



For a "Newbie" I see this Forum as nothing but Positive.

That could have been written by yours truly shortly after I joined over ten years ago after having a bad experience. Yes, the long ranting post was followed by some great advice. The help and knowledge that this place has offered has indeed been mind boggling. So while both escorts and posters have come and gone much has remained the same. The place has certainly not been perfect. There is nothing that is ever perfect in life. Well, I take that back a few escorts that I have had the pleasure of discovering via this forum have been as perfect as the human existence allows!


All kidding aside, over the last few days I seriously considered abandoning the forum because of all the drama. Actually I had considered leaving even prior to the drama coming to a head. There was only so much one could take and I saw a side to many here that was not very likable and as such refused to respond in certain threads (or greatly tempered my responses) for fear of being the object of some of the venum. However, not being one to make rash decisions, I decided to hang in there. I think that there is still hope for this place. As I said there is nothing that is ever perfect in life so for the time being I'm keeping the faith...


With any luck I will have made the correct decision. I will certainly attempt to do my part to avoid any future drama and in the process treat my fellow posters with respect even if their opinions differ from mine. I think that is the key. It all boils down to respect. If we all consider that prior to posting I think that we will all have a better sandbox in which to play.


Just my 2 cents.

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That could have been written by yours truly shortly after I joined over ten years ago after having a bad experience. Yes, the long ranting post was followed by some great advice. The help and knowledge that this place has offered has indeed been mind boggling. So while both escorts and posters have come and gone much has remained the same. The place has certainly not been perfect. There is nothing that is ever perfect in life. Well, I take that back a few escorts that I have had the pleasure of discovering via this forum have been as perfect as the human existence allows!


All kidding aside, over the last few days I seriously considered abandoning the forum because of all the drama. Actually I had considered leaving even prior to the drama coming to a head. There was only so much one could take and I saw a side to many here that was not very likable and as such refused to respond in certain threads (or greatly tempered my responses) for fear of being the object of some of the venum. However, not being one to make rash decisions, I decided to hang in there. I think that there is still hope for this place. As I said there is nothing that is ever perfect in life so for the time being I'm keeping the faith...


With any luck I will have made the correct decision. I will certainly attempt to do my part to avoid any future drama and in the process treat my fellow posters with respect even if their opinions differ from mine. I think that is the key. It all boils down to respect. If we all consider that prior to posting I think that we will all have a better sandbox in which to play.


Just my 2 cents.


Perfectly stated...

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The best way to stay proactive on this forum is once you see a negative word, something you KNOW isn't going to end well, keep it moving ! Don't read into drama -- were all men here ! We should be acting like it. I know I had a slip up once, I just can't sit and let a bully use his size as intimidation, espically to another man I call my friend.


Being one of the biggest guys -- i don't think it's fair anyone is a bully. It's not in my genes, spirit or personality, and I hope after all these wonderful displays of drama we can all learn and move forward.


Learn the difference between someone who cares and someone who wants to blow hotair up your ass. I sure did.


Enough is enough, BKX will never be in the middle of any drama. No time or energy!


2016 isn't going to be ruined for me, I won't allow it.


I just hope if we do another EoY the next one actually does something good with it, instead of belittle, talk down and argue with everyone. That's some community moral we need. Not a leader, but someone whom should be setting an example. Because the example being set right now is an example NOT to fallow.


May your week be short and your weekend be long.


Longevity !!

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This song describes how I feel about Daddies. If daddy goes-- I'm going too. I can't sit around aand watch you all leave a mess and total destruction for a man who is jeprodiziing his life and freedom for US. If you all are too far up your own ass to realize it then I think Daddy should turn his back on you and so should the rest of this forum.


If someone's willing to jeprodize OUR HAPPY PLACE, I would think that we should all be taking neccicary steps to ensure we don't lose one another.


Yall laughed at me when I said "team building activity" well those guys whom did. It shows how much you want this community to thrive.


I just hope we all can do some gardening by pulling the weeds out and make our lawns look lovly again. With enough TLC I think we can all get there again.


I have faith. I hope you all do too.

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This is not just a good but imperfect place. Participating here has been and is a very fruitful learning experience to me. Thanks to you all, thanks to Daddy's devote work, I'm a wiser, happier, better person now that I was before signing in.

I really hope that the drama, although annoying, does not destroy our exchange, 95% percent productive and positive.

I understand Daddy's frustration if the drama makers were close to him. I understand His frustration if His EOY was one of them. But I hope He will overcome it and return to us, and learn from this experience. Probably we should have a different process system to elect future EOYs. We can brainstorm later about that.

The reviews have not been updated today. I'm already missing you, Daddy.

Can we have an administrator to give us a more official report on what is going on? Something less cryptic than @Guy Fawkes 's message?

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I haven't been out here extensively in the last few months given an overwhelming work schedule and crazy life - so I'm entirely in the dark as to what's been going on. All I can say is that, on any internet forum I've ever been on, despite the basic subject matter at hand, there are always ups and downs, trolls and innocent posters, those people that really value the community and the discussions and those who are only there to push their agenda. And people leave, people come back, people choose to deal with the issues in their own way. I'm hoping that whatever has been going on can be resolved and that in no way will we lose this vital forum. I would miss not only the fun conversation, but the immense info on "the biz" that both clients and escorts, newbies and veterans, have been able to freely share. I don't think I would have been nearly as confident to start hiring without having been a part of this community - it gave me the courage to go with my instincts and do it, and the assurance that what I was doing was ok to do.


I believe the only person I have ever actually met for real from our online community is Brian Kevin (and I would highly recommend meeting him if you have the inkling to do so, lol), but I owe a lot to all of you. I hope this won't end anytime soon.

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Can we have an administrator to give us a more official report on what is going on? Something less cryptic than @Guy Fawkes 's message?


Out of deference and respect to Guy Fawkes', Daddy's, and various other parties privacy, if they wanted to have given a more detailed public and official report they would have, and I'm willing to respect their wishes and try to get on with my life and participation without them having to say.


[oxford comma included]

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