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review today of Allen Silver

craigville beach
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The review posted today of Allen Silver got me to start thinking. Besides describing an event which highlights just what a class act Mr. Silver is, has anyone, escort or client, experienced any sort of similar event when together for an appointment? As many of us reach a certain age, is this more likely to happen to the client or the escort? Is the "position" one is playing a contributor to problems that may have arisen?


Mr. Silver shows what a true gentlemen he is and was with this client. But is he an exception?

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I don't know Allen Silver, but I am lucky enough to know the reviewer and call him a friend, so I was aware of this event, and of how Allen handled it, soon after it happened. I'm glad to see the experience shared. To me, it's more than a review; it's the best compliment any of us could receive, a tribute to trustworthiness and compassion, kindness and responsibility. We should all have friends as fun--and as dependable--as this.

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I don't know Allen Silver, but I am lucky enough to know the reviewer and call him a friend, so I was aware of this event, and of how Allen handled it, soon after it happened. I'm glad to see the experience shared. To me, it's more than a review; it's the best compliment any of us could receive, a tribute to trustworthiness and compassion, kindness and responsibility. We should all have friends as fun--and as dependable--as this.


+1 Sounds like a great guy.

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I originally passed over the review and didn't read it. But, this post made me read the review and I'm flabbergasted by his actions.


I sincerely hope I never have a medical emergency during a session. I can only pray that I get similar treatment by the guy that I hire. What an emotional review.

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Alan Silver did what most caring, thoughtful and responsible people would do. He is to be commended for his actions.

I do find is a bit disheartening to think that other people would have acted any differently, but the sad truth is, I know that many would have. So kudos to Mr. Silver with a heart of Gold.

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The review posted today of Allen Silver got me to start thinking. Besides describing an event which highlights just what a class act Mr. Silver is, has anyone, escort or client, experienced any sort of similar event when together for an appointment? As many of us reach a certain age, is this more likely to happen to the client or the escort? Is the "position" one is playing a contributor to problems that may have arisen?


Mr. Silver shows what a true gentlemen he is and was with this client. But is he an exception?


I agree with all the sentiments about, Allen. I was fortunate enough to meet him once.


I don't remember the details, but didn't years ago @raulgmanzo accompany a client who had some medical problem to the hospital?



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By all accounts, he is a class act. We misconnected a few months ago due to his just not seeing my email, as a potential 1st time client I just let it go. Several weeks later I received a most sincere message from him apologizing for the oversight. Made me want to see him all the more!

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I do not want to discount how decent Allan appears to be and how kind we was under the circumstances. But it is interesting that implicit in many comments in this thread is that escorts are unlikely to do the right thing when faced with similar circumstances. Do not get me wrong. I am sure there are some real jerks out there and perhaps I have been very lucky. But I suspect most of the men I have hired over the years would act as Allan did, at least to some degree. At a minimum, I hope I am not naive.

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As the reviewer may I clarify a couple of points on the circumstances of my seizure.


The review posted today of Allen Silver got me to start thinking. Besides describing an event which highlights just what a class act Mr. Silver is, has anyone, escort or client, experienced any sort of similar event when together for an appointment? As many of us reach a certain age, is this more likely to happen to the client or the escort? Is the "position" one is playing a contributor to problems that may have arisen?


Mr. Silver shows what a true gentlemen he is and was with this client. But is he an exception?


Age is certainly an issue...I am 72 years old but tough and healthy! The event occurred at 11:30 in the evening. Allen and I had returned from dinner and were lying in bed, relaxing and watching TV, so CVB's concern about playtime position doesn't come into "play" in my case, although strenuous sex is certainly a risk factor if you have heart problems. Other than a couple of G&Ts no drugs were involved either no poppers popped.


I remember nothing about the seizure and when I recovered consciousness I had no idea who I was or where. The only thing I understood was that handsome Allen was right there holding my hand. If he didn't actually save my life then in that moment he ensured my sanity!


Wow...what a great guy he is. And what a great guy is the reviewer for sharing the experience with us.


This truly is a review of Allen Silver the man.


Thank you, rvwnsd!!

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...it is interesting that implicit in many comments in this thread is that escorts are unlikely to do the right thing when faced with similar circumstances.


To my reading, the posts here are an appreciation of Allen Silver's conduct. I don't think there was any implied criticism of anyone else, although reading docred's review was certainly an opportunity for all of us--escorts, clients and anyone else--to ask ourselves if we'd handle an emergency situation as well and then, over the course of many more hours, be as good a friend.


Quoting from the review ...


I lost consciousness and the next thing I was aware of was waking up in an ER with Allen holding my hand. Allen had dialed 911, waited for the paramedics, rode with me in the ambulance to the hospital and stayed by my side until I regained consciousness. He stayed by my bed most of the night while various tests were run and finally left to go back to the hotel at dawn once I had been admitted ... 3 hours later he returned with all my valuables which had been left behind in the confusion, and stayed with me all morning until there was a plan for my discharge later that day.

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As the reviewer may I clarify a couple of points on the circumstances of my seizure.


Age is certainly an issue...I am 72 years old but tough and healthy! The event occurred at 11:30 in the evening. Allen and I had returned from dinner and were lying in bed, relaxing and watching TV, so CVB's concern about playtime position doesn't come into "play" in my case, although strenuous sex is certainly a risk factor if you have heart problems. Other than a couple of G&Ts no drugs were involved either no poppers popped.

I remember nothing about the seizure and when I recovered consciousness I had no idea who I was or where. The only thing I understood was that handsome Allen was right there holding my hand. If he didn't actually save my life then in that moment he ensured my sanity!


I do not want to discount how decent Allan appears to be and how kind we was under the circumstances. But it is interesting that implicit in many comments in this thread is that escorts are unlikely to do the right thing when faced with similar circumstances. Do not get me wrong. I am sure there are some real jerks out there and perhaps I have been very lucky. But I suspect most of the men I have hired over the years would act as Allan did, at least to some degree. At a minimum, I hope I am not naive.


To the first issue or quote: I did not think there was anything related to drug taking involved. With medical problems myself, somethings things just happen


To the second issue or quote: There are good people and "bad" people in all of society. People react differently under stress and pressure. I agree that a real professional would work with the client to get them through whatever the emergency is. But all we have to do is read a week of reviews to see there are some out there who wouldn't. Don't we all wish that society as a whole was as good as person as Mr. Silver?

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