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Escorts Who Ask Clients to Post Reviews

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I am interested in knowing how often clients have been asked by escorts to post a positive review on their behalf. I raise this issue after reviewing the 3 different reviews that were posted regarding Big Texan Massage yesterday. I have seen the Big Texan in the past and he has frequently encouraged me to write a positive review on his behalf. I am wondering whether that explains, at least in part, why he has so many positive reviews. I have never reviewed him because I didn't think there was anything out of the ordinary about him, and while I may not have agreed with some of the reviewers comments about the Big Texan, I realize that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. For example, I agree that he has a nice body, but the description of his handsome looks is a stretch as far as I am concerned. I have been to other escort/masseurs who were much more handsome and adept than the Big Texan but they never even raised the issue of a review. For example, I have hooked up with Kristian in LA and think he is one of the best in the business but he doesn't have an over abundance of reviews; although, the ones he does have are very positive and accurate. Now Kristian is a HANDSOME man and I doubt very few people would disagree with that assessment.


I also found it interesting that on http://www.massagem4m.com the Big Texan has more reviews than any other masseur in Los Angeles. . . even though he is usually listed on the last page of masseurs. I don't mean to suggest it is inappropriate to ask a client to review an escort but I really wonder how much is skews the review. I have found that one of the best ways to check out the validity of a review is to contact the reviewer directly. For example, I did this with respect to some of the reviews that KYTOP has written about 2 different escorts and after I hooked up with the escorts it was clear that KYTOP was 100% accurate in his reporting.


It was interesting to me that when asked to write a review for the Big Texan he even suggested what I should say about myself and suggested things that I should and should not say about him and our encounter. I am just interested in knowing how many other clients have had this type of an experience with or request from an escort.

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This was my initial impression and one of the reasons I stopped seeing the Big Texan altogether. He did give a great massage and was willing to do anything I wanted, including some things that I regretted having done with regard to issues of safe sex for which I accept full responsibility, but in the final analysis, I didn't think it was approriate for him to ask me to review him and it actually made me feel very uncomfortable when he would ask me "whatever happened to the review you were going to write for me."

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None of the escorts I have seen, including the few whom I found on this site, has ever asked me to write a review.


Had one of them asked me to write a review it would not have bothered me. I see nothing wrong with being asked for a testimonial by someone whose product or service one likes, and I have agreed to do that sort of thing in the past. If I were asked by an escort and if I didn't think a positive review was merited, I simply wouldn't write one.


If the escort went so far as to tell me what he thought I should write, I would tell him that I am not an advertising agency and that if he wants someone to create an ad for him he should hire someone who does that. A review that is anything other than the subjective experience of the reviewer is not a review but an ad.

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I have had escorts ask for a review if they knew I had found them from this site. The observation of several of the escorts here that their email volume goes up substantially after a review is posted explains why. No escort has ever made suggestions as far as what should be included in the review. I usually forward a copy to the escort before I submit though as a courtesy and just to make sure he has no objections to anything-no one ever has.

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When seeing escorts that I have picked from this site I never bring up where I got there information unless the escort has asked, then I tell them. Only once did an escort ask me to write a review of our time together and I did not, only because I really don't think he lived up to our meet, and it's not fair to him if I say so. It was not his fault or my fault we just didn't seem to click during our visit. One thing I have learn from this site when choosing an escort is to see who has reviewd him in the past and if I see someone that I know from the message center I kind of go by there review of the escort. If the escort has more than 70% first time reviewers I stay away from him (red flag to me), again unless I see someone I know from the message center.


Now after our visit I will bring up this site to the escort and see if he knows about it and ask him if he would like a review, if he says no I don't push it, I just don't write one.



When in doubt I whip it out:+

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I've never had a guy outright ask for a review, much less suggest what it should say. After one review, I got a lovely email from the escort thanking me but saying "I wish I'd known you were DEEJ!" :+ He wasn't expecting a review, and certainly not from me!


The last guy I hired was absolutely STELLAR, but expressed ambivalence about a review. He already has a steady string of great reviews, and says he's tapering off the business, so I didn't bother. What would I have to add? "Me too!"


Woodlawn has it right. If the reviews are to be useful, they must be honest. Anything less than honest is a disservice to both the reader and the escort. That's the bottom line.

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LovesYng you make a very interesting observation and one I had not even thought about. I tried your "1st time review red flag theory" by comparing the reviews of Big Texan Massage and Kristian. I chose these 2 men because I have seen them both and have a bases for comparison. It is interesting what I found.


KRISTIAN has a total of 29 posted reviews. 22 of the reviews are from reviewers with several documented reviews and they were not first timers. Kristian only had 7 reviews posted by 1st timers.


BIG TEXAN MASSAGE has a total of 33 posted reviews. Only 32 are really of the Big Texan because one of them is a review of an escort named Josh who lives in Kansas. 24 of the reviews are from 1st timers and there are only 3 reviews written by reviewers with documented reviews. 5 of the reviewers indicated the Big Texan was their 2nd or 3rd reviews but they did not document the identitiy of the other escorts they reviewed. 2 of the 32 reviews were written by the same person.


I am not here to bash Big Texan. I had actually seen him several times and for the most part enjoyed the sessions. While I found him less than "handsome" he had a number of other positive qualities. I guess another red flag might be hooking up with escorts who don't show their face and refuse to send you a picture although I can certainly understand why that is done from a discretion standpoint. I just got put out with the Big Texan's marketing efforts and was intereted in knowing if they were standard among other escorts. I am also trying to do everything I can to insure that in the future when I hook up with an escort we both have a positive experience.


I think LovesYng approach to choosing an escort seems to be very reasonable and I will focus more on the reviews by the tried and true of this website and forum.

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Guest houseboy

I usually tell clients to please refrain from writing a review, because I prefer writing them myself. :)


All kidding aside, I don't think I have ever asked anyone to write a review for me since I know that a lot of clients feel awkward doing so, so I would find it somewhat presumptuous if I did. Obviously many times, after an amazingly fun / intense session, I walk out thinking "please make him write a review, please make him write a review", but that's as far as my manipulation goes.


On the other side, I would hate for my clients to think that I am desperate for business OR that they are not man enough for me. It would be like telling the guy you took home from the bar last night to make sure to call all of his friends and tell them what a good lay you are in case they are interested. Tacky anyone?


Talking about tacky, it also always makes me laugh when a guy offers to write a "great review" in exchange for a discount. At the latest count, a review was worth about $250, that's more than a roundtrip from Chicago to New York. I await the day I am offered food stamps with bated breath...



Sean Lespagnol

Chicago, IL



"If you want a friend, tame me"

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Deej, that's the challenge, being able to sort out the "honest" reviews from those that are contrived, dishonest, written by the escort or one of his friends. The majority of the escorts I have seen don't even need reviews because they have well established reputations. I have been fortunate to hook up with Brogan, Kristian, Michael Brandon, Steve James, and Rod Hagen just to name a few. All of these men, with the exception of Steve James, have positive reviews by the tried and true of this website. Steve has some really positive reviews and the guy is amazing. I do intend to write a review about him in the very near future. I am going to be in NYC this March and my goal is to hook up with Rick Munroe and possibly his partner Derek... again 2 escorts who seem to have tried and true reputations. I have never tried a 3 way but it seems they would be an excellent pair to hook up with for that 1st time experience.

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What's wrong with asking for a review?


Almost all service oriented people say stuff like "if you're happy tell others; if you're not, tell me!


Isn't that what a review is? I've never been asked to write a "favorable" review--just a review, and then only from one who knew he earned it, and I don't mind the request, although I don't always do it for reasons of my own. I see no motivation or advantage for clients to write a fabricated "favorable" review. If the escort wasn't really worthwhile, then why'd we do it since we' re unlikely going back, and if we're not going back, why'd we care to curry favor?:+

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The Other Shoe Drops


This is an interesting question because it can cut in a number of ways. For example, a constant concern (and potentially, a very valid one) for clients is that an escort does not have any recent reviews, even if the escort has a number of positive ones. Some escorts are clearly soliciting reviews and others clearly are not. For example, Jason Markus has 34 reviews since March 2001. If he had been reviewed every thirty days (and Jason actually took a full year to get his first ten reviews, unlike some escorts, who frequently get their first ten reviews in a few short months), Jason would be at about 34 reviews. However, last year, over a 12 month period, his reviews appeared only 8 times over 12 months, with two concurrent reviews being uploaded twice in that period.


As another example, Mike Grey has only 31 reviews since February 2000. His first ten reviews ran within an eight month period, thus he is certainly behind on a thirty day seperation vantage point. Mike had only three reviews uploaded in 2003.


I used these two escorts simply as examples, I have met Jason Markus twice, but otherwise do not know him and have neither spoken with nor met Mike Grey. Both were reviewed since the new year, so both have recent reviews, and both are often frequently mentioned on the message center quite positively, Jason Markus far more so than Mike Grey, but Mr. Grey was an Escort of the Year finalist in 2000.


Let me provide some more examples: Jeff from Ohio has only a total of 23 reviews in four years and only three reviews were uploaded in 2003. I believe that where an escort resides and where his client base resides also is a factor in the number of reviews, including recent reviews. I know Jeff personally, he has visited me in my home and I have visited him in Columbus. We talk regularly. I know he has a very long established and loyal client base; I believe this is reflected in the number of reviews Jeff has versus the number of reviews, for example, Mr. Grey or Mr. Marcus have, both of whom are located in New York City, where their is both a far larger client base, more competition in both clients and escorts, and more tourism.


To use several other unnamed examples, there are three well known escorts, some of whom have been discussed here quite negatively, partially due to their reviews, and others who are highly regarded here. One has nearly precisely one review every thirty days and presently has 36 reviews even though he has only been listed here slightly over two and one half years. Another has a very large number of reviews; again, this high amount of nearly glowing reviews run precisely thirty days apart. Another escort also has a large number, nearly 1.75 every thirty days apart, in less than four years.


Clearly some of these escorts are asking (and, it is no big secret on this site nor among escorts, that a number of escorts do ask) that clients write positive reviews. I can think of a least a dozen clients I have met who have told me "______ escort asked me to write a review of him," including several who mentioned to me that they wish they had not, in retrospect.


Some clients may also feel, particularly if they have hired an escort frequently, that is not necessary to write reviews.


Another way that this cuts is the whole point of first time reviewers. This has been discussed a number of times on this site so I will not belabor some of those points. But clients need to take this into account when looking at reviews of escorts. As Argos pointed out, if you are going to look at an escort with a number of first time reviews, that could easily be viewed as red flag unless there were some credible reviewers in the lot. To use myself as an example, I have a number of first time reviews. Only two of my reviewers, to my knowledge, are people who could easily be determined by other users of the message center to contact or to consider as opposed to my first time reviews. A number of the clients who wrote their first review as my own went on to write reviews of other clients. While I know some escorts engage in the incestious practice of writing reviews for one another in this manner (and I can think of one flavor of the month twink from 2002 for whom this applies), at one point, every reviewer is a first timer.


Again, to use my own situation, while I have had a number of first time reviews in 2003, particularly from clients in cities I visited in 2003 as I traveled a great deal last year, I also had a fair number of reviews (including from outside Los Angeles) that were not first time reviewers.


It has been a long time since reviews have been "parsed" as they often were in the DELI when I first joined this site. In this time, Daddy and Hoo Boy have implemented a number of policies, including registering IP addresses and locations, to improve the verification of all reviews published since these changed were put in place.


As well, we also all know that there are a numbe of lurkers on this site as well as a number of clients who (sorry Garbo) have no clue of this site. Likewise, several well known posters here have admitted that they use a different handle to post on the Message Center than they do to write reviews. To use KY TOP again as an example, his reviews have shown some diversity of types, including different ages, body types and even sexual preferences, although the large number of his reviews are certainly of either versatile or bottom escorts, for obvious reasons. In this respect, someone who was a bottom looking for an top might be interested in hiring KY TOP (and I know several clients on this site who have intimated as much) as opposed to hiring even his most highly reviewed bottom.


For those clients who are into twinks, this is probably a good criteria as this comprises a fairly large number of the clients who both post on this site and review escorts. I think that clients who look beyond that specific criteria compromise the large number who might not review as frequently, might not even review at all and might not even be aware of this site.


Finally, I would like to give you another thought. Argos and LovesYng: if I hired Joe Twink and spent one hour with him, even if I had reviewed five other escorts previously, should you give my review more weight than if I had hired Joe Twink three or four times and then written a review, but only had one or no other reviews to my credit? In my own instances, as with a critic of a dining establishment, when a client has offered to write a review for me and has let me know he intended to do so, I have often requested that he wait until he had a number of experiences to review. I personally do not know that many prospective clients who are going to read all thirty of my current reviews (much less those of an escort who has 45+ or 65+ or even more).




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One escort in Los Angeles suggested -- in the middle of having sex! -- that the session we were having warranted a positive review. I don't think its necessarily wrong to talk about a possible review, but (1) the escort was assuming before the session was over that I would be satisfied with it and want to write a positive review, and (2) I would rather the escort's attention be on the sex while it's going on, rather than looking ahead to how I can help him get some good publicity.


It was an escort who I'd chosen partly because of a review I'd read here that said he was focused on the client. That wasn't the experience I had, I found him too focused on himself.

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I usually ONLY hire escorts reviewed on this site. I also make it a point to tell them when setting up an appointment that I've read their reviews. In addition, I tell them my M4M handle for reviews and the message center so they can research me. My belief is that we'll both have a better time if we know what we're getting into. ;-)


At the end of one session the escort gave me his business card. On it was the URL for his M4M reviews. (He was obviously very proud to be listed here.) In a follow-up e-mail after the session, he did ask me to write a review and indicated that he hoped that wasn't a "tacky" request. I responded by saying that I did think it was a little pushy but promised that I'd write an honest one -- which I did.


Last week I took a chance on an escort that had several reviews. All but one were from first time reviewers. That made me very nervous because I don't normally trust first time reviews. But, I had a wonderful time with him and have submitted an appropriate review. I'm hoping that my review, along with my review history, will help add to his credibility.


So far I've been very lucky to have positive experiences. But, if warranted, I wouldn't hesitate to write a less-than-positive review. However, I think it's totally inappropriate for the client to get a reduced rate for writing a positive review.

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>I am going to be in NYC

>this March and my goal is to hook up with Rick Munroe and

>possibly his partner Derek... again 2 escorts who seem to have

>tried and true reputations. I have never tried a 3 way but it

>seems they would be an excellent pair to hook up with for that

>1st time experience.


Cool...we love first-time-3-ways (and second time and...). :9

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I have hired over 50 Escorts from this site. Unless I have communicated with them in the Message Center I do not generally tell them who I am and that I write Reviews. I have had a few guys ask me if I write reviews, after they have asked me how I found out about them. I do regularly reference my Hooboy handle in Thank-you e-mails after meeting them if I had a good time.


Out of over 50 I have had about 10-15 ask me to write a Review. The first time was when I e-mailed an Escort after our meeting telling him what a great time I had. He responded with "can you put that in a review" and even gave me the link to Hooboy. I responded to him that I had already submitted one. Just recently I sent a thank you e-mail to an Escort I had seen before Christmas. Due to the Holidays he apparently did not check his e-mail and responded to me about 10 days later and asked me to write a review. I replied I already had and that he should check his reviews since it was already posted. I then had a quick followup e-mail from him saying he just realized I had already written one after he had 10 e-mails that referenced the Review that I had written.


I've never been offended by a request to write a review because that request does not change what happened between the Escort and myself. I will still strive to honestly express what happened during our time together. I've had one Escort offer me a full refund if I would not write a review after he found out I was not satisfied with my time with him. I declined his offer and wrote the review. I asked another to ask me if he could read and edit any review I might write and I also declined his request and wrote the review.


So from my experiences the request of a review is not an unusual request.

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Like One Finger, I always tell escorts that I have read their previous reviews and tell them the handle on my reviews of escorts, so they can check me out. Since it is obvious that I review every experience, positive, negative or mediocre, only a particularly obtuse escort would bother to ask me directly for a review. One recent escort did tell me that positive current reviews are very important to his business, since he operates in a limited market. A few of the best escorts have written to me after a review is posted, to thank me for it.

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Guest houseboy

RE: The Other Shoe Drops


>someone who was a bottom

>looking for an top might be interested in hiring KY TOP (and I

>know several clients on this site who have intimated as much)

>as opposed to hiring even his most highly reviewed bottom.


KY, I didn't know you were for hire. When you get back into town, can I have an overnight?



Sean Lespagnol

Chicago, IL



"If you want a friend, tame me"

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...i once told a nyc escort that i found him via this review site... over the course of our session,he was only able to get semi-erect, but i was enjoying myself anyway because he was so beautiful....he subsequently told me that just the mention of this site caused him anxiety,... seems he was concerned about his performance and the possibility that i could review him in a negative light...consequently, i am pretty careful about bringing up the word 'review'....other guys have asked for reviews, typically after i have complemented them on the session...it never seems inappropriate and i never felt uncomfortable with the request....i have also asked escorts if they wanted me to write a review to help them get some buzz and business....

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RE: The Other Shoe Drops


>>someone who was a bottom

>>looking for an top might be interested in hiring KY TOP (and


>>know several clients on this site who have intimated as


>>as opposed to hiring even his most highly reviewed bottom.



>KY, I didn't know you were for hire. When you get back into

>town, can I have an overnight?



>Sean Lespagnol

>Chicago, IL



>"If you want a friend, tame me"


OMG, this is so funny. Well, I'll have to check my schedule and please realize that there is no way I can live up to Franco's hype. Therefore, I would prefer that you not submit a review. :7

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I have MIXED Reviews about this post.


I used to ask for reviews...then I realized it turned some guys off...so I stopped...buTT, if someone says they WANT to review me...I do offer suggestions on what to say....


I tell them not to Beat around the bush...hehe


I definitely say to be detailed and downright nasty. I said make it interesting whether it is a good review or bad one. I want to get hard and excited...or terrified when I read it.


You know...he came in ripped my clothes off and picked me up and threw me on the bed...forced his hard glistening cock down my throat til he heard me gag...he then apologized and flipped me over and shoved his beautifully curved THICK cock in my hole and pounded me relentlessly. I came buckets and he stayed way over the time. It took me hours to get rid of him..he just talked and talked and talked...and that voice made me sick after awhile...it sounded like hairspray...I was relieved when he finally left.



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I would not be bothered if an escort asked me to submit a review if I had let him know that I really enjoyed our time together. What did bother me about the BIG TEXAN was his request that I use certain terms such as "handsome" or "masculine" to describe him, especially when I didn't think he was a handsome looking man. I agree he has a great body but he did not come across as being all that masculine to me. He actually is somehat of a queen and sarcastic, and while some people may enjoy that type of escort, I don't nor do I think that someone with those characteristics fall into the category of being masculine. (Now Steve James is one masculine man. WOOF!)


The BIG TEXAN also thought it was important that I described myself in desirable terms, and while that may be an ego booster, it had nothing to do with the nature of my encounters with him. Nonetheless, he seemed to pride himself on the fact that the majority of his clients were very good looking men.


I realize now more than ever what a positive review does for an escort's potential business and it is clear to me that I was being asked by the BIG TEXAN to be nothing much more than a free advertisement for his services. I also thought the repeated, at least 5, reminders to submit the review was entirely inappropriate and unprofessional.

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RE: The Other Shoe Drops


I am one of those "first time reviewers" and I can understand how that is a red flag to some on this board. There are other escorts I could post a review for but have chosen not to. One escort asked me not to post a review as he keeps his client base very limited and is not interested in the limelight. He is a great escort and found in an AOL chatroom. Another escort I hired was just nothing to write home about. We both enjoyed the time together, but it was just a case of no chemistry together. In my mind that does not justify a review, for it would not give any assistance to others who might be interested in his services. All of his other reviews are positive and had the missing element that we were not able to bring together.

I do not have the luxury nor desire to travel all over the country for business & pleasure and given the opportunity to experience many escorts from other places. So as for now, I will stay with my local base of escorts and when I do feel compelled to write another review of a different escort, I will find it troubling to know that my words will have greater weight simply because I will then have two reviews posted. I know there are others like me on here who's word is as good as gold, just weeding them out can be challenging.

One review - can't be true ??

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